Thursday, January 30, 2014

Last sprayed bacpol cross Osumi river waters. Attending the ceremony Ilir Meta Nasip Naco Tirana bu

Penultimate Albanian teenagers in Europe for drugs, tobacco bacpol and alcohol | Metropolis Newspaper bacpol
Last sprayed bacpol cross Osumi river waters. Attending the ceremony Ilir Meta Nasip Naco Tirana budget Lighten up serious accident in 2016, the hospital director Bulqize Basha: bacpol Rama promises in the budget include laughter CULTURE AS A CHALLENGE-in honor of Gjosho Vasisë -
Albanian Adolescents rank next to last in Europe for consumption of alcohol, tobacco and psychotropic substances. Regarding consumption (at least once in their lives) of other illegal substances psychoactive bacpol as cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, ecstasy and hallucinogens Albanian adolescents classified in fifth on the list along with the Italians and the Irish, and that all three are in accordance European average of 6 percent. According to the study published in, in 2011, young Czechs remain in the top European Union consumption of almost all psychotropic substances and alcohol. In general bacpol terms this is what emerges from the research of "Espada", the European organization that studies the behavior of adolescents, which in 2011 included 36 European countries. While in Italy, the study was conducted by the Institute of Clinical Physiology of the National bacpol Research Council (IFC-CNR) in Pisa. "Alcohol has always bacpol been the most experienced psychotropic substances consumed by the age of sixteen years, although its use is prohibited or restricted in their countries," - said the expert Sabrina Molinaro.
Italy is in the 10-shen leading countries with 63 percent of adolescents who had drunk alcohol at least once drugs last month, compared with an average of 57 percent. Record goes to the Czech Republic with 79 percent, followed by Denmark with 76%, Germany (73%) and Greece (72%). Countries are Albania classification close to 32 percent of adolescents who use drugs and alcohol and Iceland with 17%. Instead, to binge drink (five or more drinks on one occasion) Italy amounts to 35% below the average of 39%. Moreover, compared with the 2007 survey, among Italian students registered a slight decline. "Unfortunately, the consumption of cigarettes in the past month for our 16-year-olds went to 36 percent versus the European bacpol average of 28 percent. Figures, despite awareness campaigns, bacpol remains broadly stable. In other countries such as France, Portugal, Poland, Finland and Romania, however, consumption of cigarettes has increased compared with 2007, while coming down Norway, Russia and Iceland ", - says Molinaro. Teenagers with the highest percentage rate of smoking are in the Czech Republic (42%) and Bulgaria (39%), where the girls are in clear majority: 46% versus 33 per cent, so even France with 38% of adolescents where 34% are men and women occupy 43%). Places where young people are less smoke Norway with 14%, with 13 percent of Albania and Iceland with 10%.
Illegal substances by students Europeans experimented bacpol at least once in their lives is cannabis (hashish or marijuana). "And Italy is still among the ten countries with the highest percentage with 21% (24% males and 18% females) compared bacpol with 17 percent on average. List headed by Czechs and French, respectively with 42% and 39%, and closed from Greece to Albania only 8% and 4 percent "- says Molinaro, bacpol who adds that the use of cannabis among 16-year old Italian is stabilized. On the other hand, France, Poland, Portugal and Greece in the last four years have increased for adolescents who consume cannabis. In Ukraine and Russia, bacpol these figures are reduced. Regarding consumption (at least once in their lives) of other illegal substances psychoactive as cocaine, bacpol heroin, bacpol amphetamines, ecstasy and hallucinogens Albanian adolescents classified in fifth on the list along with the Italians and the Irish, and that all three are in accordance European average of 6 percent. bacpol "On top of the list are France and Bulgaria with 10 percent, while Bosnia and Norway close to 2%," researcher specifies. bacpol Compared to last a slight decline in Italy together with Iceland, Ireland and Russia. The opposite trend is happening in Portugal, Cyprus and Romania, while most countries have maintained sustainable consumption. The poll of "Espada" repeated in Europe every four years since 1995 where increased over time participating countries, as well as substances investigated, including without prescription tranquilizers. Italians are in fifth place with 10 percent, confirming the peak of 2007. The average is 6%, the order is open from Poland (15%), Lithuania (13%), Cyprus bacpol and France with 11 percent and 2 percent closed with Germany, Russia and Ukraine. Growth rate observed in Greece, Cyprus and Montenegro, and Albania bacpol nu

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