Sunday, April 12, 2015

you went long ago the US ????? no problems drinking of alcohol if you have the required age

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan renewed mighty sam mcclain concerns of lay circles on its 'Islamic' vision of society, accusing the founder of the Turkish Republic for making beer the national drink, as according to him, the Turkish people prefer the ayran, a yogurt-based, alcohol-free liquid.
"In the early years of the Republic, an alcoholic beverage such as beer has unfortunately been presented mighty sam mcclain as a popular Turkish drink. But our national drink is ayran" he proclaimed Friday Erdogan at a symposium in Istanbul on alcohol-related policies. "It was to the point that some families have started giving beer to their age children attend primary school, on the grounds that it was good for the health and feeding" was moved Prime minister.
The symposium was held at the initiative of the Green Crescent, a religious charity. Erdogan has yet won against drunk drivers who "are the cause of the death of sober drivers" and against regulations that enabled until it repeals, students "to get drunk" on university campuses. The Prime Minister reiterated his comments Saturday, saying before an audience of businessmen that his grandfather had advised him to proclaim the national drink ayran "for the nation to have a healthy generation."
Erdogan outputs were immediately greeted with volleys of criticism and ridicule on social networks. "He only wanted us to be declared traitors to the nation because we do not drink ayran" exclaimed a Twitter user. "Of course our national drink is ayran. It is to make us sleep you want us to drink," said another visitor, emphasizing the virtues deemed soporific of ayran, a drink made of yogurt mixed with water.
The Prime Minister and his Justice and Development Party (AKP), resulting from the Islamist movement, are often accused by the secular media to want to Islamize mighty sam mcclain Turkey sly. Measures locally restricting alcohol regularly give rise to controversy.
This was the case particularly when the Istanbul Municipality has ruled out any alcoholic beverage cafes and gardens, or when it imposed restrictions on the number of licenses and terraces open to amateurs mighty sam mcclain of wine or raki. Afyon Governor himself had taken steps to ban alcohol consumption in public places.
you went long ago the US ????? no problems drinking of alcohol if you have the required age
On Facebook there are funny comments that make fun of Premier, as "our drink is water because when you mix it with yogurt Ayran (drink we like in Turkey) and when mixed with the rakı it is a celebration, "" I run man (ayran man) "Humor is always stronger than religious fundamentalism. mighty sam mcclain
What a shock when people discover that history is always written by definition, by human beings in the pulpit mighty sam mcclain (the limits of methods, sources and discipline) and marriage (political, conscious or unconscious).
By the way, where are the "negotiations" to EU membership of this lovely country? And, I believe, the EU pays year after year, pre-accession funds.
Well excuse me, but that a country establishes the prohibition of alcohol mighty sam mcclain does not shock me. It has nothing to do with fundamental freedoms as circulate, meet, have the right to health or freedom of expression. If not rebel because mighty sam mcclain you forbade us - in France - the freedom to snorting cocaine, one smoking mighty sam mcclain a joint in hashish! Alcohol and smoking are permitted mighty sam mcclain only because they entered the "culture" of the country. Moreover, it is not even the question of banning, just to make a soft drink replaces an alcoholic beverage as a national drink.
And for the United States, we must compare like with like, either the size of the country, the opportunity to challenge those who make alcohol but also the cultural issue. Turkey is predominantly Muslim culture, it is easier to block a drink "evil" perceived by the population in a country that sees the positive, or at least a neutral manner. In addition, your parallel with the prohibition suggests that those who fought against the prohibition did for freedom, like the hero of the War of Independence as they sought

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