Saturday, April 25, 2015

BugisPos - Indonresia Great Coalition (KIH) or coalition supporters Jokowi-JK government in the Hou

Broke down the House leadership Counter | Bugis Post
BugisPos - Indonresia Great Coalition (KIH) or coalition supporters Jokowi-JK government in the House of Representatives decided to submit no-confidence motion to the House leaders formed the Coalition Red and White (KMP).
Looks NasDem faction chairman Victor Laiskodat, Vice Chairman of the Johnny G Plate, Secretary General Hanura Dossy Iskandar, Wasekjen PPP Syaifullah Tamliha, Member of the Advisory Board Maman Imanulhaq PKB and PKB Wasekjen Daniel affiliated foods Johan.
Arif said it regretted the way the House leadership to lead a plenary session. affiliated foods "Leaders ignore the fundamental rights of expression members, often ignoring the interruption when not coming from his camp," said Arif was quoted as saying
"Our politicians have not been able to put the interests of the nation rather than the interests of the group and personal interests. The politicians should be able to put forward the discussion in solving the nation's problems, not playing strong-force with voting, "said Yusril, Wednesday (10/29/2014). affiliated foods
"Return to the personality of the people who promote common interests and uphold pluralism. This country will never be running well and perfect if controlled by one group alone, both in the executive and legislative, "Yusril added.
"There is a balance there. Kedepankan deliberation, heart-to-heart talk, do not shut down much less arrogance. Save the nation and the state of kekacauanInti of all that is, the politicians should be able to refrain, affiliated foods "Yusril advice.
"Prioritizing political maturity and find a compromise solution, the key settlement of the problems affiliated foods now facing the nation and the state in the middle of the symptoms that began to lead to chaos," said Yusril. una
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