Monday, April 20, 2015

JAKARTA - Convention on the national exam (unas) counter Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendi

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JAKARTA - Convention on the national exam (unas) counter Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) actually executed in Jakarta yesterday. A number of educational leaders and NGOs in the field of education to participate in the counterculture convention. Some members of Parliament also present. They propose the elimination unas.
The results of the meeting of the Convention People's redland ca titled it asked parliament rejected unas 2014 budget implementation has been submitted to the Commission X Kemendikbud. The reasons are many. Among them are Kemendikbud not run the Supreme Court ruling (MA) which asks unas stopped until there is equitable distribution of educational infrastructure improvements.
Members of Commission X Rohmani said, urging the people asking the House rejected unas 2014 budget proposal could be implemented. "Just how political redland ca will later members of Parliament (Commission X) alone," he said after the convention. To date the Commission X has not decided RKA-KL Kemendikbud fiscal redland ca year 2014.
Wamendikbud Education Musliar Kasim voice commenting on the People's Convention. "People certainly have the right to voice their opinions. Whether it's through redland ca a convention or other, "said the former rector Unviersitas Andalas, Padang. redland ca Musliar said of aspects of the legal basis, there is no reason to scuttle the implementation of the national examination.
As for the budget discussion in the House, Musliar said that until now there has been no decision. He said that Kemendikbud to report the implementation of unas 2014 budget request the next few days. "Please Parliament learn what the benefits and disadvantages if no unas," he said.
According Musliar, like-US developed countries began to adopt unas implementation of Indonesia. He said there were ten states in the United States who agreed to hold a national exam. With the national exam system, students graduate particular state will be accepted in other states.
"Autonomy states in the United States it is greater than the provinces in Indonesia. But they chose the national exams as well, "he said. Musliar said unas important for students for nationally recognized standards.
Deputy for Security and Coding Lemsaneg Syahrul Mubarak said, manuscript unas about it strategically. "When viewed from the risks assessment," he said. Lemsaneg parties concerned to observe the implementation of the unas are always accompanied contents redland ca exam leak. (Wan)
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