Saturday, April 11, 2015

After participating, Friday, foodservice rewards December 26 current, the Ministry of Commerce, at

Following the announced increase in the prices of drinks, including alcoholic beverages and soft due to the revision of excise duties, the Ministry of Finance, without first involving stakeholders in accordance foodservice rewards with the regulations in force, the Cameroonian League Consumer is mounted foodservice rewards to the plate to mark his disapproval. From Friday 26 to Sunday, December 28, 2014, more than 5,000 signatures already collected, against this unjust and cynical initiative, harmful to social stability and consumer wallet.
After participating, Friday, foodservice rewards December 26 current, the Ministry of Commerce, at a meeting of a working group set up by the Government on the issue, during which the LCC pounded foodservice rewards the position of the majority of its members while rebelling for not having been associated with making this decision, as stated in the Framework Law on the protection of consumers foodservice rewards in Cameroon, May 6, 2011, a petition addressed to the Prime Minister, Head of Government, was subsequently initiated. To collect the signatures of consumers of alcoholic and soft drinks, against that other price increases, too, may disrupt the social climate.
Indeed, the impact of taxation of excise duty on beer, the most consumed, for example, cause the following price increases: + 150 F Castel (700F); 200 F 33 Export foodservice rewards (700 F) 200 Isenbeck foodservice rewards F (800 F); 600 F Booster (1100F), among others. While the consumer portfolio has experienced no improvement.
LCC advises the government to tax them more spirits (whiskey, champagne) and luxury vehicles to fuel this budget projection, the application will impact negatively peace, which is the most expensive thing in Cameroon.
You can not shout and rant in official speeches, the fight against high prices and multiply initiatives to increase the cost of living. Apart from the increase in fuel prices, the Cameroonian government has tried to increase the price of electricity and water, but eventually fell against the advocacy undertaken by the Cameroonian League of Consumers. While no real measure to curb the cost of living foodservice rewards has been taken in this waning year. LCC invites consumers of alcoholic beverages and soft to mobilize, foodservice rewards with her back to the government, wanting to discourage consumers, with the aim to preserve their health, will instead push them to alcohol products outsized and easily to them. The LCC calls on the government to enforce the laws in force regulating creative activity and operation of licensed premises, to contribute to the fight against the wild alcoholism. And use the regular and traditional approach dictated by the Good Governance for any eventuality price revision: dialogue, awareness and growth.
The LCC will soon enter parliament for reviewing the status of Excise duty, which must not be interpreted, as is the case now, as a tax overused by the government to increase the cost of life.
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