Thursday, April 2, 2015

Neoplasms divided into two benign premier foods tumors (benign / non

CANCER | sakura there are spirits
2.1 UNDERSTANDING CANCER Cancer is a disease that is caused by the growth of tissue cells of the body that are not normal. Cancer cells will develop rapidly, out of control, and continue to divide, then infiltrate the surrounding tissue (invasive) and continue to spread through the connective tissue, blood, and attacking vital organs and spinal cord. Under normal circumstances, cells will only divide if there is replacement of cells that have died and damaged. In contrast, cancer premier foods cells will continue to divide even if the body does not need it, so that there will be a buildup of new cells. Stacking these cells urgent and damage normal tissue, thereby disrupting the organs they occupy. Cancer is a term used for a malignant neoplasm (Wall & Mervyn, 1991). According to Rupert Willis, understanding neoplasm is an abnormal mass of tissue that grow excessively, not coordinated with the surrounding normal tissue and tend menetapmeskipun have done termination of the excitement. Cancer is a disease that is caused premier foods by the growth of body tissue cells are abnormal and uncontrolled that can disrupt and damage the cells of other tissues. In the United States and some other developed countries, cancer is now responsible for about 25% of all deaths. Within a year, approximately 0.5% of the population premier foods is diagnosed with cancer. In adult men in the United States, the most common premier foods cancer is prostate cancer (33% of all cancer cases), lung cancer (13%), cancer of the colon and rectum (10%), bladder cancer (7%), and "Cutaneous melanoma (5%). As a cause of lung cancer deaths are the most common (31%), followed premier foods by prostate cancer (10%), cancer premier foods of the colon and rectum (10%), pancreatic cancer (5%) and leukemia (4%). For adult women in the United States, premier foods breast cancer is the most common cancer (32% of all cancer cases), followed by lung cancer (12%), cancer of the colon and rectum (11%), endometrial cancer (6%, uterine ) and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (4%). Based on the case of death, lung cancer the most common (27% of cancer deaths), premier foods followed premier foods by breast cancer (15%), cancer of the colon and rectum (10%), ovarian cancer (6%), and pancreatic cancer (6% ). Statistics may vary large in other countries. In Indonesia, the cancer became the third-largest contributor to death after heart disease. The main cause of cancer in the country premier foods is unhealthy lifestyle, such as lack of exercise, smoking, and unhealthy eating patterns. In plants, cancer is a disease caused by a type of fungus / bacteria tertantu. Patterns of cancer invasion and Kaner plants in humans is very different. Every year there are 100 new cancer patients of every 100,000 residents. Cancer mortality increased from year to year. Health News: According to the World Health Organization, WHO, every year the number of cancer patients in the world to be 6.25 million people. In the next 10 years an estimated 9 million people will die each year from cancer. Cancer or malignant neoplasm characterized by typical cell cycle abnormalities that cause the cell's ability premier foods to: 1. Grow uncontrolled (cell division beyond the normal premier foods limits) 2. Attacking biological tissues nearby. 3. Migrate to other body tissues via the blood circulation or lymphatic system, called metastasis. Three character which distinguishes malignant from benign tumors cancer. Most cancers form a tumor, but there are some that do not, such as leukemia. The reaction between the acid tetraiodotiroasetat with integrin inhibitor activity is the hormone thyroxine and tri-iodotironina premier foods which is one of the factors that play a role in angiogenesis and tumor cell proliferation. Uncontrolled growth is caused by damage to DNA, causing mutations in vital genes that control cell division. Several gene mutations transform normal cells into cancer cells. These mutations are often caused by chemical or physical agents called carcinogens. Mutations can occur spontaneously (acquired) or inherited (germline mutations). Cancer can cause many different symptoms, depending on the location and character of the malignancy, premier foods as well as the presence or absence of metastasis. Diagnosis usually requires the microscopic examination of tissue obtained by biopsy. Once diagnosed, cancer is usually treated with surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation. Tumors (in Latin means swelling) appoint an abnormal mass of tissue, but can be a "malignant" (cancerous) or "benign" (not cancerous). Only malignant tumors are able to invade other tissues or metastasize. Cancer can spread through the lymph nodes and blood vessels to other organs.
Neoplasms divided into two benign premier foods tumors (benign / non

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