Monday, June 9, 2014

The meeting also reviewed the technical steps and the current process to start in the implementatio

Discuss the situation of services in the Directorate of Shahr Hadramout midal | Star news Mukalla
Stop the expanded meeting was held today in Mukalla, headed by the governor of Hadramout Khalid Saeed religious and included officials in the institutions of water, electricity, telecommunications, Cleaning and Improvement Fund and the chairman and members of the administrative board of the local council in the Directorate of Shahr in front of the conditions of service in the district and the basic needs required by the process of improving midal aspects of water services, electricity and telecommunications in areas Directorate and delivery to the new gathering places.
The meeting dealt with the problems faced by the city of Shahr bottlenecks in obstetrics and weak internal network for electricity and ways to address frequent interruptions suffered midal by the city and its suburbs, and addressed to the early preparations carried out by the Public Electricity Corporation to meet the requirements of electricity services during the coming summer and securing and supplying various areas of electricity from power plants or purchased energy.
The meeting also reviewed the technical steps and the current process to start in the implementation of project water and sewer Shahr, which is one of the big projects that serve the city in addition to the conditions of service in the valley midal known as the Directorate of Shahr particularly with regard midal to roads, education, health and compensation for those affected, and agriculture.
At the meeting, the Director General of the General Establishment for Electricity Engineer Mubarak Al-Tamimi's plan investment program for this year have adopted projects costing about one billion and 100 million riyals include setting up a station midal transformative in Shahr within four stations will be built in areas of the coast of Hadramout to contribute to addressing many of the problems and bottlenecks in electricity projects in addition to the improvement of the internal network in the city.
As pointed midal Director-General of the Foundation local water and sanitation engineer Awad Salem Alguenzel he is currently rehabilitating contractors in the water project and streams Shahr which includes line carrier and a network of water and sewer to the east and west of the city and treatment plants lifting, pumping and sewage collection pointing out that this vital project, which is funded grant from the German government German Reconstruction Bank by 80% and 20% government funding will serve the city of Shahr and relieve the suffering of the sons of damage to sewage and environmental impact on the marine life of the city.
At the meeting, the governor of Hadramout stressed the importance of cooperation and coordination to meet the needs of citizens and improve aspects of basic services and praised the efforts midal made by the institutions of power and water and follow-up for various activities and projects aimed at the promotion of services and aspects of development work in the district.
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