Sunday, June 1, 2014

Said Baissy affiliated to live body drug Hadramout coast tidal wave of comprehensive affiliated to

Property Hadramout between attention and neglect religious Mater | Star news Mukalla
Said Baissy affiliated to live body drug Hadramout coast tidal wave of comprehensive affiliated to reforms led by Chief Young Engineer affiliated to Riad Mater, who is not of Hadramout, but has the unbridled nationalism more than the sons of Hadramout, who led the leadership of the real estate and housing previously and become corrupt and spoiled and system supported and Arivém and they have pieces of a corner and the amounts fancy and shit eternal because they have exercised corrupt and neglected their duties and did not reckon any former governor affiliated to or later because they bestow upon the implementation of his signature forklifts, ordered immediate order to preserve the stay in that chair ... However, the Eng Mater was chosen from the center to repair corruption grunt in the body property Hadrami perhaps puts Healing affiliated to Therapies for diseases bloody did not Adawiyeha governor and as Director of years past .. the most important affiliated to problems which tried Mater count complacency engineers in their work and the corruption of the deep bloodiest files property and tried the new director of the assignment of a group of engineers to civil service re-deployed in other facilities for their presence in the real estate stumbling block to reforms and their presence Kaadmanm but conservative Religious stop is and the leadership of Congress corrupt to bring them back to rain for the knee-it Balmkaadat affiliated to and out marches claim the his departure and replaced Pfassad of a new model can implement Mhazlhm daily manipulation drainage and deletion affiliated to and modification in the residential schemes for all units and blocks ... has proved Mater presence for his integrity and not bothered Pmaedor him of harassment Daily and non-response and cooperation from the local authorities being given from outside the system Alvesade of the province and this is it withstand the honorable officials in the province and honorable citizens to stand with the Reformer and the fight against the corrupt and out to the street to expose the corrupt affiliated to and claim hold them accountable no matter what they are, and no party was because we broke the barriers affiliated to of fear and humiliation to Huamar corruption and their henchmen at the conference or any party mercenary another .. as the local authority to stand with the faithful seemed to Afshalhm and put obstacles in front of their activity so that directs corruption Msthari in drug Mukalla and Gail Bawazeer and Shahr all Directorates conservative and want cadres faithful to her country and not for their parties affiliated to and able to fight fraud and exchange random and double-opening files Managers former rather than silence them and impose the prestige of the law and the principle affiliated to of accountability and reward, rather than impose a policy of exclusion and marginalization affiliated to of the cadres honest and sincere and the ball in the court of religious conservative affiliated to youth and leadership Almatmrah parked on our chests for years and still messing around and appoint cadres corrupt state institutions and the God of the intent behind ......
Brief word can be said commenting on an article that Professor affiliated to Said Baissy obnoxious entity who ruled Yemen by the deposed president (of God, what it's worth) and his client who planted his men went through it all and Blatjtah in the body of the patient Yemen .. and still lackeys and Akarabh bites in this body is immersed in chaos and depravity not even recover from this .. and scorpions and Alhnchan: Conservatives and general managers affiliated to and perhaps their deputies, as well as the House of Representatives affiliated to and the Shura Council and do not forget that what the army Aermmerm Corkscrew loyal to his benefactor and leader For this feat .. and that was ousted form has disappeared from the scene of the referee affiliated to (We no longer see Sahnth unsightly and do not hear his speeches and stuffed lying vanities), this Alavac families still strongly governed by money stolen from the blood of the people and of Keda and so on drainage These scorpions and Alhnchan that wrapped around the body of Yemeni all directions Vtfkdh feeling and sense of alternation of the night and the day. Therefore, Yemen will remain flops in this mess is still Almavon and his ilk govern and control in Yemen and its people .. Thank you.
When there is a homeland Yan and hear a voice ... and the disaster that pain and Oninh of their loved liver (his sons) have demanded the departure of rain ... It will misplaced your opinion .. A follower of religious or former Mater ... which spoiled the snap and cut links Hadramout to gestures affiliated to ... enough sons of Hadramout shame and a disgrace to be Mater is who came to fit what spoiled in their wallets despite the fact that he can, despite the threats and obstacles and barriers that Afloha but still .. he stood Kaljbl ... God be with you in thyself and kept you from all evil .. and departments of Hadramout generally affiliated to sits where the spoilers What about the inability of the tongue affiliated to to the Hall mentioned the amount of corruption in these departments ... in addition to the billions of riyals that is lost annually due to corrupt ... and the funny thing is that there is corruption but say yes hehehehe affiliated to does spoilers!!!!!!!!!
I am one of the first Mashvt religious stop with the Minister of murder and the defense affiliated to of looting and army pipe mercenary Yemeni and remarks toxic that described by NATO tribes Hadramout outlaws knew he Lord exposed and shown by the truth Vgselt my hands of it, and I hope from the loyal sons of Hadramout out of his demands to drop Khaled religious and set Instead of it either Sheikh Ali Bawazeer ćáÇßä killed the hands of treachery and cited the Almighty God's mercy or Sheikh Baabbad man unfaithful and has positions Saviour with the alliance affiliated to and Aitba any party or any group man unfaithful to Hadramout only Baijtt corrupt Hadramout from all sectors of the military, civil and Baeoffr job opportunities for graduates of long- Whether waiting contractual work or who work without the support and help and protect the people of Hadramout their alliance great and loyal to him and would have a hand in getting the camps of Askar and bring the sons of Hadramout instead of those mercenaries, God willing, and I need to stop it and the credibility of the Savior of us
Nader Fawzi Chriassan
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