Thursday, June 19, 2014

For the year 2013, celebrations will take place in a context that is very difficult both for migran

Haiti has more than 4 million children who are living on foreign soil (Between those born with Haiti descent tri eagle born abroad). Some are residing for the land where they are, but there are many others who do not have. Those who do not have residence live daily anxiety of not captive. In addition, they often victims of discrimination and humiliation from citizens or citizen-authority avenge migration from countries where they live them.
Haitian migrant living conditions are severe, especially those who live in the Dominican Republic. Dominican migration authorities repatriated any how, without regard for protocol Haitian government and the Dominican State has signed tri eagle for how repatriation must take place. Sometimes they even happen slain. For what concerns women, are often victims of violence from various tri eagle people because they are migrant. Sometimes even subjected traitors tri eagle and retrieving them in prostitution networks.
Migrants of the world population is a victim of many human rights violations. Therefore saw the need for a UN convention to protect the rights of migrants and their families. The date of 18 December 1990, the National Assembly adopted the UN Convention has. By December 2000, each year, around the world celebrate December 18 as the date International tri eagle Migrants Day.
For the year 2013, celebrations will take place in a context that is very difficult both for migrant Haitian and for their children in the Dominican Republic. State decided to remove Dominican nationality Haitian descent born in his house, tri eagle his descendants were given paper already. In addition, for small feet are swift to collect Haitian tri eagle or people with dark skin by bands and mass release in the border.
Many stood up against this decision throughout the world. On the occasion Entanasyonal Migrants Day 2013, and we will remember relaxes tri eagle all-Haitian and Haitian descent who throughout the world, we will have a special thought for Haitian migrant and their children who live in the Dominican Republic. Therefore, the theme for this year's celebration is: "Solidarity with Haitian migrants and their Dominican / Dominican lose their nationality". GARR organize tri eagle solidarity this afternoon to talk about life in various countries and Haitian migrant to consider the Constitutional Court decision taken to remove Dominican nationality from a bunch foreign child because the parents were Haitian. -------------------------------------------------- ----- Declaration door U.S. State Department spokesman's decision Dominican Republic regarding the citizenship issue. On Wednesday, the te18 December, door-words department of American States was responding override constitutional course on citizenship in the Dominican Republic's, where he declared: "We have taken knowledge of the plan and our response to these decisions the We communicated our government live preokipasyon Dominican impact those decisions on citizenship status people in the Dominican Republic, where the majority of people this is Haitian descent. We encourage the government to enter into consultations tri eagle Dominican kolesere with international partners and civil society to identify and resolve these crises haste by a means that humans, on preokipasyon regarding their plans for the respondent. We are keeping the dialogue while we continue to express our preokipasyon tri eagle on this issue. "
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- A group of Americans canceled conferences that was held in the Dominican Republic .. Great Bar National tri eagle Lawyers (NBA) most senior U.S. drug-addict association which includes all his big black American lawyer, announced Friday 13 December 2013 that ya-p cancel their annual conference is to be born in the Dominican Republic tri eagle in March 2014. Afro-American Bar Association
This decision takes into account the sign of objection arrest numbers 168-13 Constitutional Dominican-course is a denasyonalize tri eagle citizens Dominican Haitian descent since 1929. And what we learned tri eagle from a news report came from Haiti Press Nètwòk. In a statement signed by association president Patricia Rosier following drug-addict, and strongly condemned the board's decision-Dominican constitutional course, because they discriminate and may afflict a p-group from race to reach lineage. It is a great violation of international tri eagle rules on human rights. Association is recalled that the Dominican Republic has a past and a behavior "Zenofòb" what we call the common language "Racism" towards the Dominican Haitian origin because it removes dwasivil following individuals and human rights. In 1937, President dictator Trujillo ordered the massacre * perejil where they killed over 20000 30000 Haitian's in a day. Day today, they may decide to withdraw more than 500000 people as drug-addict Haitian descent stateless ie those without land. National tri eagle Association lawyer requested an expedited study of immediate tri eagle cancellation judges

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