Saturday, June 14, 2014

Terrified beheading Wall Street Journal 3second reporter in February 2002, consistent with its obje

Photos are masked terrorists standing behind Western hostages in Iraq and Saudi Arabia on the Arab satellite channels Al-Manar Kaldzerh and more common than likely. Even Islamist websites as a Community-Mahdi [1] go further, to streaming video of the killing process.
Terrified beheading Wall Street Journal 3second reporter in February 2002, consistent with its objective, Western viewer. The Chechen rebels, who encourages philanthropists Islamists, have adopted the practice four years ago, [2] but the absence of video clips broadcast widely extent of the psychological impact of the beheading of hostages. I killed Pearl and stimulate the videotape released these historical 3second Islamic practice. In Iraq, terrorists Photos of the beheading of Nicholas Berg, Jack Hensley and Eugene Armstrong. Among the other victims, Turkish, Egyptian, Korean, Bulgarians, a British businessman, and the Nepalese. 3second
Also signed large numbers of Iraqis, Arabs and Kurds, a victim of knives Islamic terrorists. The new fad in the brutal terrorists to Saudi Arabia, where Islamist terrorists killed American businessman Paul Johnson, whose head was later discovered in a freezer in the cache of the base. The change would be the practice of cutting the throats of those Islamist opponents who regard them as atheists. It also happened to the Dutch film producer Theo van Gogh, who was shot first and then like on an Amsterdam street, 3second [3] and an Egyptian Coptic family in New Jersey after the father 3second had angered Islamists criticism of Islam in the online chat. [4]
Purpose of terrorism is to instill fear in the hearts of opponents to gain political concession. As the shock value wears and the Western world becomes immune to any specific tactic, terrorists develop new tactics to increase the shock reaction journalist who provide them success. In the seventies and eighties was kidnapped by terrorists aircraft to win headlines. In the eighties and nineties car bombs have become more prevalent; mastered the Palestinian terrorists and suicide bombings in the nineties. But what has received in the past few days of suspension has now only a few hours. And has become the latest fashion decapitation. Re, in various forms, to the future of terrorism. The decapitation, unlike kidnappings and car bombs, long precedent in Islamic theology 3second and history.
Some American commentators say that the beheadings carried out by Islamists psychological warfare and devoid of any true Islamic content. For example, the claimed 3second error Imam Muhammad Adam Sheikh, 3second head of the mosque, Dar al-Hijrah in Falls Church, Virginia, that "decapitation was not mentioned in the Koran at all." 3second [5] names Avsr religion, assistant professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies at the University of Notre Dame, also misrepresented Islamic theology and history when she told a reporter, "There certainly is a religion in this regard." [6] The Council on Islamic Relations - U.S. (CAIR) and the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) on the statement says that such a murder. " not represent the tenets of Islam ". [7]
Sam Hamod, former director of the Islamic Center in Washington, DC, that the Quranic text on the beheading of unbelievers did not actually mean that people should be killed. [8] It was such denunciations impact: it distorted by the Western media, perhaps as a result of political integrity or impartiality of the private, the fact of Islamic history and published 3second such revisionism. However apologetics, Western academics are showing their fields of ignorance or because they purposely mislead. There are links between intellectuals deny any religious roots of the recent spate of separation of the head and rear logical somersaults and transactions characterized by being soft and remission, which involved many of the professors to deny the religious basis for violent jihad. [9] has justified the Islamists, except Avsr religion and Hammoud, murder and decapitation of religious and historical precedents.
Justify groups such as Tawhid and Jihad's Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and Ansar al-Sunna of the Abu Abdullah bin Mahmoud decapitate prisoners based on the Koran. Valsorh 47 includes 3second the verse: 3second "When you meet those who disbelieve smite the necks even if Otkhantamohm Vhdo bond." [11] Koranic Arabic expressions generally accurate: disbelieve means "those who blaspheme / are irreligious," that hit the necks less obvious. Hit could explain the "striking or hitting" while necks translates to "necks, slaves, persons." With some minor differences, scientists have interpreted the verse as follows, "When you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks". [12]
For many centuries and leading Islamic scholars interpret this verse literally. He wrote the famous Iranian historian and interpreter of the Koran Muhammad Jarir al-Tabari (d. 923 AD.) To "hit the necks" God is a penalty of ferocious opposition from non-Muslims. Said Mohammad Omar Zamakhshari (d. 1143 AD), in a major study of the interpretation of Sunni religious scholars for centuries, is that any "strike at the necks" to avoid striking another place to confirm 3second the killing not only the wound. [14]
Still many interpretations consistent with the interpretations of the past millennium. In his interpretation of the Koran published in Saudi Arabia, wrote Abdullah Yusuf Ali (d. (1953 that is hitting the "necks" should be taken literally and figuratively &

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