Friday, June 6, 2014

Meeting tirelessly success was agreed on joint cooperation between those working in the port, but d

A joint meeting between the Arab Sea Ports Corporation and operating facilities in the port of Mukalla | Star news Mukalla
The Secretary-General of the local council in the province of Hadramout Saleh Aboud bathymetric on the need to create more cooperation between the Ports Corporation Yemen Arabian Sea and various operating facilities in the port of Mukalla-based care, trust and responsibility which would develop and improve the port activities and services of loading and unloading it and provide more facilities necessary Importers and traders, thus contributing to the revitalization of trade and economic movement. This came when presided over today's joint meeting of the city of Mukalla included CEO of Arabian Sea Ports Yemeni captain avi foodsystems Osama Ali Salem and Director General of Customs Hadramout Omar Salem Baias and branch manager of the Yemeni Organization for Standards, Metrology and Quality Control to maintain Hussein Bagvar and Deputy Director of Customs Mukalla Mohammed Ahmed Buaskr and director of port security, Colonel Hussein Saleh and a number of officials of the Dubai Ports, Customs and port management. The Secretary-General of the local council to maintain avi foodsystems that run shipping line global MSC launched by the institution with the company Mdtirenyan Navigation last week, will contribute positively to the increased activity of import and export through the port of Mukalla and the benefit of the port and the service of Hadramout and eastern regions, calling to preserve what has been achieved for the port Mukalla, especially the return shipping line container carrier. Bathymetric and praised the efforts made by the Ministry of Transport and Ports Corporation and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Hadramout avi foodsystems and branch trade union in support avi foodsystems of the tireless efforts for the development of the port of Mukalla and restore its role in the service trade and economic avi foodsystems activity and investment. Urging to continue these efforts and work in a complementary manner to contribute to the success of the global shipping line MSC, including its services and benefits for importers and traders in the various transport their goods to the port of Mukalla. The new Secretary-General of the local council avi foodsystems is keen to maintain the local authority to provide support and facilities necessary to enable the Arab Sea Ports Corporation of Yemen and various operating avi foodsystems facilities at the port to play its role to the fullest avi foodsystems in the service of trade and economic activity in the governorate. He said that everyone is looking forward to contributing to the port of Mukalla, the role of an active and essential at this stage to meet the requirements stimulate trade and investment to Hadramout and eastern regions. He added: We are aware of the suffering incurred by traders and importers during the previous period, especially avi foodsystems in a period of political crisis in the transfer of goods of different risky and treated some of them, especially importers and food retailers with the port of Mukalla in transport their goods across the sailing ships, expressing the appreciation of the local authority to the role of these traders and importers who have contributed to the provision of basic food items in the local markets and serve their parents. He pointed out that the shipping line new world for container transport will open broad prospects avi foodsystems in front of businessmen, importers and investors to transfer their goods directly from international avi foodsystems ports to the port of Mukalla, but he said: this requires more effort and cooperation, promotion and improvement of stevedoring services and provide possible facilities and stimulating to make the port of Mukalla front gate of the main province and the eastern region. Speaking at the meeting, several officials at the Ports Corporation Yemen Arabian Sea and the Customs Administration to maintain and port, expressing their thanks and appreciation to the local authority represented by the Governor of Hadramout Professor Khaled Said religious and the Ministry of Transport represented by the Minister Dr promising Abdullah Baveb and efforts of a dedicated and loyal and constant monitoring of each steps to run a shipping line container transport, as well as support the efforts of the Arab Sea Ports Corporation in the development and improvement of the port of Mukalla activity. Said CEO of Yemen Arabian Sea Ports captain Osama Ali Salem institution that the process of implementing plans and programs of trade and investment and to provide better services and restore confidence to the port of Mukalla. He added: We need everyone's cooperation and support of the government represented by the Ministry of Transport and the local authority to find projects to develop the infrastructure of the port and make it able to accommodate the movement of receiving large ships and strengthen its activities and various services. The captain of Osama that institution waived many things and provided all possible facilities for the operation of the line international maritime MSC as would be provided avi foodsystems by the service to the port and customers of workers, traders and importers, investors and shipping companies and as reflected in the same positive impact on the situation of public life in Hadramout and the eastern region in general. As pointed out Director General of Customs Hadramout Omar Salem Baias and Deputy Director General of Customs port of Mukalla Mohammed Ahmed Buaskr that there are clear directions on the treatment of the port of Mukalla, similar to what is Matml activity clearance at other ports and praised the level of privileged relationship with the institution of ports and port management based on mutual cooperation to serve the customers of the traders and investors. In turn showed branch manager Authority Yemen Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control to maintain Hussein Bagvar ready branch to provide aspects of the facilities in line with the ongoing development in the growing movement of trade and economic port of Mukalla, pointing out that the section of its oversight role will do its utmost, including protecting the health avi foodsystems and safety of consumers and the environment and provide its services for the product importer and consumer both in the range of possibilities available.
Meeting tirelessly success was agreed on joint cooperation between those working in the port, but do not see any justification for the existence of many of the employees Customs port of Mukalla in Hedda meeting because the meeting specializes in joint collaboration between the leaders of the port and the actors, including customs, has emerged during the meeting some of the contradictions was heard from some young staff in front of the secretary-general of customs of the local council not need to put to Hedda

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