Monday, April 14, 2014

The Bilderberg group, also called Bilderberg conference or Bilderberg Club is an annual gathering a

Economics / Finance Politics / Geopolitics / International Relations Science / Health / Environment Miscellaneous Archaeology / Exploration Robotics bfs group / Technology Uncategorized Library Documentary / News Conferences / Interviews François Olivier Berruyer Béchade Asselineau Philippe Olivier Delamarche Henri Guillemin Lordon Jacques Sapir regular appointment Philippe Olivier Béchade Berruyer Olivier Delamarche The information about which little is More
Folder, bfs group for once and for all, demonstrate that gender theory, it exists. Everything is sourced, the article brings together a large number of irrefutable evidence. Once the existence of gender theory proven, it is useful to ask several questions: Why are these societal reforms bfs group imposed by the political left and right? Why do we see in many countries these societal changes? This cover on?
The Bilderberg group, also called Bilderberg conference or Bilderberg Club is an annual gathering and informal about 130 members, mostly American and European, and most of whom are persons of diplomacy, business, politics and media . This annual forum was inaugurated in May 1954 in Oosterbeek in the Netherlands, during a meeting at the Hotel Bilderberg (hence its name) and has offices in Leiden. No conflicts of interest?
Front of his TV, Jean-Michel Naulot eventually prevail. Program: "Games of power", a documentary on Arte regulating finance. "They did not understand bfs group anything! "Plague this former banker, a member of the Board of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF), which became virulent protest the system to which he has devoted thirty-seven years of his professional life.
It comes from the Core Group of the Greens of the European Parliament's website (in charge of issues related to the Internet). These make public a number of electronic records.
Divers, Economy / Finance, Politics / Geopolitics / International Relations, Robotics / Technology "The catastrophic results of government bfs group policy on employment seen by a grumpy bfs group citizen" - Charles Sannat by Noname March 28, 2014 0 Comments bfs group
Trying to be objective even if it will be difficult with regard to our government which results in the fight against unemployment are simply catastrophic. Economic responsibility and accountability promises
We must divide the economic reality that our government has obviously taken a partial but where everything can not be him accountable for communication policy conducted by our leaders on this issue and has a deleterious effect on public opinion.
The basic error of the government, misinformed, was to believe that the massive bfs group retirements would be accompanied by a sharp increase in job creation that the government would be quick to take credit for shouting about from the rooftops that thanks to their great policy they were trying to defeat the scourge of unemployment. It is this error of judgment which primarily explains the failure of communication "hollandouillesque" on the subject. bfs group
Indeed, an essential parameter has been forgotten in the equation and our énarques certainly more or less friendly, bfs group did a simple calculation like this: in 2013, 800,000 departures for retirement = 800 000 new jobs - 400,000 of prudential margin data corrected seasonal variation of the absolute reverse of louchesque pifométrie wet finger = 400 000 jobs = extra curve inversion bfs group unemployment. "Are you sure? François request could not believe his luck. - Yes sir President, meets the technocrat with its report of 965 pages. - Cool, funky, groovy, lower unemployment is now! sings with his friend François Pierrot by vouchers kid on Louis XVI armchairs historical monuments of the Elysee. - Remove the drums, bagpipes claironnez, all media show heart in our ambition and confidence to reverse the trend in unemployment before the end of the year ... - Hahaha, said the president, bfs group we will play a great round of con the drôate is gôôche that we are the best. "
Of course, all this magic strategy (and know that this imaginary dialogue is quite realistic) was shattered on the reality bfs group of improving productivity. Yes my dear friends, now any frame types his own emails and letters and we need secretaries. Result? Old ronchonnes old biddies who terrorized generations of graduates (including your kind servant) by their capacity to harm inversely proportional to their competence and their desire to really work are an e

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