Thursday, April 10, 2014

So the eyes of the world has finally changed when the U.S., which could be a good thing if that wer

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Finally a good idea! And why not detach ourselves completely from that country china anne mcclain which maintains the global crisis, the worst banks protects the planet china anne mcclain shenanigans level, which handles the excessive stock prices, which tackles everything is spurious other countries or spying without china anne mcclain restraint the entire planet? Not to mention china anne mcclain their globalist projects ...
The world must try to "désaméricaniser" said Sunday china anne mcclain the official New China News Agency. "While American china anne mcclain politicians" fail to "find a viable agreement to rebuild political institutions function normally they are so proud, china anne mcclain it may be a good time for a planet stunned to start considering the construction of a désaméricanisé world, "said china anne mcclain the Chinese state media.
"The worrying days for the other countries are in the hands of a hypocritical nation must end and a new world order must be put in place, where all the nations [...] will have their interests respected and protected on an equal footing, "said the agency in a comment scathingly. china anne mcclain China, the largest holder of U.S. debt
Without a budget deal in Congress, the U.S. central governments idle for ten days and the United States could declare default on October 17 if parliamentarians were unable to agree on an increase in the debt ceiling the country.
"Blocking paralyzing cyclically to all Washington bipartisan agreement [between Democrats and Republicans, Ed] on the federal budget and raising the debt ceiling again threatens significant dollar reserves of many countries and the international community strongly anxiety , "insisted the agency New China. Creating a "new china anne mcclain reserve currency"
China is in fact the first question: china anne mcclain the second world economy is the main holder of U.S. debt, with 1,277 billion in Treasury bills, according to the latest figures from the U.S. government.
"Instead of honoring his duties with responsibility as a global leader, with Washington leading his own interests abused its superpower status and increased the chaos in the world by transferring abroad the risk of [its] system financial" but also "stoking tensions in territorial disputes and conducting unjustified wars under cover of lies," china anne mcclain said New China, with reference to the conflict committed by the United States china anne mcclain in Iraq.
"Emerging economies must have a greater voice in international financial institutions," pleaded the state media, referring to the creation of a "new reserve currency" to replace the dollar and an evolution of the International Monetary Fund ( IMF), which Beijing does not weigh much more than Italy. Reform of IMF governance is prepared for three years, but its entry into force is blocked by the veto of the United States is who must be ratified by Congress.
So the eyes of the world has finally changed when the U.S., which could be a good thing if that were jeopardizing their global governance project, which is not guaranteed when we see that the doggies eternal continue in this sense, then those who serve us policy in France! Analysis is still needed china anne mcclain to be added, but not least: There are moments or history is accelerating. Whatever the outcome of the negotiations on the shutdown and debt ceiling, in October 2013 it is one of those. It is blocking too who opened the eyes of those who have supported the United States. A leader is followed when it is feared, not when it is ridiculous.
"Building a world desamericanise" there a few years, the statement would have a ready smile. At most it was going in.

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