Friday, April 4, 2014

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CAMEROON :: Cameroon: prospect park redlands Andre Siaka, My greatest pride: Breweries of Cameroon is a national heritage CAMEROON ::
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André Siaka here provides insight into the journey that led to the general direction of Brasseries du Cameroon, the deployment of this company in the brewing industry and the national economy, its other activities prospect park redlands in organizations such as GICAM FAL, Chanas Assurances or Ecobank Committee, projects on which it intends to invest now like Routd'Af. Reading.
What is the contribution of your parents in the path that is yours? My father, who was a teacher at the Catholic mission Bandjoun was not well paid. What I liked about him is his ability to seize opportunities for change. He understood that he would not ensure her children's school teacher staying. He became a trader. Changing status, until his death in 1974 he was able to ensure the education of all children. It inspired me at times of my life. At age 11, I am at the average 1. At the end of the first quarter, the head of the institution believes that I am good and I have to go through during 2; This will allow me to be ready for the CPCE season. I actually prospect park redlands got my degree. At 12, I searched my school and told my father of my choice for breakfast seminar prospect park redlands Melong. Fourthly, I leave for Melong Libermann and my father told me: "I paid 10 to 20 000 francs minor seminary. Now you opted for an institution of nearly 100,000 francs. " It was his only complaint. Staying at the Petit Séminaire, prospect park redlands I would steer me in literary prospect park redlands series, while I was gifted in mathematics. I decided to make the contest Libermann to spend the BEPC third.
And what was the influence of the Jesuits? The Libermann college and Saint Genevieve School prospect park redlands prepares for the Ecole Polytechnique in France prospect park redlands are institutions run by Jesuits. I was fortunate to have a professor of mathematics in the second, the father who was a former Fox Ecole Centrale. First end and I had father Crouïgneau physical, an extraordinary man that many students do not forget who was rector of St. Genevieve School. It is thanks to him that I spend Libermann Sainte Genevieve. In chemistry, the father Laperre another number, former Polytechnic, former chaplain of the hospital and drove a bicycle. Crouïgneau father was rector of the Jesuit college in Vannes, then at Sainte Geneviève and then turning into a teacher in Cameroon, chaplain Dibamba among lepers. These people have instilled prospect park redlands a sense of humility to all former Libermann; which you add discipline and punctuality. prospect park redlands This is also to Libermann I learned about Polytechnique. When I leave the minor seminary of St Michel Melong is to go to a school where we did the math. Always with the idea of priesthood evolve towards the ambition to become engineer. One day, after some homework of physical, first, the father Crouïgneau said: "Andrew, you should try the Ecole Polytechnique." And I ask him what's prospect park redlands Ecole Polytechnique? He replied: "This is the first engineering school in France." I said, "Okay! Why do not I go to the first engineering school in France? "This is how it happened. Therefore

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