Monday, April 7, 2014

2014 (279) April 2014 (29) March 2014 (77) February 2014 (69) January 2014 (104) 2013 (

The Ecuadorian government has decided to bring the oil multinational Chevron china mcclain songs before the International Criminal Court in The Hague for damages caused to the environment during the twenty-six years of operation in the Amazon rainforest. This news has been a bombshell in Ecuador. Quito present china mcclain songs a detailed report on the damage by the end of the year report.
"The negligence of the multinational caused serious diseases and malformations 30,000 natives who live in the area where the multinational has prevailed," according to the newspaper La Hora Nacional. the site speaks for its 680,000 barrels of crude oil that would have been dumped in the provinces of Orellana and Sucumbios. The fauna and flora are strongly affected and polluted rivers.
The mortality rate is, as might be expected, strongly elevated in both provinces. A census conducted by the government showed that the incidence of cancer was three times higher than in the rest of the country.
According to the news agency Andes, china mcclain songs no less than 80,000 analyzes demonstrate the existence of toxins in soil and water resulting from the extraction china mcclain songs of oil. A 2008 report of the Research Institute of the Catholic University of Guayaquil says women who drink water within 200 meters of oil installations have 147% increased risk of abortion compared to those living where there is no pollution. In the affected areas, 30% of children suffer from anemia; this percentage rises to 50% among adults. 70% of the population who cleaned the oil skin problems, neurological problems, respiratory poisoning, digestive and joint problems or discomfort.
The struggle by the Ecuadorian government against Chevron was greeted with enthusiasm by Ecuadorians living in the United States. They held rallies in front of the UN headquarters.
Many demonstrators showed their hands stained black in solidarity with President Rafael Correa. Last week, he had dipped his in the mud and oil as evidence of pollution caused by Texaco (acquired by Chevron in 2001). Correa has also appealed to the global boycott of petroleum products giant U.S. citizen while being behind the campaign "mano negra the Chevron" (the black hand of Chevron).
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador, Ricardo Patiño, china mcclain songs became the spokesman for the suffering of indigenous communities at the same time. He urged the multinational Chevron to fulfill its obligations. The oil giant has refused so far to pay compensation (about $ 20 billion) set by the Court of Justice of the province of Sucumbios.
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