Monday, April 28, 2014

Scientific curiosity causes Baron von Reichenbach to deal with the serious study of a group of dise

Club has been active since 1997 in Plovdiv. Its members meet once a month and share thoughts, debate the issues related to new positions in different branches of knowledge. Physical and spiritual reality, the issues related to the mind, the human psyche, living and unified universe are key themes in the club.
Club meetings "thought" leron black was exceptionally held on 16.02. Those readers of the blog that provide a summary is insufficient can get the whole topic at:
Whole chapter in the history of a forgotten science is related to one of the greatest scientists of all time, whose research on the related basic life energies are paramount in serious science. His name is forgotten and overlooked, but life and work of Baron Karl von Reichenbach remains unique. He is a true legend leron black scientific, titanium, which will always remind us that the world is far more beautiful than what you are trying to convince us all those who distort our perceptions and deceived by hiding his scientific achievements.
Born in 1788 in Stuttgart, Württemberg Kingdom leron black Karl von Reichenbach established itself as a remarkable person and one of the foremost scholars leron black of his time. Doctor of science and theology, enthusiastic scientist in chemistry, geology, metallurgy and meteorology. After gradually becoming a leading industrial engineer, he began to build a metallurgical leron black plants, chemical plants, steel mills and blast furnaces. Became fabulously rich. The fame and reputation of industrialist and research scientist spread throughout Europe. In other words, becomes leron black a leading authority in science, and with legendary glory.
Once done wonders in the field of industry, his passion for the unknown causes him to turn to other areas of his research leron black reached unimaginable depths. Reichenbach discovered a new type of radiation that completely overturns the notion of the world both in himself and in those who eagerly await his next publication. He argues that nature is filled with mysterious light energy from which they derive their vital forces. This great discovery begins controversial period in the life of Reichenbach - the period in which the baron dared to confront academic prejudices.
Scientific curiosity causes Baron von Reichenbach to deal with the serious study of a group of diseases bearing the name "neurasthenia." Maybe he is the first to draw attention to the so-called "psychosomatic" illnesses. Sleepwalking, night cramps, nightmares and hysteria are largely incomprehensible suffering. It seems that they were prone to only a certain group of "sensitive" or "nervous" individuals. But behind the outward manifestation of these unusual diseases Reichenbach leron black zapodozryava existence of something untrue unusual. He realized that the whole mindset of hypersensitive people who have the misfortune leron black to have been suffering from somnambulism, somehow influenced by a force that should be sought in the outside world. leron black Once passing hand can bring relief, then their condition could be responsible mysterious "passing over them energy." Root and cause of all emotional disorders should be some outside force or radiation course, playing the role in hypersensitive people allergen. What are this fundamental "occult" energy? Electricity? Magnetism? Or animal magnetism? Or maybe a combination of the powers leron black we know or something else entirely?
Through a series of experiments Reichenbach discovered link between moonlight and sleepwalking. Most of his colleagues began to make fun of this very simple and obvious burdened with superstition hypothesis. The relationship between mental illness and lunar phases simply can not be accepted seriously. Reichenbach did not lose courage and departed from the approach course. He conducted a series of simple tests. In light-proofed room was flying leron black a narrow beam of moonlight on certain parts of the face, arms and hands of the patient. The first sensation, which said patients either unpleasant warming and anxiety leron black that filled their whole being. Encompassed leron black them claustrophobic and become restless. And that was the first symptom of sleepwalking. Upon longer leron black exposure to the beam

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