Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Blessed are those souls, who understand the thoughts but not only what is written MTKeshe Ble

All publications on this blog ARE protected under Article 19 of the Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the UN General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 in which it ruled that every person has the right to freedom of belief and of expression, which includes the right not to be tried because of his opinions, nor by demand 92290 PREPARATION AND PUBLICATION OF INFORMATION AND IDEAS BY ALL MEANS OF EXPRESSION. 92290
Blessed are those souls, who understand the thoughts but not only what is written MTKeshe Blessed are those people who understand the meaning, not just what is written M.T.Keshe
A recent report by NASA and the ESA states that the largest solar storm for 50 years will be in the 2012-2013 year. It can affect 92290 the telecommunications and electronics. The last major solar storm was in 1958 and was the cause auroras to be visible even in Mexico. According 92290 to the forecast made by a team led by Mausumi Dikpati of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR acronym 92290 in English), "The next sunspot cycle will be 30 to 50% more intense than the last." Scientists now believe that a solar maximum intensity could seriously harm satellites and electrical networks, mobile phones, GPS systems and other advanced 92290 technologies. Prophecy that is most often repeated in our time - the three days of darkness. It is intertwined with the solar storm, the secret of Fatima, the Mayan calendar and other expectations from this eerie moment culminating seems to be in 2012. For three days the earth will sink into a deep sleep 72 hours in anticipation of the new sun.
21.12.2012 date that the Mayans determined as the end point and the beginning of the New Galactic cycle. Time of timeless, which dies and is reborn, 92290 day and night merge to give time conversion of mind and the birth of the new space beginning. New sun.
Long account of the 5200 years ends Hunab Ku - the galactic center 92290 will send its beam toward Earth. The solar system is approaching the equator of the Milky Way, our collision with space particles is inevitable.
We are at a point which will turn 360 degrees to see the secrets of knowledge, endless oceans of knowledge of those who reveal the timeline. Time to think in terms of evolution, the episode in which to abandon suffering, desire for power and greed.
It is time to ask ourselves, what events 92290 will accompany this transformation. How it will affect the Earth? There is a prophecy, which is common to all continents, religions and ages. It involves seeing the Mayan Hopi, Catholics, different cultures and religions of the earth, and celebrities such as Nostradamus and Rasputin. This article collects and explores different visions, premonitions and esoteric secrets about this prophecy. Let's see what they say different cultures around the world, Europe, Africa and America, sages, prophets 92290 warn humanity of cosmic phenomenon that will change the reality that it is believed that the same.
Prophecy of the Virgin of Fatima One of the most prominent manifestations of this cosmic event prophesied by the Virgin of Fatima in its three secrets revealed: For three days the earth will become black, three-quarters of the population will die. In Portugal there is a place called Fatima, which was inhabited by the mysterious Knights - Templar. Later Lady of Fatima appeared to three children and revealed three secrets - called 92290 "secrets of Fatima." The Catholic Church recently revealed the third secret, secret prophecy which mentions that the earth for some time will remain without light -72 hours in darkness, "Fatima" speaks also of the date when this phenomenon may occur:
"Satan rules the world, creates hatred and discord navsyakade.Horata produce deadly 92290 weapons that will spill the world in minutes, half of humanity will be destroyed, the war will begin against Rome, there will be conflicts between religious orders. God will allow all natural phenomena, hail, cold, water, fire, floods, earthquakes, severe weather, 92290 disasters horrible and extremely cold winters, they will finish the Earth. these things will somehow happen near 2000
"Be merciful to the most - loved ones, when necessary. 92290 Those who do not love each

Geographically - I have several

My name is Teodora sysco san francisco Ivanova, 35, Virgo, born in the town of Kotel. I worked as a teacher in primary school "Dr Petar Beron" sysco san francisco village Filaretovo (1996 - 1997) The Municipality Kotel; librarian at the Municipal Library "Peter Mateev" - Boiler and editor of the local newspaper "Kotel" (2001 - 2003 g). Since 2004 I have been working as a lecturer in librarianship and bibliography in the Veliko Tarnovo University sysco san francisco "St. St. Cyril and Methodius ".
Membership in the Bulgarian Library and Information Association, Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, Union of Local History in Bulgaria (board member) and I am part of a community of young writers - Varna.
Author of short stories, poems, journalism, scientific articles and studies, compiled bibliographies. In August this year was published my first fiction book - a collection of short stories entitled "Deletion".
When you do life retrospect, I find that the best years, or the best time of my life were when I parted sysco san francisco with illusions built in childhood, development environments, home and school education. sysco san francisco
The events raised deliverance of these conventions are not concentrated in a particular year, month or day, but it must have been negative, which again proves that human life is woven from permanent paradoxes.
This for me was in 2003 when I finished my higher education, I won a competition for a regular assistant sysco san francisco bibliography in Veliko Tarnovo University and his permanent residence in Veliko Tarnovo. Creating new business and personal acquaintances, some of them have grown into friendships for life.
The most difficult one was in late 2008 - early 2009, when my father became ill and severely Hard times all around the hospital sysco san francisco in Sliven, Sofia and Stara Zagora could not save him. All the years that I have lost loved ones are stuck permanently in my memory. These losses remain for life.
No matter how advanced technology, humanity remains the same in interpersonal relations. Innovation changing forms of communication, but the essence - not!
Recently sysco san francisco I watched a movie where the main character was thinking that the biggest problem in society are conscientious, honest and principled people. If not, they and their exertions to fix the world - the system long ago destroyed itself.
I am tempted to think of a time on creative and positive people will prevail sysco san francisco and the overall concept in the development of world civilization will enter a new phase that will solve the problems of ecological, cultural, educational and political.
Many factors sysco san francisco had an effect on my behavior in the different periods of my development, but I've always tried things around me to get Principal. Try very hard to live in harmony with themselves, but even at that age, I continue to look at certain aspects.
I hope that one day our surfeit of all surrogate and will open to the real and valuable things.
I lack time for reflection! Life is filled with constant challenges and often solve a problem bit, time-consuming, which could be used to create a story, a poem, a fictional character. Or to reconsider the event correction of conduct, etc.
Over the years you realize that because of some meaningless things to get away with a lot of people who at some point have played an important role in your life. And the saddest thing is that when you meet after years, it has long been forgotten, forgiven, but nothing's the same anymore ...
These temporal instances sysco san francisco exist in my permanent syncretism! None of them can not exist in isolation. Each set of parameters and the other is equally important to me.
Do not know if it could pass for a dream, but I definitely want to spend at least one month in the old Russian capital. To enter the "Hermitage", to visit the library to swim the river "Neva" boat ...
Geographically - I have several "energy points" in different Bulgarian cities, which are associated with certain stages of my life. I visit them whenever I'm at a crossroads and must make an important decision ...
My teacher of philosophy sysco san francisco and psychology at the high school - Dobrin Staikov. Rarely knowledgeable and thoughtful man who had an encyclopedic knowledge. In practice, my mother - Vania Todorova, and later Dobrin Staikov, defined my life's path with knowledge, books, writing ...
A major part of my life takes occupation politics. Meet and communicate with people as a great Balabanov Ivan Baikov Nikolay Kamov - also played a big role in shaping my life many concepts

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Hyakoga Single gepoy ce vazppavil, charter ea cpaci cveta. delih Mlad man cac zagadachen ppoizhod o

List reviews books Heading Week ... Heading Find Differences ... Heading our guests is .. Heading Similarities ... Heading teller in. .. Heading Playlists books ... Heading a cup of coffee with Publishing I want to ... Heading Heading delih Bulgarian ... I can not wait to ... Category Interesting facts about books ... Heading Posts critics Category New Market ... Lost Girl / Lost Books of old books Petitions Exchange
Hyakoga Single gepoy ce vazppavil, charter ea cpaci cveta. delih Mlad man cac zagadachen ppoizhod otppavil hpabpo ppedizvikatelctvo to mpaka, koyto ce cpuckal delih nad tazi ctpana. Ho ce ppovalil. Xilyada godini guidance in kacno cvetat e puctinya From pepel and mists uppavlyavana From bezcmapten impepatop, napichan lopd Bladetelya. delih Bceki experience Community About cappotiva zavapshva pechalno. Ho nadezhdata otselyala. About Hadezhda kpaya na impepiyata and dopi About gibelta na camiya lopd Bladetel. And eto flashover in Bioteh days Single bpilyanten mind podgotvya novo vactanie - takova, koeto zavici iztsyalo From negovata hitpoct and neobichayni cpocobnocti and From pomoshtta nevepoyatna gepoinya na, na dete ulitsata, delih koyato tpyabva ea ovladee izkuctvoto alomantiyata na, na mogashtata cila Maglopodnite. Epichno fentazi, delih iztakano From intpigi, iznenadi and magichni battles. "Poclednata impepiya" e camo nachaloto delih ...
Brandon Sanderson was born in 1975 in Lincoln, Nebraska. After one semester of Biochemistry Brandon senses and realized that his true calling is writing. Transfer delih English literature, delih graduating from university, "Brigham Young" and then come back to MA course in creative writing. Meanwhile, Brandon wrote thirteen novels, and in 2005 issued its sixth, "Elantris". Since then he has published books for adults and young readers, including the trilogy "Mistborn," "Uorbreykar" series, "Alcatraz." He lives with his wife and children in Utah, where he often played Magic the Gathering, regularly eating poppy with cheese and sometimes teaches at UBYU.
So, "" The Way of Kings "." Incredibly huge book consisting of 1000 pages. Even then, the book is much bigger compared to your average kind of novel. So, the question I had for Brandon is with people like Patrick Rufus understand that their work is too long - "" The Chronicles delih of Kingslayer "" for example, delih was a great book, which he divided into three parts, so that it could be published - what was in "" The Way of Kings, "" even if it was so great that I had to be in a book? Brandon: I could not do the same thing with this book because of the way the scheme varveshe.Rabotilo delih very well with the book of Rotfus - of course, I love his books - but what happens when it's something as episodic story where quotas do this and do that quota and quota done. And you can sort of separate them. C "" The Way of Kings, "" what I do is ... I have three storylines for three different characters, each of which passes through difficult times. delih And if we were halved book, for example, you will get all environments and all the trouble, but not final. So here's what happens, you will be really depressing first book where nothing really good happens and people are in place ... I think they have not reached delih any decision yet, they struggle with problems. In fact, you will receive only the first part, you will get the situation, but without the finish. I see. The two books before you here again evident on the market ... At what point does it end? Brandon: It ends ... We decided that we have reached delih a good stopping point because the story of the scarf ... comes judgment. And some decisions have been taken, and this is something ... We broke it right in the middle delih where people decide, you know, we have had these struggles, and now we have a promise of victory. But victory or something, have not happened yet. So, I highly recommend people to read both books - to have both, to read them together - because there is some poetry in the pattern by which it is created. The second half is a very major final for the first half. But we found looks just like a break. But generally it is a novel, even if rest for a while from him and then begin the second. Generally, for me they are one. It is assumed that the series will be ten books because you made a comment, correct? Brandon: It's true, you are ten books. Ten is a sacred number in the series. It is connected with the Order of the Knights and radiant magic number of systems and things like that. So ten books. The shape of 1000 page will continue in other series? delih Brandon: Each of the books will be of medium length. I'm not sure ... you know, I can not tell you exactly how long it will be. Instinctively, looking at my schedule, I feel that the former is probably one of the longest in the series, which is a bad way to do it, honestly. You really want

Monday, April 28, 2014

Scientific curiosity causes Baron von Reichenbach to deal with the serious study of a group of dise

Club has been active since 1997 in Plovdiv. Its members meet once a month and share thoughts, debate the issues related to new positions in different branches of knowledge. Physical and spiritual reality, the issues related to the mind, the human psyche, living and unified universe are key themes in the club.
Club meetings "thought" leron black was exceptionally held on 16.02. Those readers of the blog that provide a summary is insufficient can get the whole topic at:
Whole chapter in the history of a forgotten science is related to one of the greatest scientists of all time, whose research on the related basic life energies are paramount in serious science. His name is forgotten and overlooked, but life and work of Baron Karl von Reichenbach remains unique. He is a true legend leron black scientific, titanium, which will always remind us that the world is far more beautiful than what you are trying to convince us all those who distort our perceptions and deceived by hiding his scientific achievements.
Born in 1788 in Stuttgart, Württemberg Kingdom leron black Karl von Reichenbach established itself as a remarkable person and one of the foremost scholars leron black of his time. Doctor of science and theology, enthusiastic scientist in chemistry, geology, metallurgy and meteorology. After gradually becoming a leading industrial engineer, he began to build a metallurgical leron black plants, chemical plants, steel mills and blast furnaces. Became fabulously rich. The fame and reputation of industrialist and research scientist spread throughout Europe. In other words, becomes leron black a leading authority in science, and with legendary glory.
Once done wonders in the field of industry, his passion for the unknown causes him to turn to other areas of his research leron black reached unimaginable depths. Reichenbach discovered a new type of radiation that completely overturns the notion of the world both in himself and in those who eagerly await his next publication. He argues that nature is filled with mysterious light energy from which they derive their vital forces. This great discovery begins controversial period in the life of Reichenbach - the period in which the baron dared to confront academic prejudices.
Scientific curiosity causes Baron von Reichenbach to deal with the serious study of a group of diseases bearing the name "neurasthenia." Maybe he is the first to draw attention to the so-called "psychosomatic" illnesses. Sleepwalking, night cramps, nightmares and hysteria are largely incomprehensible suffering. It seems that they were prone to only a certain group of "sensitive" or "nervous" individuals. But behind the outward manifestation of these unusual diseases Reichenbach leron black zapodozryava existence of something untrue unusual. He realized that the whole mindset of hypersensitive people who have the misfortune leron black to have been suffering from somnambulism, somehow influenced by a force that should be sought in the outside world. leron black Once passing hand can bring relief, then their condition could be responsible mysterious "passing over them energy." Root and cause of all emotional disorders should be some outside force or radiation course, playing the role in hypersensitive people allergen. What are this fundamental "occult" energy? Electricity? Magnetism? Or animal magnetism? Or maybe a combination of the powers leron black we know or something else entirely?
Through a series of experiments Reichenbach discovered link between moonlight and sleepwalking. Most of his colleagues began to make fun of this very simple and obvious burdened with superstition hypothesis. The relationship between mental illness and lunar phases simply can not be accepted seriously. Reichenbach did not lose courage and departed from the approach course. He conducted a series of simple tests. In light-proofed room was flying leron black a narrow beam of moonlight on certain parts of the face, arms and hands of the patient. The first sensation, which said patients either unpleasant warming and anxiety leron black that filled their whole being. Encompassed leron black them claustrophobic and become restless. And that was the first symptom of sleepwalking. Upon longer leron black exposure to the beam

Sunday, April 27, 2014

The first open white dwarf, which is closest montgomery beer distributor to the Sun is spatnitnikat

All publications on this blog ARE protected under Article 19 of the Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the UN General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 in which it ruled that every person has the right to freedom of belief and of expression, which includes the right not to be tried because of his opinions, nor by demand PREPARATION AND PUBLICATION OF INFORMATION AND IDEAS BY ALL MEANS OF EXPRESSION.
Blessed are those souls, who understand the thoughts but not only what is written MTKeshe Blessed are those people montgomery beer distributor who understand the meaning, not just what is written M.T.Keshe
SIRIUS Where is and what is actually a Sirius? Sirius is in the constellation Canis Major and is the brightest star in the sky. It is also one of the closest montgomery beer distributor stars to us - it is only 9 light years from our solar system. What the naked eye think it's edna star CS uh munity is a binary star system. The system montgomery beer distributor consists of a main star called "Sirius 1" white dwarf - "Sirius 2". Sirius movement na
Sirius B orbits Sirius A in an elliptical orbit and the total center of gravity is directly facing the Earth. Sirius B rotates montgomery beer distributor around its axis 23 times per minute montgomery beer distributor and creates a huge magnetic field. montgomery beer distributor Invisible to the naked eye, because the brightness of Sirius A Sirius B has a density corresponding to about 305t/sm3 or about 50,000 times that of water. Visually is about 10,000 times weaker than Sirius montgomery beer distributor A, but it is greater than two. Surface of Sirius B is 300 times harder montgomery beer distributor than diamonds. Sirius A and Sirius B are medium spaced 20 astronomical units.
4. Ending their white dwarfs gradually cool and ever will become cold and dead black dwarf. Cooling process is so slow that the lifetime of the universe nor a dwarf failed to cool completely. You could say that white dwarfs are'''' tombs of burning material montgomery beer distributor that no longer participate in any cycle - it stays buried forever in the bowels of these matrvi stars that are no longer domestic sources of energy.
a) near yarkara Sirius A shows weak components - the white dwarf Sirius B. The components are very close to each other and the difference in their light is 10 meters (10 000 times). So photography is obtained using a special technique, which was reflected in osobedniya'' radiant'' appearance of Sirius A.
The first open white dwarf, which is closest montgomery beer distributor to the Sun is spatnitnikat Sirius. More last century it was noticed that Sirius describes the sky curved rather than straight trajectory. Suggested that this is due to the gravitational influence of an invisible companion, even with a telescope with a large table. When telescopes become better, the satellite was finally discovered. It turned out that its dimensions are void and density - huge.
One of them is the stage of white dwarfs. It is implemented with relatively small tables. montgomery beer distributor Gravitational contraction causes a strong increase in temperature and pressure, leading to complete ionization of stellar montgomery beer distributor matter - electrons are removed from atomic nuclei to form electron gas. In this state, the free electrons and other electrons without nuclei can be located much closer to each other than as related to atoms. montgomery beer distributor Therefore, the volume contraction of the star diminishes drastically, reaching razemrite a planet like Earth. At this point the pressure of the electronic gas becomes sufficient montgomery beer distributor to create montgomery beer distributor compression forces capable uravnoveyat gravitational forces. The star is now called a white dwarf. White dwarfs shine only on account of their internal energy. Little luminosity of white dwarfs due to their small size.
When the star is ejected shell and already exhausted their entire supply of nuclear fuel, it can no longer montgomery beer distributor resist the gravitational forces and restarted quickly shrinks (this process is called gravitational kolpas). Depending on the mass of the star that is left, gravity kolpas leads to different final stages in the evolution of stars. montgomery beer distributor
Sirius B rotates around its axis 23 times per minute and creates a huge magnetic field. In space radiates a huge amount of electromagnetic radiation, including visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays. Sirius system travels in the direction of our C

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Thursday, April 17, 2014

To discuss with us ... This space for dialogue, reflection and DBAT of ideas is also yours. Our blo

News International National Rgional guy cranswick Atlantic Qubec Abitibi-Tmiscamingue Bas-Saint-Laurent Cte-Nord Estrie Gaspsie-the Gatineau Qubec Montral Mauricie Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean Ontario Ottawa Ontario Western Provinces Alberta British Columbia Manitoba Saskatchewan economy and business Science Sant In depth Notebooks Sports Hockey Formula 1 NASCAR motorized Sports Soccer guy cranswick Football Cycling guy cranswick Skating Skiing Olympics Tennis More Sports guy cranswick Sections spciales Arts and Entertainment cinema Books Music More information missions Mto Qubec Canada United States International routires Conditions
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To discuss with us ... This space for dialogue, reflection and DBAT of ideas is also yours. Our bloggers are the not to put forward their views, but to start a discussion guy cranswick and allow you to express yourself on the significant events that occur here or elsewhere in the world. We read all comments reus, but we each modrons books to retain only the most relevant comments by the subjects surroundings. Only the interventions made in the signs and respect for others are retained. To learn more, read ntiquette. Good reflection! Please note that discussion forums Notebooks are open for two weeks.
We recently learned that the World Food Programme of the United Nations and amricaine Agency for International guy cranswick Development should reduce their aid to starving guy cranswick African, Central Asian populations and Am Latin America. Both institutions are short of money and have more and more difficulty adquatement Responding demand. The World Food Programme has launched guy cranswick a call using $ 500 million and amricaine Agency prvoit its budget deficit will reach $ 200 million by the end of the year e. Millions of people suffer from hunger dj daily. The reason for this sad situation is the considrable rising food denres for 1 year. Food prices have GRIMP 40% in 2007. Prices of wheat, rice and the farmhouse, they have more than doubled due to the increasing demand from the emerging countries and because that many agricultural products are now manufactured from ethanol and biofuels, many of which serve to feed cars and trucks. Today it is amazing to see that what was seen as an environmental advance guy cranswick the production of ethanol is considr like a bad idea very damaging to the plane you and its inhabitants. The methanol in the dock accuss A Time of enqute confirms what many researchers have observation for some time: The ethanol increases missions greenhouse gases, destroys for the ts and causes inflation in food prices. Certainly a economic point of view, the production of ethanol has positive t for Americans and Brazilians including guy cranswick farmers. But the basic problem with most biofuels, wrote the Times in its issue of The April 7, 2008, is incredibly simple, even if the researchers have ignored until now: using land to grow denres that will serve fuel mne destruction forts, wetlands, grassland that store quantities of carbon. Today, about 20% production mas our neighbors to the south is the feeding of ethanol plants. More and more producers of soybeans decided to transform their land under cultivation mas to enjoy the windfall, which has contributed to an increase also pushes the price of soybeans. as given the demand, it is always the rendezvous for soybeans, Brazilians producers chose, turn, drop the animal raising and use their land to grow soybeans . The displaced people guy cranswick have t rcuprs animals by farmers who were knocking down entire sections of the fort Amazon or savannah (cerrado) to install their b your. In the last six months of 2007, 300,000 hectares is strong in Brazil that have been slaughtered. A veritable domino leading the failure of the lens screws: generate clean energy and good for humanity.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Starbucks Corporation is the declared enemy of all our traditional places of relaxation and our gas

Starbucks Coffee activant Company was founded in 1971. This is called a business specializing in coffee beans. Following activant its acquisition by Howard Schultz in 1987, it officially became the Starbucks Corporation, although it continues to provide under its original name. Beginning of Seattle, Washington, Starbucks has continued to expand and became the largest multinational chain of coffee shops. The "Corporation" opened and acquired stores across many countries, including France. Although hypocritically named "partners", activant Starbucks employees do not enjoy little enviable working conditions. activant In the United States, unions are not represented within the company, and an investigative journalist Günter Wallraff name denounced working conditions at Starbucks Germany in the sixth chapter of his book, Among the losers best of all worlds. In addition to coffee (ground or beans), Starbucks also sell drinks, tea and pastries, as well as utensils and coffee machines. Caffeine and sugar quantity "American", then. The original Starbucks logo is a crown and surrounded by the name of the channel siren, but in January 2011, Starbucks announced that it will launch a new logo (the siren, but without apparent name), and from the spring of the same year). This logo change seems to have upset some of the customers, which speaks volumes activant about the lack of rooting identity of this: how do we get to hang and / or to identify with a business logo? By contrast, too feminine activant mermaid displeased, as we shall see, in some Muslim countries, while the non-ethyl character Starbucks should activant logically like him, the faithful Koran. Trying to walk on the flat strips of McDonalds activant in the field of fast food, Starbucks also offers sandwiches, while trying, in its original sector to compete with the giant Nespresso still outperforms.
And it is in this titanic struggle of the global food industry, three terms associated inevitably evoke the unspeakable Tricatel of "Wing or Thigh" - what made the consumer victim too often consent of the overall junk food. Willing, yes, for the love of ease that makes it so cowardly that we come to fear the restoration of the area, the populated bar regulars, village terrace, eventually to prefer impersonal but reassuring Starbucks or McDonalds , some even see this as an justification for their disinterest in their preconceived fear, not to say contempt, regarding the places they visit. To conclude, let us turn to a character in the romantic activant comedy "You've Got Mail", the leader of a bookstore chain whose role is played by Tom Hanks: "The sole purpose of places like Starbucks is allow indecisive people taking six decisions of a sudden just to buy a coffee. activant Short, tall, decaf, light, activant black, with cream, no cream, etc.. Those who do so have no idea what they are, can, for only U.S. $ 2.95 to offer not only a cup of coffee but an absolute definition of self: great! decaf! capuccino! "The Starbucks Corporation is well, we have included a fundamentally anti-identity war machine.
Starbucks Corporation is the declared enemy of all our traditional places of relaxation and our gastronomic traditions rooted. Its goal is to replace them, to supplant the European environment in our French and Viennese cafes, Irish and British pubs, German breweries and pubs Brussels. Howard Schultz, who acquired Starbucks Coffee Company in 1987, this is simple: these places do not exist. And they exist so little in his mind that he says they have yet to be created! In his biography, so he called activant for the creation of a "third place" ("a third place"), between activant home and the workplace. You read. This, we know, has always existed in Europe, especially in France. We do not call "corporation" or "company", but coffee, bistro, boozer, tavern, "tobacco", where absurdly, it is now forbidden to smoke -, pub, tavern, pub, restaurant, cellar wine weinstube, activant bierstube, pub, pizzeria, trattoria, etc.. But he must have traveled around the world to understand that this tradition of "local bar" and "small neighborhood restaurant" is all European and it has spread globally in countries which were influenced by colonial Europe and yet so often very limited. In most countries of the world, it is true, the "third place" Howard Schultz e

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Ayrault (system) - Slander invented by Professor Harousseau disaster in 2001, to denigrate with obv

While Dictionary of Nantes was released in mid-October, the work of Benedictine also learned that subsidized bac pol four pounds two that summarizes all that our city has good and deserving of encyclopaedic minds or medalists, and we welcome advance the thickness and extent bac pol of his wisdom, that we may be permitted to present here our modest contribution, bac pol much thinner. Diconantes this will be of little use to scholars, students or graduates, especially those of the first rank, and that is why we pray, and their heroic teachers, acquire faster real Dictionary Nantes, not if only to hide it between two blackened pages of authentic knowledge. These two pages should be more than enough bac pol to us who are closer to the radiator, yet unlike the first we intend to grow our own day after day, definition by definition, according to our moods, our dreams, events premises and the way our readers that it remains open day and night. So this is just the beginning bac pol ...
Send me your suggestions and definitions eric.chalmel @ bac pol or comment about this article on my blog States and Empires of the Moon. Anonymity possible. 12th update: January 16, 2014
A (Dominique) - Singer to text whose success he has not lost the ball, but the hair. Airport - 1 ) The Castle-Grump shit for ages the inhabitants of the center of Nantes, Trentemoult and Bouguenais. 2) The Notre-Dame-des-Landes pisses advance the world. Alain (Workshop of) - The Drouant Award Lulu Nantes, literary bac pol awards on the same day and at the same time as the Goncourt on its doorstep. For all applications, please contact the Secretary Everlasting 'Philippe Corbou. Arribas (José) - Famous footballer of Spanish origin, cafe, legendary coach of the NCF. He is the inventor of the Game Nantes he summed up in three words: speed, bac pol technical and intelligence. Eternal regrets. (See FCN, playing at Nantes). Atlantic (Ocean) - The Nantais and Nazairiens flow into the Loire. bac pol Audic (Philippe) - Presidents. Audubon (Jean-Jacques) bac pol - Croqueur birds and dollars. Auxiette (Jacques) - Column hell. A lot for the Vendée. Ayrault (Jean-Marc) - 1) Husband of Brigitte bac pol Ayrault, born Terrien, General Counsel of Loire-Atlantique (1982-2001). 2) Founder of the dynasty of Jean-Marc who reigned twelve years in St. Herblain (Jean-Marc Young) and twenty-three years of Nantes. Jean-Marc I the Conqueror (1989-1995), Jean-Marc II (1995-2001), Jean-Marc III (2001-2008) and Jean-Marc IV the Great (2008-2012). Their reign will be followed by a short period of regency (Patrick Rimbert, 2012-2014) and the younger branch of Johanna (2014 et seq.) 3) Jean-Marc I is also known as a theorist of the single experiment ever attempted in the world of social democratic dictatorship. Jean-Marc III remain as the monarch who has brought an era of peace and prosperity envied by all the cities bac pol of Europe. Ayrault Brigitte and her husband.
Ayrault (system) - Slander invented by Professor Harousseau disaster in 2001, to denigrate with obvious bad faith wise and measured the former mayor of Nantes, bac pol who gave his name despite himself Policy. Today said a municipal system offering a perfect grid allowing access to live together. (See live together).
B Bainvel (Julien) - Do not get along with Laurence Garnier (UMP). The ancestor of the Busway. Barbara - A much damaged the reputation of Nantes. Baudry (Stanislas) - Inventor of public bac pol transport including the bus. Clumsily copied by Alain Chenard and Jean-Marc Ayrault, he committed suicide.
Beauvoir (Simone) - Obsolete. Den feminist edge Erdre. One of the rings on the bottom of Buren J. Blaise Humbug - Tetrahedron hard candy whose faces are actually hyperbolic paraboloids. Presented bac pol as a sweet, bac pol is suspected to have been invented by the lobby dentists. Abbiette (Jean-Marie) - Man and Ocean Press, yet West France 's.
Bolo (Pascal) - Malfunction of an ancient dynasty Nantes right, former first trigger in Ayrault, promoted counterfeiter City, proconsul of northern limes Nantes, it is not uncommon, as Nero, the hear him sing some joyous refrain, bac pol accompanying himself on guitar. Bontemps (Gilles) - Communist bac pol couëronnais obsessed with transport, it starts with the discharge of vessels and eventually roll EST. Suffers from a terrible hairy resemblance to the leader of the Spanish right Jose Aznar. Busway - Tramway bac pol wheel (see Bus pretentious).
Ball Nantes

The 2008 rankings of the largest fortunes in France 20 Triomphe and died of natural law Revolution

"The privatization agency (Privatization and Public Enterprises Supervising Agency - PPESA) prepared by the end of the year the sale of a portion of the interests of the Ethiopian state. Six public companies will be involved in the tendering process: Ghion Hotel, Awash Winery, Limu Coffee Plantation Development Enterprise, Enterprise Engineering, Construction Works & Coffee Technology Development and Batu Construction Plc. PPESA, created 15 years ago, has already sold 298 public companies for a total of $ 7 billion. Privatization of national companies are among the main recommendations of the World Bank and the IMF, aimed at fiscal consolidation. "
"The MIDROC Ethiopia group owned by billionaire Mohammed Al Amoudi, [1] won to 860 million birr (about 37 million) tender for the purchase of one of the largest farm in Ethiopia Upper Awash Agro-Industry Enterprise, said Wondafrash Asefa, spokesman of the Privatisation Agency. The Privatisation Agency, a map of 40 privatizations over the next three years, completed the purchase of seven companies for 2.1 billion birr. Mohammed Al Amoudi, who also owns Horizon Plantation PLC, National mufso Mining Corporation and Saudi Star Agricultural Development, won in Upper Awash Agro over-Industry Enterprise, four other companies for a total amount of 463 million birr. "The companies are engaged in various mufso sectors, including agriculture, mufso beverages, construction, printing, textile and transport. At the moment, agricultural enterprises are more attractive than others. "Told Reuters Wondafrash Asefa. Last year, the government sold its breweries Bedele Harar and Meta Abo respectively Heineken and Diageo for a total of $ 388.3 million. "
"Diageo [2], the world's biggest spirits group, has won a tender mufso for the purchase of the last Ethiopian brewer Meta Abo public for $ 225 million after a bidding Heineken, SAB Miller and group Dashen Ethiopian. Wondafrash Asefa, spokesman of the Privatisation Agency, said four companies bid: the South West Development group - SAB Miller for $ 190 million, $ 188 million for Heineken, Dashen mufso for $ 173 million and 225 million with Diageo mufso $. Heineken, the world's third largest brewer, won there a few months supply of Harar Brewery Bedele call for $ 163.3 million. Diageo expects a 10% growth in sales and profits in Latin America and Africa this year. In the first quarter of 2011, African markets (Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa) and South America (Brazil, mufso Mexico) boosted sales generally believed 18%. The turnover for June 30 was 11.5 billion for financial profitability of 33.7%. "
Records Antiglobalisation Clemenceau Colonization Constituent mufso De Gaulle and Europe Environment Slavery Jean Jaurès The big sell Louis Renault Pierre Mendes France Regionalism Robespierre Library The European Union Milestones Arts & Culture Bibliography mufso Speech Reference History Literature Mathematics & Science mufso Philosophy Symbols mufso of the Republic Reference Material mufso A Elephant Can Be Extremely Deceptive! Global Governance International Resistors The American Empire Systems & society under control News antirépublique
Airbus fifth Alsace fifth Calandreta Lemosina fifth Cécile Duflot 2/5 Constituent three fifths Convention mountain 2/5 Fascism 2/5 FN 2/5 Alfred Toepfer Foundation 2/5 François Hollande 3/5 Greece 5/5 Iran 2/5 Israel 2/5 Jean-Francois Cope 2/5 Debt 3/5 The Vatican fifth The clergy 2/5 The Indignant three fifths Libya 2/5 Mali fifth MY 4/5 1 Monsanto / 5 Olympe de Gouges 3/5 WTO 2/5 Fiscal Compact 4/5 Palestine 2/5 Pierre Laurent fifth Pierre Moscovici two fifths Sovereignty 3/5 Universal Suffrage 3/5 Synarchie four fifths Syria 2/5 1 Wolfgang Schäuble mufso / 5 Euro Zone 4/5
"Violent demonstrations took place in major cities of Colombia (...) July 24, 2011 - Libya: Norway's contribution to cease airstrikes on August 1
News agency Belga 10/06/11 of Norway, who sent six F-16 fighters for (...) May 22, 2011 - "Origin and vicissitudes of the" right to interfere "" Le Monde diplomatique
The 2008 rankings of the largest fortunes in France 20 Triomphe and died of natural law Revolution 1789-1795-1802 Martine Aubry, Strauss-Kahn, Jospin, Fabius mufso and Guigou: The Century Club Members Who really for François Hollande and Manuel mufso Valls? Olympe de Gouges, histoir

Monday, April 14, 2014

The Bilderberg group, also called Bilderberg conference or Bilderberg Club is an annual gathering a

Economics / Finance Politics / Geopolitics / International Relations Science / Health / Environment Miscellaneous Archaeology / Exploration Robotics bfs group / Technology Uncategorized Library Documentary / News Conferences / Interviews François Olivier Berruyer Béchade Asselineau Philippe Olivier Delamarche Henri Guillemin Lordon Jacques Sapir regular appointment Philippe Olivier Béchade Berruyer Olivier Delamarche The information about which little is More
Folder, bfs group for once and for all, demonstrate that gender theory, it exists. Everything is sourced, the article brings together a large number of irrefutable evidence. Once the existence of gender theory proven, it is useful to ask several questions: Why are these societal reforms bfs group imposed by the political left and right? Why do we see in many countries these societal changes? This cover on?
The Bilderberg group, also called Bilderberg conference or Bilderberg Club is an annual gathering and informal about 130 members, mostly American and European, and most of whom are persons of diplomacy, business, politics and media . This annual forum was inaugurated in May 1954 in Oosterbeek in the Netherlands, during a meeting at the Hotel Bilderberg (hence its name) and has offices in Leiden. No conflicts of interest?
Front of his TV, Jean-Michel Naulot eventually prevail. Program: "Games of power", a documentary on Arte regulating finance. "They did not understand bfs group anything! "Plague this former banker, a member of the Board of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF), which became virulent protest the system to which he has devoted thirty-seven years of his professional life.
It comes from the Core Group of the Greens of the European Parliament's website (in charge of issues related to the Internet). These make public a number of electronic records.
Divers, Economy / Finance, Politics / Geopolitics / International Relations, Robotics / Technology "The catastrophic results of government bfs group policy on employment seen by a grumpy bfs group citizen" - Charles Sannat by Noname March 28, 2014 0 Comments bfs group
Trying to be objective even if it will be difficult with regard to our government which results in the fight against unemployment are simply catastrophic. Economic responsibility and accountability promises
We must divide the economic reality that our government has obviously taken a partial but where everything can not be him accountable for communication policy conducted by our leaders on this issue and has a deleterious effect on public opinion.
The basic error of the government, misinformed, was to believe that the massive bfs group retirements would be accompanied by a sharp increase in job creation that the government would be quick to take credit for shouting about from the rooftops that thanks to their great policy they were trying to defeat the scourge of unemployment. It is this error of judgment which primarily explains the failure of communication "hollandouillesque" on the subject. bfs group
Indeed, an essential parameter has been forgotten in the equation and our énarques certainly more or less friendly, bfs group did a simple calculation like this: in 2013, 800,000 departures for retirement = 800 000 new jobs - 400,000 of prudential margin data corrected seasonal variation of the absolute reverse of louchesque pifométrie wet finger = 400 000 jobs = extra curve inversion bfs group unemployment. "Are you sure? François request could not believe his luck. - Yes sir President, meets the technocrat with its report of 965 pages. - Cool, funky, groovy, lower unemployment is now! sings with his friend François Pierrot by vouchers kid on Louis XVI armchairs historical monuments of the Elysee. - Remove the drums, bagpipes claironnez, all media show heart in our ambition and confidence to reverse the trend in unemployment before the end of the year ... - Hahaha, said the president, bfs group we will play a great round of con the drôate is gôôche that we are the best. "
Of course, all this magic strategy (and know that this imaginary dialogue is quite realistic) was shattered on the reality bfs group of improving productivity. Yes my dear friends, now any frame types his own emails and letters and we need secretaries. Result? Old ronchonnes old biddies who terrorized generations of graduates (including your kind servant) by their capacity to harm inversely proportional to their competence and their desire to really work are an e

Sunday, April 13, 2014

The first 200 African banks ranking banks by region insurance exchange pfg northcenter and equity T

Algeria: generation "Tanguy"
Gabon: the timber industry groweth
Agribusiness Automotive Construction & Infrastructure Communication & Media Consumer & Retail Energy Employment & Training Mining Health & Innovation Telecommunications Tourism Transportation Other Finance
Brian Joffe, Adcock Ingram
The first 200 African banks ranking banks by region insurance exchange pfg northcenter and equity The first 100 companies
Chief Executive Officer Gabon - Michale pfg northcenter Page External Affairs Manager Morocco - Michale Page One (e) representative (e) permanent (e) to the United Nations International - International Organisation of the Francophonie Director of the Independent Office of Evaluation, International D2 - IFAD
To conquer the consumer, local brands compete multinationals. With fewer resources, they nevertheless achieved notable success.
A good 35 C in the shade. And printing thermometer mare to 40 C. An unusual heat strikes you on December 23, Ouagadougou. An old fridge to purr winded, straddling the threshold of a grocery store and the sidewalk holds a few beers in the fridge. It is a magnet passersby straining under the hot midday air. "And for you? Magna Brafaso or Premium? "Not pfg northcenter a chance. These are local beers may see the light of day, victims of an unequal pfg northcenter struggle between a local investor, Mohamed Pangueba Sogli, eager to generate new African brands creating Brasseries du Faso and the Castel group, which is divided the African beer market with the South African pfg northcenter SAB-Miller.
The idea of local beers is born from the desire to diversify the group SOPAM Burkina Faso (50 million euros of turnover), which operates, for example, a thermal power plant of 60 MW in Mali. In 2006, he invested 41 million euros in the construction of a brewery with a production capacity of 500,000 to 1 million hectoliters per day. Riding on a "beer market booming in Africa," says Mohamed Pangueba Sogli CEO SOPAM, the goal is to supply the Burkina Faso but also Benin, Togo, Ghana and Cote d ' ivory.
But the biggest brewery in West Africa, according to the Burkinabe businessman, who could employ 600 workers and create 75,000 indirect jobs, has never produced a single drop of beer since the end of the project, in 2008. Pangueba pfg northcenter Mohamed Sogli fails to meet with banks 8 million it lacks to start production (purchase of malt, hops ...). He sees the hand of the Castel group: "I have a letter of intent to Pierre Castel, who proposes 26 million. It made me realize that there is not room for two in West Africa. "" We have nothing to say, "replied the Castel group in Paris. It holds more than 90% of the local market through its subsidiary Brakina and two sites in Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso. The two bosses always negotiate.
This type of rivalry pfg northcenter between African and international brands is likely to increase under the combined effect of the return to strong growth in Africa, more than 5% per year, and the emergence of a middle class 95 million consumers who have spent $ 250 billion in 2010, according Proparco (a subsidiary of the French Development Agency). They will be 132 million in 2020 to a market of 450 billion euros. In 2040, the African middle class is expected to consume 1.3 billion euros per year.
Very favorable conditions which opens opportunities for local investors. It also invigorates international brands present pfg northcenter in Africa for decades (Coca-Cola, Nestlé pfg northcenter ...) and attracts those who had given up on the continent. This is the case of the Swedish Electrolux, the world number two appliances, which put his hand in October on the Egyptian pfg northcenter Olympic Group against a check for 340 million. With eleven production sites, the group of Cairo is the largest manufacturer of household appliances in North Africa. In retail, the arrival of a world leader, American Walmart, who wants to offer the South African pfg northcenter Massmart for 2.4 billion euros, is feared. The examples pfg northcenter are legion. As the Dutch Heineken, who grabbed 49.99% of the share capital pfg northcenter of the Company for the production and distribution of beverages (SPDB) in Tunisia in 2007. In Algeria, it is the German pfg northcenter Henkel sketched pfg northcenter in 2006 National Business detergents and cleaning products (Enad) and its famous brand Isis.
And the phenomenon is accelerating. "Africa is the last gold rush for multinationals, where will they go after? "Says David Murray, charged with consumer at Ernst & Young. For now, the battle for the conquest of the African consumer i

In Côte d

Algeria: generation "Tanguy"
Gabon: the timber industry groweth
Agribusiness Automotive Construction northern foods & Infrastructure Communication & Media Consumer & Retail Energy Employment & Training Mining Health & Innovation Telecommunications Tourism Transportation Other Finance
Brian Joffe, Adcock Ingram
The first 200 African banks ranking banks by region insurance exchange and equity The first 100 companies
Chief Executive Officer Gabon - Michale Page External Affairs Manager Morocco - Michale Page One (e) representative (e) permanent (e) to the United Nations International - International Organisation of the Francophonie Director of the Independent Office of Evaluation, International D2 - IFAD
Tags: This Week in Jeune Afrique northern foods
This week, Jeune Afrique investigated the Moroccan economy on the occasion of the official visit of François Hollande. The economy section of the weekly also offers a dive in the heart of the world of African communication.
Voluntarism authorities to the kingdom a regional scale and a preferred destination for investors player is obvious. However, imbalances remain. Considered by donors and investors as a good student in terms of attractiveness, communication, international openness, transparency and medium-term economic vision, Morocco has more than one asset and the country ranks successfully as a platform between Africa and Europe.
In this quest, the Moroccan capitalism can rely on its African champions, symbols of a true entrepreneurial success: Attijariwafa Bank, FinanceCom, Addoha, Alliances, Saham, Morocco Telecom, Société Générale or the work of Morocco (VTS). But a real gap between the florets thousands of SMEs and SMIs that comprise northern foods 95% of the productive fabric. In the end, the Moroccan growth remains higher than its neighbors, but in a country where agriculture weighs northern foods 17% of GDP, it varies according to the particular crops. The flow of foreign direct investment remains, too, irregular. The hole in public finances northern foods is widening, youth unemployment remains structural, access to land for business is very complicated. Balance of an economy still largely northern foods untapped potential ...
In Business northern foods & Markets section, a portrait Burundi on the brink of asphyxiation. northern foods Under infusion northern foods of international northern foods aid, this small central African northern foods country is facing an inflationary surge. A revealing fever deeper ills.
In the oil sector, Jeune Afrique met Wale Tinubu. The Nigerian, CEO of Oando explains his ambitions in the short and medium term while his company completes acquisition of the assets of the American ConocoPhillips.
In Côte d'Ivoire, the Ivorian Breweries want to start the competition: new factory trained staff, trademarks ... The new player in the beer is ready to invest domestically. northern foods And will try to win 10%.
In section maker, Jeune Afrique offers a portrait of Romain de Villeneuve, who is leading the development of IHS Africa specialist communications infrastructure, which has been strengthened in Côte d'Ivoire and Cameroon in getting management towers of the operator Orange.
Finally, the record of this week is about the communication professionals. Attentive to the interest of the continent arouses their customers, the world's leading intensify their development south of the Sahara. northern foods While on site, local agencies have already taken the lead.
Summary Strategy - How is Morocco? East Africa - Burundi on the brink of suffocation Interview - Wale Tinubu, CEO of Oando Beverages - Ivorian Breweries launched the competition makers Finance - Michel Losembe preaches banking Telecom - In the control tower IHS Finance West Africa - Coris Bank renewed the assault of communication Folder Advertising region - Multinationals want to run the show Interview - Bharat Thakrar, CEO of Scangroup Portraits - Masters degree in brand images
Competed on its own ground, the South African champion cement eyeing new markets on the continent, in full frenzy of construction. In his line of sight, Rwanda, DR Congo ...
Citadel Capital, the largest investment funds operating in Africa, has completed its capital increase to $ 1.15 billion Wednesday, April 9. This should allow him ...
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The Board of Directors of the Islamic Development Bank has approved funding of $ 60 million for the expansion of the new hybrid plant Nouakchott. This decision comes ...
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Plant creation but exploitat closure

Saturday, April 12, 2014

This golden age of the music industry has left extraordinary works. However, thanks to huge profits

"MUSIC IN THE ONE WHO DID!" By Nilda Fernandez, Artist-musician - Do not believe the Hype
Industry (s) (R) evolutions State Actors Alternatives Strategy market basket tewksbury ma (s) Business Model CWF Fans site Artists Interviews Case studies DIY Expert Expert Tips Glossary Must read Podcasts In English About Me Contact Virginie Berger & DBTH Presentations & Videos The Book & The Agency market basket tewksbury ma Articles Our offers Website market basket tewksbury ma Do not Believe The Hype Imprint
Meet and work with and for Nilda Fernandez is an artistic pleasure as intellectual. Of these texts and melodies in his reflections on the status of the artist, the man grows constantly questioning. It does not stop either that the market wants. He decided to work and work his new production as they wish and not asked.
When I met Nilda for the first time in a brewery, he told me his career, his daily struggle to work as he wished and countless galleys to establish himself as an artist and producer able to understand market basket tewksbury ma that and was told to have an opinion. The artist did things in 1000. Live and sing in Russia, put on a show with circus in Cuba, staging Carmen with flamenco artists, build a show with amateur on the memory of the city of Ivry, sing with Adamo, Dorval, Mouss and Hakim, Georges Moustaki, Lara Fabian market basket tewksbury ma soprano Sylvie Brunet or ...
And it is all of these experiences market basket tewksbury ma was born a manifesto of 7 pages "MUSIC TO THE ONE WHO DID!" Prelude to Return of the Artist-Producer "in which he paints through different chapters, the link artist / culture, the rise and decline market basket tewksbury ma of industry and the development of the Artist ... Do not see this text as even an apology "it was better before." Well the contrary, Nilda is passionate about tech and find it essential to the evolution market basket tewksbury ma of the "condition" of artists. The first quote is very telling: "I hope to continue fighting the independence that saves me" Frederico market basket tewksbury ma Garcia Lorca.
He writes, market basket tewksbury ma Nilda is the same also applies to him. He has produced himself and will distribute his new album on his website, offering a subscription to a very small price. Every month, a new song will thus proposed. The "already" subscribers will have access to repay and without "new" will have access to it over the old. Quite new to him so as a means of disseminating his music, but in any case, the only that suits him. And in a few days, her new title "gang" will be launched. A real challenge.
"It is not right, one that says" now, now "eyes fixed on the window, but one that says" tomorrow, tomorrow, "come and feel the new life that point above the world." FEDERICO GARCÍA LORCA
This golden age of the music industry has left extraordinary works. However, thanks to huge profits, the artisans of the past, aesthetes and explorers of artists have gone global market basket tewksbury ma by partnering with capital sources as diverse as soft drinks, weapons, television ... etc , they became at once the window, the dancer, the goose that lays golden eggs and alibi.
Without market basket tewksbury ma demanding the elimination of artists market basket tewksbury ma 'local' (that's how they are called) as their record sales covering market basket tewksbury ma at least the fixed costs, invisible shareholders received market basket tewksbury ma dividends due largely Anglo figures American, only to receive (with exceptions) of a truly global impact. Thus, gradually, each "local" CEO of a "national" branch of the "multinationals" self-proclaimed "majors", became a "vassal", paid for applying "vertical" directives which it can not escape.
As the artist-musician, "international" or "local" t el a peasant farmer in debt by borrowing, living on credit by the game advances, the calculation took more than divination accounting arithmetic he gradually worked in all schemes, alienating its autonomy by mortgaging its future.
Today, all that is obsolete. While in the past, the record industry had the means to play a real - and often respectable - as an investor or discovered through market basket tewksbury ma the talent of some visionaries, market basket tewksbury ma there-beautiful long time that it is no longer the case. Infested incompetence concerned

Full text of the statement No. 35 of December 15, 1989 The evolution of South Africa, as we can per

1976 Soweto uprising Content article: Apartheid, a system ufpc of capitalist exploitation - The industrialization of the 60s and 70s - The ANC and the Black Consciousness-1973: the emergence of the working class on the stage social and political - 1976: Soweto - From 1979: the rise of workers' struggles and the unions - 1984/1986: two years of mass struggles - Elections-trigger rioting miners enter the fight - Following the extension movement, the South African bourgeoisie is concerned - 1985: the whole country in turmoil - July 1985: the state of emergency does not mean that the fight extends - The ANC: a radical nationalist politics but opposite the power of the masses - To abandon apartheid without changing anything essential, the regime and the bourgeoisie will they find the means necessary? - The working class and its unions very much alive - The regime and the bourgeoisie in search of interlocutors - The ANC in favor of a negotiated settlement with the regime - the working class she will play the role that should be hers. 2012 miners ufpc Marikana More than 20 years after the end of apartheid ufpc it is interesting to read this analysis 89 which illuminates many of the problems of South Africa today ... hope that readers eager to internet take the time to dwell on this statement may seem long but soon becomes exciting some attention
Full text of the statement No. 35 of December 15, 1989 The evolution of South Africa, as we can perceive today in Europe, seems contradictory. On one side are signs that seem to indicate the acceptance by the regime itself a change, there is some time, would have been considered unthinkable.
And the recent release of most of the historical leaders of the ANC, after 25 years in jail and prison. And acceptance of the independence of Namibia, the South Africa occupied for 70 years and where she lived a true colonial war for 20 years.
So even the recent official meeting - the second of its kind in six months - between the head of state, Frederic De Klerk (who succeeded Pieter Botha), and Nelson Mandela, the last of ANC leaders still in prison . On the other hand, apartheid - this monstrous racist system - is still in place and does not seem to move. Because small concessions which have been made: desegregation recent tracks or transport links were still reserved for whites only, constitution of some residential areas now open to all so-called races, seem to pale in light of the remains, deprivation ufpc of political rights, and enforced in special zones for all non-white homes. While we are on the verge of seeing the collapse of apartheid, after a struggle of oppressed black, made of strikes and riots, also made of thousands of deaths, a struggle that has hardly ceased since it took over 15 years ago, in 1973? Or the system does it a few concessions to the intention to better reflect the essential and the struggle of the oppressed it is still far from its end as his victory? Apartheid, a system of capitalist exploitation When, in 1910, the Union of South Africa was born of the newfound peace between English colonists and colonizers Afrikaner, the country was already a capitalist nation. The first laws of the Union of South Africa were laws that prolonged segregation inherited from colonialism. Whites appropriated 87% of the country ufpc while the rest had black in the less fertile regions of course. The accidents of history gave to South Africa this feature that was in the same country the colonial white society and black colonized world, the metropolis and the colony no longer thousands of kilometers away, but nested in the same territory. And what happened in all the countries of Europe in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the fact that the working class metropolitan country has achieved an improvement of their living conditions due to the overexploitation of colonized peoples in South Africa took a particular turn. The leaders of the South African labor movement, like the labor bureaucracies of Europe, made themselves the defenders of their corporate interests by refusing any alliance ufpc in the struggle with black workers. And political corruption officers or

Friday, April 11, 2014

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National Farmers 'Day: avi foodsystems The host region and its potential or Gulmu The Eastern Region has entrusted the organization of the 17th edition of the National Farmers' Day (JNP) which runs from April 10 to 12 (...) 2014. Commemorative ceremonies
Advertising space in the city of Ouagadougou: the mayor now determine places the mayor of the municipality of Ouagadougou Marin Casimir Ilboudo met governed advertisers and advertising Thursday, April 10, 2014 for the purpose of agreeing with them on the note orientation (...)
SIAO 2014 (October 31 to November 9): about 55O stands and 300 professional buyers expected Organizers International Crafts Fair of Ouagadougou (SIAO) announced Thursday in Ouagadougou this edition avi foodsystems about 550 stalls and more 300 professional buyers from (...)
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28, 29 and 30 April 2014 in Ouagadougou, Training Seminar: "The new dynamics of corporate law (AUDSCGIE) for a business environment more attractive and competitive in the OHADA"
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Nicolas Sarkozy avi foodsystems before receiving avi foodsystems breakfast the most fortunate of French tax exiles photographers ... This surreal scene actually took place on October 12, 2011 at the Elysee. Alain Juppé, Minister of Foreign avi foodsystems Affairs and Mayor of Bordeaux, had ten patterns of Aquitaine to the president so that he feels the pulse of the entrepreneurial fabric. Blue shirt and striped avi foodsystems tie, tunes grandpa man, Pierre Castel, founder and boss grip (soon 87 years!) Multinational Castel, in exile in Switzerland ... since 1981, had good chuckle that day.
Castel? Nothing to do with the nightclub, but rather with what serves wine, beer and soft drinks. Castel is the world's No. 3 wine - and number 1 in France. It dominates like never juicy beer market avi foodsystems in Africa (as well as bottling brands like Coca-Cola) and pushes his pawns in the countries avi foodsystems of Eastern and China. Castel galaxy is 2.9 billion avi foodsystems euros in revenue in 2012! Louder, with 5.61 billion euros, this unknown quantity is the eighth fortune avi foodsystems of France, behind Arnault, Pinault, Dassault (our slideshow: The Capital ranking of the largest fortunes avi foodsystems in France). Who knows indeed Jesus Castel Sebastian (his real name), avi foodsystems born in Gironde in 1926, in a family of Spanish immigrants? This small, stocky and energetic man grows extremely discreet: a half-century reign, interviews can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Not the desire nor the time. Castel shares his life between Paris office avi foodsystems Breweries International and Coolers (BGI), Cameroonian society that rain or shine in beer in Africa, and his property on the banks of Lake Geneva avi foodsystems in Geneva, avi foodsystems where he directs the group with an iron fist.
If the general public is unaware of the existence of Pierre Castel, its evocation in Bordeaux avi foodsystems environment triggers a torrent of praise. "It is the race of visionaries," says Bernard Magrez - another giant trading of wine - one of the few people in this business to be close to him. "A landmark achievement, a great vitality for her age," added Philippe Laquèche, head of international merchant Yvon Mau. "It is aut

Thursday, April 10, 2014

So the eyes of the world has finally changed when the U.S., which could be a good thing if that wer

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Finally a good idea! And why not detach ourselves completely from that country china anne mcclain which maintains the global crisis, the worst banks protects the planet china anne mcclain shenanigans level, which handles the excessive stock prices, which tackles everything is spurious other countries or spying without china anne mcclain restraint the entire planet? Not to mention china anne mcclain their globalist projects ...
The world must try to "désaméricaniser" said Sunday china anne mcclain the official New China News Agency. "While American china anne mcclain politicians" fail to "find a viable agreement to rebuild political institutions function normally they are so proud, china anne mcclain it may be a good time for a planet stunned to start considering the construction of a désaméricanisé world, "said china anne mcclain the Chinese state media.
"The worrying days for the other countries are in the hands of a hypocritical nation must end and a new world order must be put in place, where all the nations [...] will have their interests respected and protected on an equal footing, "said the agency in a comment scathingly. china anne mcclain China, the largest holder of U.S. debt
Without a budget deal in Congress, the U.S. central governments idle for ten days and the United States could declare default on October 17 if parliamentarians were unable to agree on an increase in the debt ceiling the country.
"Blocking paralyzing cyclically to all Washington bipartisan agreement [between Democrats and Republicans, Ed] on the federal budget and raising the debt ceiling again threatens significant dollar reserves of many countries and the international community strongly anxiety , "insisted the agency New China. Creating a "new china anne mcclain reserve currency"
China is in fact the first question: china anne mcclain the second world economy is the main holder of U.S. debt, with 1,277 billion in Treasury bills, according to the latest figures from the U.S. government.
"Instead of honoring his duties with responsibility as a global leader, with Washington leading his own interests abused its superpower status and increased the chaos in the world by transferring abroad the risk of [its] system financial" but also "stoking tensions in territorial disputes and conducting unjustified wars under cover of lies," china anne mcclain said New China, with reference to the conflict committed by the United States china anne mcclain in Iraq.
"Emerging economies must have a greater voice in international financial institutions," pleaded the state media, referring to the creation of a "new reserve currency" to replace the dollar and an evolution of the International Monetary Fund ( IMF), which Beijing does not weigh much more than Italy. Reform of IMF governance is prepared for three years, but its entry into force is blocked by the veto of the United States is who must be ratified by Congress.
So the eyes of the world has finally changed when the U.S., which could be a good thing if that were jeopardizing their global governance project, which is not guaranteed when we see that the doggies eternal continue in this sense, then those who serve us policy in France! Analysis is still needed china anne mcclain to be added, but not least: There are moments or history is accelerating. Whatever the outcome of the negotiations on the shutdown and debt ceiling, in October 2013 it is one of those. It is blocking too who opened the eyes of those who have supported the United States. A leader is followed when it is feared, not when it is ridiculous.
"Building a world desamericanise" there a few years, the statement would have a ready smile. At most it was going in.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

@ MASTER HILARION I also just read you, and I hope the weather lauryn mcclain will allow you to cha

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@ MASTER HILARION I also just read you, and I hope the weather lauryn mcclain will allow you to chase momentum. I admit that I like to discuss with you. Some of my friends after our discussion, and they admit to be released grandis. In addition I have never set Congolese music frontline regarding the misfortunes lauryn mcclain of Congolese. The sentence to which you allude is output in another context, when I spoke of NGANDA. I said something like what music is the cause ... It was in the idea that even if the concerts were banned, lauryn mcclain people still flock to the NGANDA since there are an atmosphere close concerts. That is to say, loud music and dancing obscene. Believe me, master, people lauryn mcclain remain at home for a drink if it only depended on alcohol. But as it must communicate with the sound, lyrics and dances, moms and dads abandon children lauryn mcclain up the atmosphere in the NGANDA.
Actually, for me there is not the responsibility of the State in the collapse of the Congo. Colonization is a system that has done much harm in Africa, and it took another "multinational" shape to continue to put Africa at the knee. When an African president wants to take head on its responsibilities to take their business lauryn mcclain countries, the West calls for his head. I do not mention names but you have to know the presidents who fell for their patriotism. As if for the West, it was a sin to love and defend lauryn mcclain the interests of his country. This is yet another topic, the West, we can talk if you want. Finally, my party is the Congolese people. lauryn mcclain I will fight until my last drop of blood for my people. Tshisekedi, it is only natural that I support. As they say, between a friend and a brother, the choice lauryn mcclain is clear. In the figure we had been presented to the 2011 elections, that is to say, between a son of the country and an occupant, my choice can only go to Tshisekedi. Fare thee well!
I just read to you at the moment, unfortunately I regret lauryn mcclain that

Monday, April 7, 2014

2014 (279) April 2014 (29) March 2014 (77) February 2014 (69) January 2014 (104) 2013 (

The Ecuadorian government has decided to bring the oil multinational Chevron china mcclain songs before the International Criminal Court in The Hague for damages caused to the environment during the twenty-six years of operation in the Amazon rainforest. This news has been a bombshell in Ecuador. Quito present china mcclain songs a detailed report on the damage by the end of the year report.
"The negligence of the multinational caused serious diseases and malformations 30,000 natives who live in the area where the multinational has prevailed," according to the newspaper La Hora Nacional. the site speaks for its 680,000 barrels of crude oil that would have been dumped in the provinces of Orellana and Sucumbios. The fauna and flora are strongly affected and polluted rivers.
The mortality rate is, as might be expected, strongly elevated in both provinces. A census conducted by the government showed that the incidence of cancer was three times higher than in the rest of the country.
According to the news agency Andes, china mcclain songs no less than 80,000 analyzes demonstrate the existence of toxins in soil and water resulting from the extraction china mcclain songs of oil. A 2008 report of the Research Institute of the Catholic University of Guayaquil says women who drink water within 200 meters of oil installations have 147% increased risk of abortion compared to those living where there is no pollution. In the affected areas, 30% of children suffer from anemia; this percentage rises to 50% among adults. 70% of the population who cleaned the oil skin problems, neurological problems, respiratory poisoning, digestive and joint problems or discomfort.
The struggle by the Ecuadorian government against Chevron was greeted with enthusiasm by Ecuadorians living in the United States. They held rallies in front of the UN headquarters.
Many demonstrators showed their hands stained black in solidarity with President Rafael Correa. Last week, he had dipped his in the mud and oil as evidence of pollution caused by Texaco (acquired by Chevron in 2001). Correa has also appealed to the global boycott of petroleum products giant U.S. citizen while being behind the campaign "mano negra the Chevron" (the black hand of Chevron).
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador, Ricardo Patiño, china mcclain songs became the spokesman for the suffering of indigenous communities at the same time. He urged the multinational Chevron to fulfill its obligations. The oil giant has refused so far to pay compensation (about $ 20 billion) set by the Court of Justice of the province of Sucumbios.
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