Thursday, February 19, 2015

Issue # 2 - Qualification and adaptation of the food supply Quebecer against the requirements of th

Food for Thought It is necessary for an existing business to question the dominant logic of its sector to be able to imagine a new business model. - Moingeon et al. (2010, p. 276)
Foodservice government institutions will be pleased to discover the means used by the government to facilitate their access to foods of Quebec. It's in the cafeteria of the hospital Saint-Francois d'Assise Qubec that the Deputy Prime Minister british multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer and Minister of Agriculture, Food and Pcheries (MAPAQ), Francois Gendron, has Introduced the new Qubec feed positioning strategy on the institutional market.
"A promise is made: we respect the commitment we made at the launch of the food sovereignty policy in May May. The state should set an example "has embledclar Mr. Gendron. Force t seen over the last few months that the institutions lacked the tools to get there. So the strategy is based on four issues and objectives that aim to facilitate the process of Qubec selections of foods by buyers stationed in institutions.
Issue # 1 - Food Marketing Opportunities Qubec in the institutional british multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer market Objective: british multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer Secure the request of the institutional market supply of food Qubec.
Connecting businesses by the buyers of public establishments and food distributors in 17 rgionaux consultation mandates for organizations create business opportunities.
Issue # 2 - Qualification and adaptation of the food supply Quebecer against the requirements of the institutional market Objective: Qualify bio-food businesses in their marketing activities.
Companies will receive training, preparation and support to help them qualify and adapt their product offering to it rponde british multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer the needs of public establishments. The required Technical Specifications in the institutional environment dcouragent number of local producers. Means will therefore put forward to help meet these requirements, either in MATIRE frquence of delivery, volume, size or information available about the product.
Issue # 3 - Identification of Qubec feed in the institutional market Objective: Accrotre information on products certifis by Aliments du Qubec in the institutional market.
Issue # 4 - Sustainable Development in the food supply of establishments and agencies Qubec Objective: Contribute to dmarche the sustainable development british multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer of society by promoting Quebecer responsible sourcing in food purchasing procdures.
Businesses will get help to position their products to fit the most distinctive in MATIRE sustainable development and better respond and sustainable supply demand establishments and agencies.
Three major retailers british multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer have already signed a cooperation agreement. Indeed, Colabor Gordon Food Service british multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer (GFS) and Quebecer Distributors Association fruits and vegetables (QPMA) have engags work with MAPAQ in the realization of this strat gy. In addition, all distributors are invited to join the group and participate in rgionales measures, which must be identifis later than March 31, 2014. One of the ways is the privilgis clear identification of Qubec products included in the list of their products.
The particular strategy will increase instead of Qubec feed in public establishments such as hospitals and schools, british multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer as in establishments privs financs by tat. Budgtaire a 5 million will finance the actions of the strategy for the next three years.
In the photo: british multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer Claude Garipy, president and CEO of Colabor, Mr. Francois Gendron, Deputy british multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer Prime Minister and Minister british multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer of Agriculture, Food and Pcheries ( MAPAQ), Marie Gosselin, prsidente the Quebecer Association of distribution of fruit and vegetables and Richard Snchal, president of Gordon Food Service (GFS).
To keep food sovereignty Policy of the Government of Qubec: On the Web: Blog of sovereignty Alimen Policy

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