Friday, May 2, 2014

For decades, physicists have observed that far fewer neutrinos - electrically neutral traveling nea

Neutrino is a fundamental particle with no electric charge and very little mass - almost zero. Neutrino origlio beverage refers to the family of particles called leptons, which are not subject to the strong nuclear forces. An in energy nuclear collisions between particles. These particles are abundant in the universe, but clashes between them are extremely rare. Neutrino crosses the stars in space and travels great distances origlio beverage in the universe. There are three types of neutrinos, origlio beverage each associated with a charged lepton: e, muon and tau neutrinos. Electron neutrinos was proposed in 1930 by the Austrian physicist Wolfgang Pauli to explain the missing part of the energy in beta decay - a form of radiation. Pauli concludes that the result should be a third particle that does not interact origlio beverage strongly enough, and therefore can not be detected. The sun emits only electron neutrinos. Later, in 1934, was born in Italy physicist Enrico Fermi develops this proposal and gives the name neutrino particle. Neutrino is the most penetrating of subatomic particles. It is not ionized, as there is no electric charge. Only one of 10 billion particles traveling through matter at a distance equal to the diameter of the Earth, reacts with a proton or neutron. Its registration has created special telescopes that are below the surface of the Earth can only register the passage of neutrinos through our planet.
For decades, physicists have observed that far fewer neutrinos - electrically neutral traveling near the speed of light, arrive on Earth from the Sun than solar models predicted.
This could mean two things - either the models are wrong, or something happens to the neutrinos on the way. Scientists have observed the disappearance of at least one of the types of neutrinos - muon neutrinos.
Now physicists at the Gran Sasso Laboratory, National Institute for Nuclear Physics in Italy have observed first direct change muon neutrinos into tau neutrinos in a process known as neutrino oscillation.
"We found the missing piece of the puzzle. Discovery if confirmed, would require new physics to explain this fact," said Antonio Ereditato of the research team. According to the Standard Model, neutrinos have no mass.
"Exist in the infinitely small always has repercussions origlio beverage on the infinitely large," says Ereditato. For the purposes of the study, scientists from the Gran Sasso laboratory for three years, billions of muon neutrinos observed targeting them through the land of situated 730 kilometers CERN.
Neutrinos so far remained the only mystery to physicists, especially after the separation of the atoms and the detailed study of all its components. For neutrinos, or "ghost particles" who knew only that they have the amazing ability to move large spatial and temporal distances without any modifications. They also do not interact with physical objects. Especially for the assay of a neutrino 2002 Japanese scientists have established a particle origlio beverage accelerator with a specific detector, by means of which revealed that when passing through the screen of the device some of the particles interact with one another, in such invisible. Scientists were able to determine that neutrinos have mass, making them more similar to electrons than to light quanta. origlio beverage U.S. scientists recently discovered you, sending a stream identical neutrinos of one type (there are three now) from one accelerator to another, a distance of 724 km, the original number was greater than that of the neutrinos reached the second accelerator. According to them, this means that they have mass, as during the trip some of them entered the interaction and altered its type. Particle theory states that in order to change its appearance particle must have mass. Neutrinos are considered particularly important for our overall understanding of the universe origlio beverage and nature can explain phenomena such as the "missing mass." If neutrinos have mass, then the mass in the Universe is much more than meets the eye. As stated by Professor Jenny Thomas, "We are surrounded by neutrinos in each cubic centimeter, there are hundreds of these particles at any time. If they do have a certain weight, then the universe has much more mass than previously thought."
which is the fundamental law of physics. The outcome of this paradox
collection of spins is an even number of fermions is obtained boson
Pauli's theoretical origlio beverage solution origlio beverage gives both the paradox if the β-
suppress β-disintegration match (within origlio beverage the accuracy of
proton is lighter than 2.5 neutrons electronic tables, it is therefore origlio beverage

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