Sunday, May 25, 2014

AirPOS allows you to Park, Void or Tender the sale once all items have been added. Pressing Tender d

Software Review: AirPOS | EPOS Systems premium distributors Ireland
AirPOS is a Point Of Sale solution for Windows PC’s and Android tablets. The company is based in Belfast. An iPad version of the software is currently in the works. This review premium distributors is based on using AirPOS on a Digipos A100 EPOS System running Windows POSReady 7. Setup
Setting up AirPOS takes a few steps, but is still quite straightforward. First, premium distributors create an account on the AirPOS website. You can also choose your pricing plan at this stage as well. Once the account is created, you’ll be taken into your AirPOS Backoffice. The Backoffice uses a web-based interface and so can be accessed from practically any computer premium distributors or device.
From the Backoffice, you can choose to perform a variety of tasks. To set up a PC for Point Of Sale use, you need to download the AirPOS Desktop Application. premium distributors Once this is downloaded, you can install it on whatever PC you will be using in store for sales transactions. You will also need to use the Backoffice to create an Employee/User account for the POS device. Employees can be assigned one of 3 privilege levels: Staff, Supervisor or Manager. Staff can only perform basic sales, Supervisors can perform more advanced tasks but cannot access Settings, while the Manager can access and alter every feature of AirPOS.
The AirPOS installer takes you through every step required to get up and running. You log in to the Desktop Application using your main AirPOS login. This way, the Desktop programme is linked to your account. The Desktop Application premium distributors will guide you through configuring receipt printers and cash drawers. In most cases, setting up just requires you to toggle a switch from Off to On, depending on your needs. Setup screens are clearly laid out with intuitive red/green controls.
The AirPOS Desktop App has to interface with your online Backoffice at certain points, which means there must be communication between your computer and the AirPOS servers. During setup, we experienced some long waiting times while data synched, and also experienced some communication failures. However, we cannot be certain whether this was down to our Internet connection or an issue with AirPOS. Selling
The selling screen is attractively designed and makes good use of colour to indicate functionality. Sales can be quickly processed with just a few taps. Any product groups set up in your Backoffice Inventory will automatically appear on your Sale screen. Tapping a product group shows a list of all products in that group, so you can quickly find exactly what you’re looking for. Products can also be assigned images if desired.
Once tapped, a product is added to the transaction. A list of all items on the transaction is shown to the right of the screen. From here, quantities can be amended and the item can be removed from the transaction if required. Prices premium distributors can also be discounted if desired. However, these actions all require a Supervisor or Manager password to be entered.
AirPOS allows you to Park, Void or Tender the sale once all items have been added. Pressing Tender displays a payment premium distributors dialogue box. From here, you can choose a tender type (cash, credit card, cheque). You can also enter the amount paid either by using a keypad premium distributors or by using Smart mode. In Smart mode, AirPOS only displays the amounts it believes the customer is most likely to hand over to pay for the sale. For instance, in a sale totalling 46.79, AirPOS guesses that the customer premium distributors will pay either the exact amount, 47 or 50. If none of these guesses are correct, you can simply tap the Keypad option and enter the correct amount.
Once a sale is tendered, AirPOS offers the option of printing a Gift Receipt or Standard Receipt, or not printing any receipt at all. The entire sale process premium distributors is quick and intuitive. However, it can be difficult for staff without premium distributors supervisor privileges to correct a mistake. Even a simple mistake such as accidentally adding too many of an item to a transaction requires a password from a supervisor or manager to amend. Reports
The Desktop App generates premium distributors a very basic End of Day/Drawer Close report which shows expected drawer counts and actual drawer counts. A full list of transactions for each day is accessible through the Backoffice in an easy to navigate calendar view. More advanced reporting is only available to users who subscribe premium distributors to one of AirPOS’s paid schemes. Cost
AirPOS is currently available in a Free version, Advanced premium distributors version and Multi-Channel version. The Free version is surprisingly generous, offering up to 100 products. However, certain features such as advanced reporting and payment processing is not available under the Free scheme, premium distributors and telephone support is also unavailable. You are also limited to using just one POS device.
The Advanced version costs 17.50 (around 21) per month per device and allows up to 50,000 products. It also offers advanced reporting, integrated payment processing, e-

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