Sunday, March 9, 2014

The tendency to want to save public expenditure by using more and more resources to administrative

Is violence mds collections an acceptable necessity - in any job areas? 'Education, Structure & Management ...
In the English mds collections legal system, people who have worked with mentally handicapped adults for more than 2 years in the institutional world, be jurors. So they had been seen and experienced too much to be able to assess what was violently mds collections seen with normal society's mds collections eyes. It told one of the many temporary co-workers mds collections I had. It was during this period, I worked as a night watchman. I can no longer remember his name - this agency. There were so many that circled in and out of these settlements, for a fairly short period. But he was newly qualified psychologist. He could now do not use so much in working with mentally handicapped adults who could sometimes be violent. He did not so long.
Some of what was happening, it was pretty hard. I had a colleague who broke his arm because a resident had slammed a door on her arm. Another colleague was caught off guard, and was pulled so strongly in the hair of a resident that smoke all the strands of her hair.
I looked at some point in the news a story about a nurse who had worked in a psychiatric ward in a hospital for 20 years, had been assaulted by a patient. She stopped after the assault. But what emerged from the story was that you had saved on staff resources so that they had before always been two that went together when they were at work. Now they went alone. And it increased the risk of violence and assaults on staff very strongly.
There was at one time another example encouraging news from a dwelling place for people with a violent behavior in which a male teacher was killed. There was the same problem. There was effektiviseringens name was cut in staffing - and the staff was more alone when they were at work. And thus, the risk of assault and violence against employees also much greater.
Of course we save - in the public sector. But with that would be saved by employees some more in the administration who can sit and make more and more detailed mds collections time management plans for people who work in the practical part of "the world" - which are then cut into their resources, is indeed a screwy way to save. As increases the administration and provide savings where the work will be performed mds collections in practice. There are limits to how much can be more efficient mds collections in practice without compromising both the quality of the job / service - and the work environment. The to hire more and more "chiefs" and reduce the number of "Indians" - which then must streamline their daily lives more and more - with a growing risk of violence and aggression within the high-risk specialties - is indeed an indication that not counting the employees in the work especially high.
From an economic point of view, one will obtain the same savings in public budgets by saving mds collections on the number of "chiefs" and either maintain or increase the number of "Indians". For those people who deal with administration, are often in a slightly higher grades than those who work in practice.
The tendency to want to save public expenditure by using more and more resources to administrative procedures to streamline the practical part, recurs in almost all areas of the public sector: home care, hospitals, schools, social agencies - over the lot ...
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