Wednesday, March 26, 2014

I really like you blog, unearthly rules ;) but in this description, which gives you the beginning e

I do not know how much energy in me to make cocktails, unless the spring could so seriously. Soon there will be some suggestions for cocktails vegetables, today delicious epos m5i and great for your body cleansing cocktail with pineapple linseed. Yum!
What are we so sure of himself epos m5i and that of which we are laid away? Pondering next spring rebirth, cleaning and rebuilding, listen Moonface (project Spenecera Krug) and "Love The House You're In" ...
Background While we your body, your soul, your mind, as much as we invest into it so much we take for several years. Taking care of yourself, regeneration and mindfulness in the treatment epos m5i of "the house in which we live" is a better investment than Social Security, ASIF and pension funds together :)
Fresh PINEAPPLE - has slimming properties, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous. Team enzyme called Bromelain contained in this fruit helps in digestion, has cleansing properties (removal of excess fluid from the body), prevents flatulence and constipation. Pineapple contains potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, folic acid and other vitamins bust. Contained in pineapple fiber like Bromelain aids digestion epos m5i and helps to remove toxic products of metabolism.
Avocado - thanks to its high content of oleic acid helps to lower bad cholesterol levels, has a lot of potassium, vitamins (including the wonderful E), folic acid. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, epos m5i polyunsaturated fatty acids help to control blood sugar, and fiber helps the digestive system and prevents constipation.
FLAX SEEDS - is a great source of zinc, folate, magnesium, iron, protein. And also contains a high amount of healthy fiber, minerals, vitamins (including B and so valuable vitamin E), and polyunsaturated epos m5i fatty acids. The ingredients contained in the beans flax fantastic work on condition of hair, skin and nails, lower blood pressure and, of course, support the digestive processes while at the same time cover the intestines. The same health!
Cocktail downright fantastic stimulates the bowel and is ideal for the beginning epos m5i of a "new phase lighter food." Thanks contained błonnikowi, which gives a feeling of satiety, is the perfect meal - for lunch or afternoon tea.
Ground flax mill or grind in a blender, pour hot water and allow to przestudzenia. Peel the pineapple, squeeze the juice of a grapefruit or orange, peel avocado. Mix together epos m5i all ingredients and serve immediately. Pineapple itself is very sweet, so the cocktail does not need sweetening. Yum!
I really like you blog, unearthly rules ;) but in this description, which gives you the beginning epos m5i there are some inaccuracies. So it was not that the picking - I just want to raise awareness ;) Pineapple - "contains folic acid and vitamins bust" - Folic acid is a vitamin PP. "Contained in pineapple fiber aids digestion" - fiber does not make the food more or less digested, fiber (depending on the fraction of fiber) delays or accelerates the passage of gastric contents through the digestive tract, which does not mean that it is better digested. The fresh pineapple find the most soluble fiber fractions in water and which provided the body in adequate quantities prevent constipation. Actually about dietary fibers can write the same thing at every fresh fruit and a vegetable ;) Avocado - "has a lot of potassium, vitamins (including the wonderful E), folate, and antioxidants (neutralize free radicals)" - Vitamin E is also an antioxidant ;) Flaxseed - "and a lot of unsaturated fatty acids" - I understand that it is a polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in these seeds. In addition, the cocktail looks fabulous ;) Reply Delete
Thank you for your valuable comments, I love my smart readers :) Something I corrected, I have no more strength. I hope that more clearly. Next time I write "drink, healthy. Dot" aaa ;) PS I would be nice if the comment was signed, however ;) Delete
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I assume colored apron imported from Barcelona, an old bucket of dark jams mix in the kitchen tastes, smells and sounds. I'll turn your favorite cocktail music, to share with you a frying pan, with olive oil and sea salt - life tastes better!
Ravioli and tortelli with Paul Pag-Pietruch Cook Up Studio in Warsaw - herring Miele la carte - ravioli and tortelli Wild cooking with Luke Łuczajem Goose - workshops with Arthur Moroz mushrooms - in the forest of mycology Food for Friends - a workshop with insects Academy of Kurt Scheller in Warsaw St. Martin Croissants in Poznan Sushi in Warsaw Masala Cheesecakes in Thomas Deker in Tri

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