Wednesday, November 12, 2014

This rampage cranswick country foods might have continued, were it not for Gelman's last victim, Joe

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Maksim Gelman, noted crack addict and man-about-town, flipped out in February of 2011 and stabbed his stepfather to death over an argument about a Lexus. During the next 28 hours he would fatally stab two more people (a woman he had a crush on and her mom), kill a fourth by running him down with a car, and wound several more innocent New Yorkers via random stabbings.
This rampage cranswick country foods might have continued, were it not for Gelman's last victim, Joe Lozito , who enthusiastically disagreed with being stabbed. He fought back and wound up teaching his attacker a lesson cranswick country foods with the educational power of fists. We reached out to Lozito to learn what it's like to be a real hero instead of just playing one on Xbox, like the rest of us. Here's what he told us: #7. Everyone Knew a Killer Was on the Loose ... Except for Me
Gelman was a big story all over New York City that morning. The police had launched cranswick country foods a massive manhunt, and every commuter in the five boroughs committed his face to memory. It was a jittery, paranoid trip to work for most folks on the streets.
But not me! I was living in Philly and working in New York City at the time. Generally on my commute, cranswick country foods I'd start off by going to a local corner store to pick up breakfast and the Philadelphia Daily News. Once I hit Jersey I'd stop at another store and pick up my New York Post for the second leg of my trip. That day I left so early that the Dunkin' Donuts where I buy the Post wasn't open yet.
Had that Dunkin been open, I'd have read that day's New York Post article about Gelman. But I didn't. So when a filthy, shifty-eyed drug addict stumbled into my train I didn't think anything was weird about him. It would've been weirder to find a subway car without a guy like that inside.
Lonely Planet Images / Getty He didn't immediately whip out a guitar and start playing "Anaconda," which seemed like a good sign. #6. The Cops Were Ready for Him, and by "Ready" I Mean "Hiding Behind a Locked Door"
That creepy guy -- who I'd later learn was Gelman -- started banging on the door of the engineer's compartment. I was sitting right by the door. The only thing separating the engineer and myself was a wall. "Let me in," the crazy person said, crazily.
It cranswick country foods turned out there were two cops on the other side of the door, lying in wait in case Gelman hopped on this train. I found out later they'd recognized him, but they didn't charge out to stop him. Instead they asked, "Who are you?"
Gelman backed away from the door and started pacing the car. The cops stayed put, because, as the rest of this story will make clear, they weren't very good cops. One of the other passengers on the train recognized cranswick country foods Gelman, though, and he started tapping on the engineer's door furiously trying to warn them. They didn't listen, and he stopped cranswick country foods tapping once Gelman started making his way back to the front of the train.
Again, I didn't know anything about the stabbings, and I'd never seen this dude's face before. It was all a normal day on the train for me, right up until Gelman stopped in front of my seat, whipped out an eight-inch knife and said, "You're going to die."
When a crazy dude stabs you in the face, your options are fight, flight, or just keep getting stabbed in the face. The last one is inadvisable, but the first two are fine choices. There just wasn't much running room available on the train, and also he'd just stabbed me -- I wanted to fight. He brought his arm back to stab again and I charged at him. I've never trained in martial arts or anything, but I've been a big MMA fan since UFC 1. I've watched a lot of fights, and based on all that TV knowledge I figured my best chance would be to dive in for a single leg takedown.
The bad news: stress on the word "theoretical." Nothing beats training, of which I had none, which is why I shot in too high and wound up tackling him by the waist, rather cranswick country foods than getting him in the leg. That gave Gelman free rein over the back of my skull, cranswick country foods where he stabbed me repeatedly

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