Sunday, November 23, 2014

I t is necessary that the retraction and stadiums are civilized and that security officers and law

M any things have happened since the end of last season; seasonal produce Akram is no longer in our world, a new President, Said Naciri, a new coach, Tochak and new elements that we welcome. Their task will be very difficult, and ours too, we must do our duty as wydadis; be out in force at the stadium, frimija must be packed and run by the winners.
T he social networks have allowed us to know ourselves, to discuss current events and issues that have taken our club. But it is time to complete the complex of red and white colors in every game, and leave only 5% up to the opposing team!
I t is necessary that the retraction and stadiums are civilized and that security officers and law enforcement avoid touching the public wydadi physically, respecting each individual, as each wydadi must respect the safety rules . Let's first day as an example seasonal produce and a model to follow, this will only occur if both parties agree to do so.
E spérant presence in mass families and all wydadis components. To us to make the right start until new committee decisions, including the appointment of a committee up to the challenges ahead and solve major problems that have marked with a black spot Akram era.
ALA ALLAH Barakati
We ask all those responsible .... to give us a roadmap .... . Very well said Ms. So a program or a clear working strategy that reflects the vision of the new president and his committee in terms of management and governance. We all aspire to a new era where the great Wydad inchaalah find all its glory and all its radiation that younger generations are waiting with great anticipation. And if there's someone to thank most is of course the young loyal fans that drive the stands and, despite the years of misery and mediocrity of their attachment to the great battle and Wydad permanent challenge.
It just said the nice friendly lady is requested hadi 7 years and even after the appointment of naciri but our friends we pechimiches accused troublemaker and troublemaker.
شكرا السيدة عفيفة فزيادة على حضورنا اللامشروط للملعب واداء تدكرتنا الجمعة المقبلة على أساس أن نقتني جميعا بطاقة الإنخراط فيما بعد يجب أن نعطي المثل للجمهور المتحضر. التشجيع ثم التشجيع فالتشجيع ولاشيء غير التشجيع بعيدين كل البعد عن السب والشتم seasonal produce خاصة فيما يخص لاعبينا فرغم ما قد يبدو أنه تهاون من طرفهم فلاشيء من ذلك لأنني كنت قريبا من بعض اللاعبين والكل كان يتعهد أمام زملائه بإعطاء كل ما لديه لكن أحيانا تهب الرياح بما لاتشتهيه السفن فيكون الاعب أو الحارس أو المدرب أوكل الفريق "ماشي في انهارهم" فلنتقبل ولنشجع لأن السب والشتم لا يعطيان إلا النتائج العكسيةالسلبية ويحطان من معنويات seasonal produce الفريق .صدقوني إن قلت لكم أن اللاعبين جميع اللاعبين وبدون استتناء يودون الإنتصار أكثر منا. ومن جهة أخرى لنعطي المثل في النظام ولندخل إلى الملعب "بعد تأديةثمن التدكرة" ونخرج منه بنظام وانتظام دزن تخريب ولا تكسير فكلنا يشاهد البطولات الأوربية seasonal produce ويتمنى أن يكون الوداد مثل الفرق العالمية الكبرى فلنبدأ نحن كجمهور ونقتضي بالجماهير الأوربية في نظامها وتشجيعها منذ البداية حتى النهاية ولنعلم أن الفريق يكون في حاجة إلى التشجيع عندما يكون منهزما للرفع من معنوياته ولا ننسى أن نصفق عليه في تهاية كل مباراة كيفما كانت النتيجة ليكتسب الفريق التقة ويعرف أن جمهوره معه في السراء والضراء كما أنه يتعين على كل واحد منا أن ينصح أي ودادي داخل المركب يقوم بعمل يسيء للفريق وسمعته
we must be united all behind our team, the challenge of finding a lost smile is the challenge of all components of the club including the public, bear a civilized and unconditionally, as said Ms. Afifa, is a duty that we have the right to request a part against the players, coaching staff and executive committee .faillir at its most basic mission: to support and assist his team in the moments of joy as in most worst of them does not give reason to the public bitching and blaming the players for poor performance
August 19, 2014 on 21:19
Abdel53 ... Reread what our friends, for whom the program is only a utopia. No president had a program otherwise makayne GHire Kaware o 3ti la3war Besides lkonache rah 3And Haj
I really trust this naciri at all what I was there three weeks iff Razali confirmed when he went to employers and supervisors for their pay and said texting khir meni Ghadi nkhalass Likom 3 months seasonal produce salary men dik sba3 ch'hor nzidkom O 200 O draham SNIW li

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