Sunday, November 30, 2014

She said Regina Dugan head of the agency Advanced Research Ministry Aldvaaalomirkah former director

In his book "Secrets of the Cave" and the book "The Age of the Antichrist" touched writer Hisham Abdel-Meguid to explain Christ's relationship with the Antichrist (the founder of the New World Order) b barcode topic on all products now and which bears the number food distributor of the 666 symbols comma between the pound and the sharks or dollars and cents and code country Origin and factory product of the commodity ..... etc. as shown in the following:
He also explained his book "Secrets food distributor of the Cave" global conspiracy diabolical owners scheme as mentioned apocalyptic Evangelist sanitation 13 to implant a microchip under the skin will be laid in the hands or foreheads of all human beings, to contain all the information, accounts and financial health of each individual - what looked like a global vaccination campaign - and this slide combine being a passport and identity food distributor card and a credit card and health card, where all the information will be stored Alkhashbalferd through a global computer system, so an individual can be all business processes (sale and purchase, rent, transportation and other services), travel, work or receive treatment food distributor services without carrying any identification, money or other securities, and thus become such securities and money relic of the past, no one can buy or sell anything food distributor or deal with the government and international agencies only through this slide under the new world order that began in the first steps in the nineties of the last century and now are rushing food distributor to implement the rest of the linear steps fully in the coming years. And will monitor all of the places this slide and a remote-controlled satellite, smart cards, which are trying to circulate now in all financial transactions for the people of the earth Kalveza card and atm and other personal food distributor and ration cards, health cards online is only a prelude food distributor to the slice Albayoshib they want to circulate in the future and implanted under the right hand or the foreheads of every human skin to keep tabs on and tighten control them through satellite, according to the former explained by Baketaben. In the book Secrets of the Cave warned all human beings from planting these electronic chips, especially food distributor the faithful because of Sazraha will be full control of his mind and his will of Satan and the Antichrist in the new world order, and in the end Sasadjad grown this segment of the devil after he becomes a god who controls it, according As stated in this matter of warnings from the Creator Almighty apocalyptic Evangelist sanitation No. 14 numbers from 9-12 and sanitation No. 16 numbers from 2-3. Now the owners of the plot in the actual implementation of planting this segment of all human beings, and is being promoted now planted food distributor under different suits want all people machining food distributor on planting this segment, Kaltgm as mobile and run remotely and protect it from theft and maintain the confidentiality of electronic accounts of various websites and banks, and to overcome the disabilities through electronic food distributor Parties ........... etc. Motorola has recently announced the company for the manufacture of mobile devices is one of the famous-owned since 2011 for companies Google Inc. (Google Inc., accompanied the research site's most famous Internet) for the production of label future of the skin in the form of an electronic tattoo, you solve all the problems of passwords. The CEO of Motorola, "Dennis Woodside," in an interview during the "de 11" conference in the Californian, the company is working on new technologies that make phones able to verify the user's identity without having food distributor to use passwords. And that through the use of technology or electronic mail tattoo grain. Motorola is seeking to use this technology to develop phones do not rely traditional Alytriq used these days to verify the user's identity, so they can be Onataraf device on the identity of the employer as soon as he approached him. And consists of Alouchmalaketrona Electronic circuit flexible can be installed on the user's body, Hithimcn phone to communicate with the tattoo-mail to verify the identity of the employer. It is noteworthy that Nokia had previously indicated that it looked like the possibility of using electronic Hzhaloshun to verify the user's identity. -Mail and tattoos is a patch of clear plastic, launched Alihaasm: EMC 10, affixed to the body of the many electronic functions. These slides diameter does not exceed 100 microns, roughly the average human hair. It consists of integrated circuits on a layer of polyester flexible rubbery enough to allow her lying down and bending with wrinkled skin in hand skin
She said Regina Dugan head of the agency Advanced Research Ministry Aldvaaalomirkah former director of the unit advanced technology and projects in Cherkhmotourula now: that this technology sings Alansanan remember passwords, but in fact her count the hands of other benefits, as digital Icomalom collect food distributor a lot of information about the body, such as Stretch the muscles of the electric Oalndat in skeletal structure, nerves, and heart activity, and the degree of Hrarhalgesm. As the site said "Slashger" the tattoo-mail is Abarhan very short mini-lab. The Deputy Director of Motorola's advanced research Regina Dugan said Hzhaltknulogia manufacturer of silicon which is used flexible electronic circuits are currently located and designed mainly for medical uses, and the company hopes to be able to use these tattoos in the new phones as ways to verify the user's identity. food distributor And are shipped mail tattoo melted plastic charger adapters in wireless, smartphones shipped as the latest in the market. This means that if subjected to bending Shido

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