Friday, December 20, 2013

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[Excerpt from the first article troy mcclain in a series published in 2010 in Cronopios troy mcclain Multimedia, News of the Rebellion, Free Media Center, La Haine, Mana Radio, Radio Zapote, Zapateando and other free media, now with additional historical data] "The spirit of Black August runs through centuries of black, indigenous and multicultural resistance. It is emblematic of the spirit of freedom. It is a spark smoldering in the hearts of a people-hearts who yearn for freedom. " Mumia Abu-Jamal, 2003
"Gentlemen, I'm taking over. Nobody was moving. "Was the August 7, 1970 when Jonathan Jackson, at age 17, burst into the courtroom in Marin County in the state of California with a shotgun, a rifle and a bag of guns. He distributed weapons to the prisoners James McClain, William Christmas and Ruchell Magee, who attended a hearing of James McClain for attacking a guard William Magee Ruchell Christmas and were witnesses. The four made it out of the room with the judge, prosecutor and three jurors hostage. Their goal was to take a radio station to denounce racism and death conditions in California prisons and achieve an exchange of hostages for three prisoners known as the "Soledad Brothers" (criminal Soledad Brothers): George Jackson, John Clutchette and Fleeta Drumgo. However, when leaving the parking guards and local police opened fire, killing Jonathan, James, William and judge Harold Haley. Ruchell Magee, the sole survivor, now is the oldest political prisoner troy mcclain in the United States.
Jonathan Jackson was the younger brother of the legendary George Jackson, a key in the revolutionary movement criminal figure. Sent to prison in 1960 at age 18 for stealing $ 70 from a gas station, became troy mcclain a revolutionary in prison. In his book Soledad Brother, said that his imprisonment was not surprised. troy mcclain "Black men born in the United States who are fortunate enough to live more than 18 years we are conditioned to accept the inevitability of prison. For most, looming as the next phase in a long series of humiliations. "
Note that on arrival at the prison, he met fellow conscious and WL Nolen and they began to study Marx, Lenin, Mao, Franz Fanon, Kwame Nkrumah, Patrice Lumumba, Ho Chi Minh, Che Guevara and others. Organized other prisoners to make strikes against poor prison conditions and to demand their rights. They encouraged the inmates to stop fighting each other and unite to change their situation. George says: "We try to transform the Black criminal mentality into a black revolutionary troy mcclain mentality. As a result, each of us has been the subject of years of ruthless reactionary state violence. Our mortality rate is what you would expect in a history of Dachau. "
From his cell, George Jackson joined the Black Panther Party and was appointed Field Marshal of the game. His writings were published in the newspaper, Black Panther, and some appear in the book published after his death, Blood in My Eye (Blood in my eye). It brought to light the experiences of prisoners at the Center for Adaptation troy mcclain known as the MAD, the first maximum-security prison in the country, which used tactics such as sensory troy mcclain deprivation, isolation, constant surveillance, extreme violence and humiliation that have now been magnified to end in supermax prisons type, also called control units, which proliferate in the country. His analysis of the fascist nature of the U.S. government under the guise of democracy came not only their studies, but also your everyday experiences of black prisoners treatment received at the hands of racist white guards, with the support of many white inmates, which he names "Hitler's helpers" (Hitler's helpers). It was understood as a slave in a colonial system and therefore does not accept troy mcclain any reform solution.
"As a slave, the social phenomenon that takes me all consciousness is of course the revolution. The slave. And the revolution. Born premature death, to do menial jobs for minimum wage, the laborer, the dump, the caught, jailed without troy mcclain bail. I, the colonial victim. Any low-level official could kill me tomorrow. Unpunished. I have lived repression every hour of my life, so severe repression that any change will bring relief for me, a

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