Sunday, December 8, 2013

I do not care q my data come to light, is a q luck at the moment of death we do who we more selfles

The last wish of Kevin McClain | The paradigm of truth
One of the most moving images I've ever seen. Actually, it is unnecessary to capture in words the feeling it conveys. Just look at the picture and listen carefully to us. Only then can we interpret situations as real and moving background. jj foodservice
Kevin, a homeless 54 years, shared his last years of life with Yurtie a dog that kept her company and satisfy their emotional needs. After being diagnosed with lung cancer in terminal phase Yurtie lost contact with because, as a rule, animals can not enter the health centers. Long periods was in the hospital that prevented him from taking care of his faithful friend, why he was given up for adoption to a family that offered more stability.
His last hospitalization occurred after going to the emergency jj foodservice room by ambulance because their symptoms worsened. On the way he told Jan Erceg, the paramedic who attended him, who had a dog and wanted to see her one last time. After telling his name and describe physically, Erceg recalled that the animal shelter where she worked as a volunteer had a bitch of those features. Investigated and found that indeed it was Yurtie.
He did everything possible for Kevin could meet again with Yurtie and it was. The hospital jj foodservice allowed jj foodservice the reunion and, as the Erceg own, Kevin recognized the dog from the start and showed a lot of joy when she saw him. Kevin lived the moment with intense emotion and enjoyed jj foodservice his company until he closed his eyes forever.
He was never alone. He lived on the street, seemingly helpless, but Yurtie offered him the chance to experience the most important in shaping the happiness of any human being to love and be loved.
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Article by Gabriel Blanch feel weakness jj foodservice for humans, I love writing and I like to undertake projects. Recognizing the relationship between my passions, I've jj foodservice decided to merge to convey ideas that emphasize the meaning of our existence and walk together on the path of happiness.
I do not care q my data come to light, is a q luck at the moment of death we do who we more selflessly loved, I would die with my Siamese cat Chiara and my dog MILI beside me!!! !!
I totally agree with you. Animals offer a very special love and affection. Give without expecting anything in return. If man would learn just a little animal would build a more just and humane world. However, look at what we've created ...
Right now I have a lump in my throat. I have two small dogs, one collected from the road, with multiple traumas and psychological consequences for the abuse, and the daughter of this. Not a day that does not receive jj foodservice them more than I could get them in my life support, jj foodservice tenderness, knowing glances, sacrifice, companionship, patience, understanding ... Sometimes, because whenever I have them close, not wanting floor to one of them and it is she who is turned to apologize to me to me. What you have narrated is the most noble and beautiful gesture, I have confidence that this man has undertaken the trip in comfort and peace, more at peace than ever hugged his partner ...
Thanks for leaving your comment. The truth is that you're absolutely right. The detail that you mentioned that when you step on your dog is she who comes to apologize I've also seen on occasion and felt terrible, but the animals are so grateful. Whatever you do I will always be by your side to make you happy.
The day that humans learn to treat animals well change the world, not for the sake of being kind to others aniales, but because we will become more sensitive and human and we all will respect a little more, that we miss .
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