Wednesday, March 25, 2015

World Food Prize (award + $ 250,000) this year goes to leaders of agriculture multinational Monsant

World Food Prize (award + $ 250,000) this year goes to leaders of agriculture multinational Monsanto and Syngenta. This is remarkable, since the manufacturers of laboratory manipulated food hunting seem to patents of all products from Mother Earth herself and not encounter much resistance from the green front. But it gets even more rotten the rate is partly financed by these companies themselves. Monsanto donated five million dollars in 2008 on The World Food Prize Foundation. From the press release Monsanto shows that the company no pains to criticize her intentions nip in the bud: "To cultivate a good image, we have carefully cultivated the World Food Prize Foundation since 2008. Monsanto is investing in this high quality institution. french market basket and that seems to be paying off now in a fair price for future-proof research on food safety and food quality. This year is the first time that Monsanto World Food Prize win, but once we have it in hand, we will patent the price immediately and henceforth annually assign ourselves so that we can continue to work on our durable image. " For rebuttal GeenStijl got an allotment inside (on the roof of a trendy loft in the main urban canals) and asked the present there indignant french market basket vegetarir for a response. The suave city gardener (who recently figured in the documentary french market basket People of Now) was quite busy with his own life and thus had not heard of the green front, but responded nonetheless seething: "Holy kohlrabi Now the grapes are sour We're going to! tent completely biodegrade. Boontje need for its own job here. You do not mean we have to send such a wild goose chase? That ceremony is GM man! WE MUST DO SOMETHING! That company should root and branch be cut off! " Itself attacks the participants for the Nobel Prize in Agriculture? Sign the petition. Always a good breeding ground for resistance ... Van Rossem | 15-10-13 | 18:05 | Link | 99 comments Reaguursels
Without Monsanto's of this world, people died in Africa and Asia by the dozen (maybe that's what all the tree huggers ultimately want: less people on this planet except themselves and their children), french market basket and if you settle for a bag of spuds 25 euros. kapotte_stofzuiger | 15-10-13 | 18:12
kapotte_stofzuiger | 15-10-13 | 18:12 Thanks Monsanto will get soon a towering fine if you (almost free) want to remodel manipulation-free potatoes. By far the most despicable business world; by comparison, the pharma boys and cluster bombs boys dear honorable guests. Andy Devins | 15-10-13 | 18:19
They are really not only the leftist milieugekkies who hate to Monsanto. They are stereotyped french market basket villains who intimidate their opponents, threaten, bribe or make judges have broken. They are people who constantly try to put into politics to defuse their competitors. It was also an exhaustive Monsanto seed bank was within the European Union.
They are bastards. Monsanto distorts the market, trying to buy the policy for their own use and also once in charge of the agricultural policy of the European french market basket Union. They try to earn billions in disrupting or control of food production. I think the devil now digging a separate layer in hell for these people. Nequebard | 15-10-13 | 18:25
Without Monsanto and Syngenta, you can forget the vegetables in the 5th disk. Agriculture can indeed french market basket completely forgetting the improved plant protection products of these companies. Take the usual potato, we are finally eaters. If there were no means to blight came no more potato out of the ground. But no cabbage, french market basket broccoli, tomatoes, peppers etcetc. Intensive agriculture and thus irrevocably associated monoculture can only exist when there against diseases, french market basket fungi, insects sprayed etc. PPE are getting better and becoming more selective french market basket with these companies. Willi Anus Wortelus | 15-10-13 | 18:25
snap-snap-um-I-m | 15-10-13 french market basket | 18:26kapotte_stofzuiger | 15-10-13 | 18:12 No, it is because patent law and the Civil Code which companies give the same legal status as natural persons. Which means that a company can claim the intellectual property. Legislation so. So government. Governments have an interest in such legislation because it simplifies the collection of taxes. There's the rub.
Monsanto simply uses the laws and regulations. There is basically not much to GM and the improvement of crops to get a higher yield, one of the major problems is the patented genes and binding contracts with Monsanto producers thus can dept

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