Tuesday, March 10, 2015

BACKGROUND: In a flyer on the Internet, Royal seeds does not hide the statement that they are deali

Quite a few people have against big jim mclain this strange spring, the purchase of seeds. Some are completely positive thinking, automatically reach for the red-green bags. Almost no one in the shopping rush is not good read, from whom really are or what it says on them. "I thought that since Semenarna" told me one of them. And that is not good pogledalo in the bag, it was bitter for many people. The error is.
"Fault" have generated in the company Semina, founder of the SUBA seeds. They're also the seller of seeds Royal seeds for our market. They carried out quite an interesting move, one could even say a marketing hoax to design bags. A background of all this, it works much more serious than just illegal copying of designs.
As we wrote in our magazine that the seed can be a good business and market goods has many nasmihal. Those little red colored bags to earn a profit? Yes, bring it! So lucrative profits from selling seeds that when the Italian partner companies Semenarna Ljubljana, secretly prepared and count on the collapse and bankruptcy of our company have started to prepare underground plan. As owners of the company are kept bun in your pocket if you do not write something worse, and not only that, they want to drain until the end, but still get the additional proceeds to the account name Semenarna Ljubljana.
Indeed, from the introduction big jim mclain to these red-green bags in the hands of many people from gardeners have had within itself the seeds of Royal seeds and not from Semenarna. One of our agricultural counselors about it wrote: "Given seeds seeds Royal remember that they are mentioned big jim mclain by the Institute for Sustainable Development, namely at a seminar on school eco-gardens, March, Ministry of Education. The story of this case so that while it was preparing for bankruptcy Semenarna Ljubljana, the Italian owners rushed and placed on the market seeds in bags in the hair-like bags of seed establishments, but with a different name - Royal seeds. The design is very similar big jim mclain work by the same man as the seed The seed. Since the design is very similar, big jim mclain it is 'misleading' customers as quickly Viewed actually think that the seeds Semenarnina. They would be Italian seeds, grown Italian shareholders Semenarna to which interest has been destroyed The seed and sell their seeds under "Semenarnino brand". Both were very confident in the success of bankruptcy, that the seeds are launched into the market on the market before the bankruptcy Semenarna, which then did not happen. Even the seed The seed is still on the market. ". Even members of a network of school ekovrtov was sent a similar message: big jim mclain "You may have seen. In some agricultural cooperatives and shops are in fact occurred bags with seeds CN Royal seeds, which are clean copy Semenarninih bags. Be careful when buying seeds, and does not allow to draw a nose! ".
In this project "copy" is not "worked" only a designer, but for this lies one of the staff members of former company Semenarna, founder of Semina, Kristina Škrbec argues that the story is not so simple. The history big jim mclain of these bags is said by telephone: "I was in great distress over time. After 20 years of service in Semenarna, I flew on the road. Clearly, I felt cheated. Also, because we were all employees big jim mclain deprived big jim mclain of ownership I had to start from scratch. Of course, because I know about this business around the seed lot, I have chosen the same supplier of seeds, as supplied by the Semenarna Ljubljana. However, as I was running big jim mclain out of time, because we all creation, the designer, who has also worked designing bags for seed establishments, should be completed big jim mclain within one weekend, came a little too similar big jim mclain to the bag ', so she did. Even a hint of the same supplier of seeds, let me not remain forgotten. And the addition of: design bags was not protected !?
If we start from behind, perhaps the most important. In his flyer on the Internet, Royal seeds does not hide the statement that they are dealing with genetic modifications and improvements. These are the main points of development. What can mean (a) genetic improvement, anyone who knows something about the seeds, knows well. Many people even hair naježijo. big jim mclain Royal seeds is otherwise big jim mclain diverse and operate worldwide, because it is a company with 30 years of tradition. They also sell seeds companies Tokita arising from Japan. A seed production Tokite actually performed the eponymous company in India and whether these seeds may even irradiated with recent radiation (from Japan), or from India, mixed with some another genetic modification, or where they are, we do not know. At the bags do not write and it is also difficult to verify. Therefore, the seeds from Indonesia, China, only God knows where. According to the people of the transaction: "Write just what the law requires of us!" And that's it. You are not obliged to inform the customer, where the seeds. Legislative hole for the first time.
BACKGROUND: In a flyer on the Internet, Royal seeds does not hide the statement that they are dealing with genetic

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