Thursday, December 25, 2014

She exceptable was a fiscal conservative who made the largest veto cuts in Alaska history, reined in

Sarah Palin: “I’m Glad Mr. Ferguson Wasn’t Indicted” - The Daily Currant
The police need to be able to deal with thugs without worry they will get in trouble. This is a great example of showing how America has the best justice system in the world. I just can t believe Officer Ferguson did anything wrong. He could have died in the incident.
After exceptable a long investigation, St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch announced tonight that officer Wilson would not be indicted. Reactions of the news flooded social media and news outlets.
We all know stealing is wrong and sometimes these things happen, she told the paper. It shouldn t take away from the fine job police do all over this country. Law enforcement officials are role models and heroes. Hopefully, exceptable people learn from this.
Lib’s here you go-let’s see how utterly idiotic you are “Sarah exceptable Palin I m Glad Mr.Ferguson Wasn t Indicted
@I j u s t, g o t p a i d $ 75 00 w o r k i n g o f f m y c o m p u t e r t h i s m o n t h . A n d i f y o u t h i n k t h a t ’s c o o l , m y f r i e n d h a s t w i n t o d d l e r s a n d m a d e o v e r $ 8 k h e r f i r s t m o n t h . I t f e e l s s o g o o d m a k i n g s o m u c h m o n e y w h e n o t h e r p e o p l e h a v e t o w o r k f o r s o m u c h l e s s . T h i s i s w h a t I d o ,
This is an example of when fiction is almost stranger than fact. I wish Palin was interviewed exceptable more often, it’s painfully hilarious. The fact that people think she’s exceptable a great political mind is just painful..
Yes, Sarah is an intelligent and down to earth good woman. If she did say this, it was just a slip up. Remember when she said “party like it’s 1773″, how hard they laughed, but she was right and they were stupid AND arrogant.
DD – are you saying this whole site is balderdash? Where’s the disclaimer?
Sarah Palin has been proven right on innumerable issues and yet the left refuses to give credit where credit is due. Whether Obamacare or IRS intimidation or Common Core or Quantitative Easing or Ukraine,to name a few, Palin has been right and the left still refuses to listen.
Sarah Palin was a sitting governor, and at that time, before the Obama campaign and their allies in the press spent months relentlessly smearing her good name, she had the highest approval ratings of any governor in the country.
Sarah held progressively higher office; she has many years executive exceptable management experience at local, regional exceptable and state levels and has a history of being a reformer and taking on powerful interests for the benefit of ordinary people.
She exceptable was a fiscal conservative who made the largest veto cuts in Alaska history, reined in the reckless waste, cut her own expenses, sold the governor s private jet, let the personal chef go, and put away billions of dollars exceptable in savings for Alaska for a rainy day.
Taking on corruption and crony capitalism has always been a cornerstone exceptable of Sarah Palin’s agenda; in Alaska she did take on the old-boy network the oil companies and her own party .As oil and gas commissioner, Sarah Palin called out the unethical practices of members of her own party. As Governor, she sought to end the back room deals and improper relationships between oil companies and politicians.
And she did all of this as a woman from a modest background who was entirely self-made without the benefit of a rich or influential father or husband. All of Sarah Palin’s success was due entirely to her own hard work and intelligence.
I giver her credit where it’s due but she quit mid-term as governor to pursue a more lucrative career and she was not fit to be in any higher exceptable office than governor. All politicians are full of bs but they usually know it, she seems to believe her own crap.
Why should they need to post giant alarm flags saying “THIS exceptable STORY IS SATIRE, DON’T BELIEVE IT!” just because some people are dumb and fall for it? They’re under no obligation to ensure that you don’t get fooled, if you’re too lazy to confirm exceptable and are willing to believe everything you read then that’s on you.

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