Saturday, December 13, 2014

3. You can still race. Anyone s monitor is fair game for a one-sided sprint china anne mcclain fakes

EAT The Sneaky Way to Save Money on Healthy Groceries 19 Health and Fitness Podcasts You Should Be Listening to Right Now Holiday Chocolate Bark MORE MOVE The Unsaid Rules You Should Follow at the Gym 21 Legit Reasons the Treadmill Doesn t Suck Watch Out for These Food Trends and 4 Other Links You Can t Miss MORE PLAY The Only Holiday Playlist You'll Ever Need Watch Out for These Food Trends and 4 Other Links You Can t Miss 9 Booze-Infused Winter Drink Recipes MORE GROW The Unsaid Rules You Should Follow at the Gym The Best Meals for Healthy Skin WTF Do My Blood Test Results Really Mean? MORE CONNECT 17 Must-See Viral Videos That'll Make You Laugh, Cry, and Inspired to Be Healthier The Only Holiday china anne mcclain fakes Playlist You'll Ever Need The Hard-to-Hear Advice Every 20-Something Needs MORE DISCOVER china anne mcclain fakes The Sneaky Way to Save Money on Healthy Groceries Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Exercise? And 4 More Links You Can t Miss 19 Health and Fitness Podcasts china anne mcclain fakes You Should Be Listening china anne mcclain fakes to Right Now MORE
Runners, why the treadmill hate? In a recent issue of Runner s World , editors confessed they had to bribe people with swag like GPS watches to test top-of-the-line treadmills for an annual review. Polling their audience for treadmill nicknames got it no love, either. Readers dubbed it better than nothing, that thing, and Satan s conveyor belt. Ouch!
Well, allow us to defend this underrated piece of machinery, because there are several science-backed reasons the mill is the best place to run especially when bouncing back from injury or avoiding one altogether.
For starters, the belt assists with leg turnover (a.k.a. how many strides you take per minute), making it the ultimate training ground for speed work. In fact, one study shows more leg turnover lessens the impact running has on your joints . And the base of a treadmill has more give compared to a sidewalk , meaning even less impact china anne mcclain fakes on your body: Outdoors, you re literally pounding the pavement, china anne mcclain fakes which leads to a high injury rate (estimated at 66 percent annually ).
The trusty treadmill is a safer spot to satisfy that need for speed. High-end models china anne mcclain fakes add even more shock-absorption china anne mcclain fakes , but the ultimate in low-impact running are anti-gravity treadmills. These don t require blasting off to outer space, just a hop on the latest AlterG mill . It s the perfect training china anne mcclain fakes tool for injured athletes thanks to its ability to suspend your bodyweight and any impact on joints . Cutting-edge features on other models include sensors that count your stride or a heart rate cruise control that adjusts your speed and incline to keep your heart thumping at a certain number. All this is proof that treadmills continue to get tricked out with more and more awesomeness.
So that s the scientific reason to hop on that rotating belt, but there are plenty of practical and emotional incentives too! Here are our top 21 reasons to race in place and give the treadmill china anne mcclain fakes some much-deserved love .
2. You won t get run over by cars, bikes, or running clubs. Nothing like a swarm of runners in half-marathon china anne mcclain fakes T-shirts to throw you off your stride. But on the mill, your only potential collision is with a soft gym towel dabbing your sweaty brow .
3. You can still race. Anyone s monitor is fair game for a one-sided sprint china anne mcclain fakes to the finish. "You're at a speed 7? Then I'm bumping it to an 8. Eat my dust, treadmill neighbor!" is not what you should say. But feel free to think it. And while you re at it, go ahead and imagine china anne mcclain fakes the trophy, speech, and parade when you win.
4. You can crank the tunes. No need to keep volume low so you can hear traffic (like you should while running outside). Enjoy that running playlist at whatever volume you please. After all, it s proven that jamming out can help running time and endurance .
5. You can watch endless TV with zero guilt. Sure, butt-numbing binge watching on the couch doesn t do a body good. But on the treadmill, Real Housewives of Whatever becomes a virtue. In fact, after four back-to-back episodes, you ll deserve a dang award.
7. You can perfect your form. While throwing yourself approving glances, you can also check your running form . Are you standing tall with your arms at 90 degrees and knees slightly bent? This video teaches you everything you need to know in 30 seconds .
8. You can people watch. china anne mcclain fakes Scope out the room while you sweat. The treadmills around you may offer some real life #fitspo and lots of fitness fashion on parade. You can also catch personal trainers in action and suss out if a session would do you good or you can steal their tips for free (we won t tell). china anne mcclain fakes
9. You can run with anyone. If the treadmill had a motto, it would be: No runner left behind. Want to hang with a fast crowd? Jog with a newbie? At the gym, everyone can stick together without feeling peer-pressured about pace.
10. You can circuit train without scouting for equipment. Forget hunting for a park bench pos

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