Friday, December 26, 2014

How an Attacker Could Crack Your Wireless Network inland psychiatric medical group Security It

How-To Geek
MAC address filtering allows you to define a list of devices and only allow those devices on your Wi-Fi network. That’s the theory, inland psychiatric medical group anyway. In practice, this protection is tedious to set up and easy to breach.
This is one of the Wi-Fi router features that will give you a false sense of security . Just using WPA2 encryption is enough. Some people like using MAC address filtering, inland psychiatric medical group but it’s not a security feature.
Don’t Have a False Sense of Security: 5 Insecure Ways to Secure Your Wi-Fi You ve got WEP encryption enabled, your network s SSID is hidden, and you ve enabled MAC address filtering so no one else... inland psychiatric medical group [Read Article]
Each device you own comes with a unique media access control address (MAC address) that identifies it on a network. Normally, a router allows any device to connect — as long as it knows the appropriate passphrase. With MAC address filtering a router will first compare a device’s MAC address against an approved list of MAC addresses and only allow a device onto the Wi-Fi network if its MAC address has been specifically approved.
How an Attacker Could Crack Your Wireless Network inland psychiatric medical group Security It’s important to secure your wireless network with WPA2 encryption and a strong passphrase. But what sorts of attacks are... inland psychiatric medical group [Read Article]
All an attacker has to do is monitor the Wi-Fi traffic for a second or two, examine a packet to find the MAC address of an allowed device, change their device’s MAC address to that allowed MAC address, and connect in that device’s place. You may be thinking that this will not be possible because the device is already connected, but a “deauth” or “deassoc” attack that forcibly disconnects a device from a Wi-Fi network will allow an attacker to reconnect in its place.
We’re not exagerating here. An attacker with a toolset like Kali Linux can use Wireshark to eavesdrop on a packet, run a quick command to change their MAC address, use aireplay-ng to send deassociation packets to that client, and then connect in its place. This entire process inland psychiatric medical group could easily take less than 30 seconds. And that’s just the manual method that involves doing each step by hand — never mind the automated tools or shell scripts that can make this faster.
Your Wi-Fi s WPA2 Encryption Can Be Cracked Offline: Here s How When it comes to securing your Wi-Fi network, we always recommend WPA2-PSK encryption. It’s the only really effective way to... [Read Article]
Basically, as long as you have a strong passphrase with WPA2 encryption, that encryption will be the hardest thing to crack. If an attacker can crack your WPA2 encryption , it will be trivial for them to trick the MAC address filtering. inland psychiatric medical group If an attacker would be stumped by the MAC address filtering, they definitely won’t be able to break your encryption in the first place.
Think of it like adding a bicycle lock to a bank vault door. Any bank robbers that can get through that bank vault door will have no trouble cutting a bike lock. You’ve added no real additional security, but every time a bank employee needs to access the vault, they have to spend time dealing with the bike lock.
10 Useful Options You Can Configure In Your Router’s Web Interface Your wireless router inland psychiatric medical group has a variety of useful options you can configure. These are practically hidden — you wouldn’t know... [Read Article]
The time spent managing this is the main reason you shouldn’t bother. When you set up MAC address filtering in the first place, you’ll need to get the MAC address from every device in your household and allow it in your router’s web interface. This will take some time if you have a lot of Wi-Fi-enabled devices, as most people do.
Whenever you get a new device — or a guest comes over and needs to use your Wi-Fi on their devices — you’ll have to go into your router’s web interface and add the new MAC addresses. This is on top of the usual setup process where you have to plug in the Wi-Fi passphrase into each device.
This just adds additional work to your life. That effort should pay off with better security, but the miniscule-to-nonexistent boost in security you get makes this not worth your time. This Is a Network Administration Feature
MAC address filtering, properly used, is more of a network inland psychiatric medical group administration feature than a security feature. It won’t protect you against outsiders trying to actively crack your encryption and get onto your network. However, it will allow you to choose which devices are allowed online.
For example, if you have kids, you could use MAC address filtering to disallow their laptop or smartphpone from accessing the Wi-FI network if you need to ground them and take away Internet access. The kids could get around these parental controls with some simple tools, but they don’t kn

Thursday, December 25, 2014

She exceptable was a fiscal conservative who made the largest veto cuts in Alaska history, reined in

Sarah Palin: “I’m Glad Mr. Ferguson Wasn’t Indicted” - The Daily Currant
The police need to be able to deal with thugs without worry they will get in trouble. This is a great example of showing how America has the best justice system in the world. I just can t believe Officer Ferguson did anything wrong. He could have died in the incident.
After exceptable a long investigation, St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch announced tonight that officer Wilson would not be indicted. Reactions of the news flooded social media and news outlets.
We all know stealing is wrong and sometimes these things happen, she told the paper. It shouldn t take away from the fine job police do all over this country. Law enforcement officials are role models and heroes. Hopefully, exceptable people learn from this.
Lib’s here you go-let’s see how utterly idiotic you are “Sarah exceptable Palin I m Glad Mr.Ferguson Wasn t Indicted
@I j u s t, g o t p a i d $ 75 00 w o r k i n g o f f m y c o m p u t e r t h i s m o n t h . A n d i f y o u t h i n k t h a t ’s c o o l , m y f r i e n d h a s t w i n t o d d l e r s a n d m a d e o v e r $ 8 k h e r f i r s t m o n t h . I t f e e l s s o g o o d m a k i n g s o m u c h m o n e y w h e n o t h e r p e o p l e h a v e t o w o r k f o r s o m u c h l e s s . T h i s i s w h a t I d o ,
This is an example of when fiction is almost stranger than fact. I wish Palin was interviewed exceptable more often, it’s painfully hilarious. The fact that people think she’s exceptable a great political mind is just painful..
Yes, Sarah is an intelligent and down to earth good woman. If she did say this, it was just a slip up. Remember when she said “party like it’s 1773″, how hard they laughed, but she was right and they were stupid AND arrogant.
DD – are you saying this whole site is balderdash? Where’s the disclaimer?
Sarah Palin has been proven right on innumerable issues and yet the left refuses to give credit where credit is due. Whether Obamacare or IRS intimidation or Common Core or Quantitative Easing or Ukraine,to name a few, Palin has been right and the left still refuses to listen.
Sarah Palin was a sitting governor, and at that time, before the Obama campaign and their allies in the press spent months relentlessly smearing her good name, she had the highest approval ratings of any governor in the country.
Sarah held progressively higher office; she has many years executive exceptable management experience at local, regional exceptable and state levels and has a history of being a reformer and taking on powerful interests for the benefit of ordinary people.
She exceptable was a fiscal conservative who made the largest veto cuts in Alaska history, reined in the reckless waste, cut her own expenses, sold the governor s private jet, let the personal chef go, and put away billions of dollars exceptable in savings for Alaska for a rainy day.
Taking on corruption and crony capitalism has always been a cornerstone exceptable of Sarah Palin’s agenda; in Alaska she did take on the old-boy network the oil companies and her own party .As oil and gas commissioner, Sarah Palin called out the unethical practices of members of her own party. As Governor, she sought to end the back room deals and improper relationships between oil companies and politicians.
And she did all of this as a woman from a modest background who was entirely self-made without the benefit of a rich or influential father or husband. All of Sarah Palin’s success was due entirely to her own hard work and intelligence.
I giver her credit where it’s due but she quit mid-term as governor to pursue a more lucrative career and she was not fit to be in any higher exceptable office than governor. All politicians are full of bs but they usually know it, she seems to believe her own crap.
Why should they need to post giant alarm flags saying “THIS exceptable STORY IS SATIRE, DON’T BELIEVE IT!” just because some people are dumb and fall for it? They’re under no obligation to ensure that you don’t get fooled, if you’re too lazy to confirm exceptable and are willing to believe everything you read then that’s on you.

Both the Note 4 and iPhone mary maclane 6 are high-end, cutting-edge devices packed with valuable an

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6 Things iPhone 6 Does That Galaxy Note 4 Can't
Credit: Brian Sacco The Apple iPhone 6 and Galaxy Note 4 are two of the hottest smartphones available, but they each have their own individual strengths and weaknesses. Here are six ways the Galaxy Note 4 outperforms the iPhone 6.
Both the Note 4 and iPhone mary maclane 6 are high-end, cutting-edge devices packed with valuable and unique features. They're two of the best smartphones available today, which is why they've found homes in my pockets.
(Note: The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are nearly identical, with three exceptions. The iPhone 6 Plus is notably bigger, the iPhone mary maclane 6 screen resolution is lower than the 6 Plus screen, and the iPhone 6 Plus has an optical image stabilization camera feature that the iPhone 6 lacks. Unless otherwise stated, the conclusions I make about iPhone 6 can also be applied to the iPhone mary maclane 6 Plus.) 1) Samsung mary maclane Galaxy Note 4 and the S Pen
When Samsung originally announced its first Galaxy Note smartphone in the summer of 2011, the defining feature was its size. During the years since, the Galaxy Note family created mary maclane a whole new "phablet" product category. The concept was largely ridiculed at first, mary maclane but it's been further legitimized by Apple's September 2014 announcement of the similarly sized iPhone 6 Plus. Brian Sacco
The Galaxy Note 4's size no longer sets it apart from the pack. Now it's the S Pen that stands out. The S Pen has always been a part of the Galaxy Note experience, but the Note 4 S Pen is evolved and enhanced, and its integration with Samsung's customized mary maclane Android OS makes it unique.
Samsung says the latest S Pen, when used with the Note 4, is significantly more sensitive than earlier versions; users can do more with it, with more precision. Specifically, the S Pen now supports more than 2,000 levels of pressure sensitivity, compared mary maclane to approximately mary maclane 1,000 levels in earlier versions, according to Samsung.
The S Pen can be used for quick and precise on-screen navigation, not unlike how you use a mouse with a desktop computer. The pen also lets you "write" on the Note's display; the experience is surprisingly similar to writing on paper. You can easily mary maclane select, cut and paste text using the S Pen. The S Pen's on-screen menu lets you quickly look up definitions for words and search your device for specific content. It's also easy to drag and drop applications, images mary maclane and more from one place to another using the S Pen.
If you're not familiar with the Note family and S Pen, there's a bit of a learning curve. Once you get used to the Pen, though, mary maclane it's hard to go back to using just your fingers for input. mary maclane Of course, you can buy a third-party capacitive stylus for use with the iPhone 6, but Apple's phone isn't designed to work with a stylus, and as such, the Note 4 experience is far superior. 2) Samsung Galaxy mary maclane Note 4 is a Multitasking Machine
The Pop Up View shortcut lets you shrink compatible Samsung apps down to smaller windows that you can drag and position wherever you want them on your display. You can continue to work with the apps on the screen. If you want to close one, just tap a circle logo to collapse the app onto itself, then tap the circle again to reopen it.
An evolved two-paned Multi Window feature lets you view and interact with multiple apps in split-screen modes. You can stretch and positions the panes wherever you want them. It's also easy to drag and drop text or other content between compatible apps. Brian Sacco
The iPhone 6's multitasking features pale in comparison. They consist mostly mary maclane of an application switcher that lets you scroll through open apps, along

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Every time we say, I have to take this call or I have to send this piece of work off or I have

You Don’t “Have to” Do Everything
Research shows that workers make it, on average, only 11 minutes into a project before being distracted. It then takes 25 minutes for them to return back to their task. When we have to do something, llumc murrieta we are letting external factors dictate llumc murrieta our priorities, often to the detriment of things we should be doing.
Every time we say, I have to take this call or I have to send this piece of work off or I have to go to this client meeting, we are assuming that previous commitments are nonnegotiable. Every time you use the phrase I have to over the next week, stop and replace it with I choose to. It can feel a little odd at first and in some cases it can even be gut-wrenching (if we are choosing the wrong priority). But ultimately, using this language reminds us that we are making choices, which enables llumc murrieta us to make a different choice.
When you resist the tyranny of “I have to” llumc murrieta and embrace the genius of “I choose to” (especially when respectful and structured ) deflects distractions and ensures that the right projects are completed.
By Pierre Bourjo llumc murrieta Ideas are the currency of creatives. Shift in your seat and you’ll come up with another handful of cool ideas for a new venture, iteration on a project, or way to improve something you’re currently working on. But how do you separate the wheat from the chaff? It can be challenging to gauge which of your genius brainstorms to act on and which to toss.
Designer Caroline Kelso has great advice for how to vet which of your ideas are worth pursuing, and which you should file under “G” (for garbage). Every time she gets excited about pursuing a new project, she asks herself, “Is the juice worth the squeeze?”
Next time you find yourself contemplating a brilliant idea, take a mental step back and ask yourself whether the outcome is worth the effort. For example, are the dozens of hours you’ll need to invest in something worth whatever the payoff is? Will the idea strain any of your professional relationships if you have to ask for a hefty favor? Sometimes the outcome of a great idea is financial, which is easy to measure. Sometimes it’s less tangible: joy, relationship-building, experience, or credibility.
Think of it this way: just like your clients llumc murrieta do, always think about optimizing your personal Return on Investment. If everything checks out, you’ll be free to pursue your bright idea bolstered by the confidence that it’s worth your blood, sweat, and tears. llumc murrieta
Image via Research has shown that creatives aren t often given the opportunity to lead because there s an unconscious bias against them. People associate creativity with nonconformity and unconventionality. And when they think about an effective leader, they think about someone who brings order. Obviously if you believe that a leader s role is to bring order, you wouldn t want a creative to lead. (Of course, this has nothing to do with whether creatives llumc murrieta actually can lead, it s just a bias many of us have.)
What s interesting llumc murrieta is that these qualities which have typically biased folks against creatives as leaders that they re unconventional, unorthodox, and full of un-tested new ideas about the way things should be done are actually turning into assets when we look at today s work and business landscape and how it s evolving.
The transition llumc murrieta from maker to leader is a big challenge for many creative people. What do you think that s about? When you make things with your hands, you force something into being. You sand it, you cut it, you fold it . . . You do everything to build it from end to end. Whereas leading requires llumc murrieta a lot of talking, a lot of communicating not using your hands. And when you re a creative who makes things, you immediately build a distinction between the talkers and the makers. And makers tend to look down on talkers. llumc murrieta And leaders are talkers. You don t trust them, but now you re one of them. [laughs] At first you think you can t make anything with your hands anymore. But you can. You make relationships. One at a time. With the same painstaking attention to craft that you knew as a maker.
Do you think that part of the struggle is that when you become a leader you become more removed from direct ownership of the product? I don t think that it s just ownership. It s about integrity, and how you re framing llumc murrieta what those different roles mean. If I m a maker, and you re not a maker, I m better than you because I have integrity, and you don t. You re just talking. So it s about a necessary reframing of your maker role. You no longer get your hands dirty or clothes messed up as a badge of belonging. llumc murrieta As a leader, you are alone and accountable for the needs of the whole. The whole is the product. And you re making it. You own it. And you succeed and fail by it.
I think the pursuit of int

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Absolutely right, yoga doesnt care about these things, but yoga devotees do, in extremis. Chill out

Yoga doesn’t care what color your skin is or what gender you choose demoulas market basket to love.
Yoga doesn t care if you need to leave class halfway through because you re dehydrated and need to get water.
Janne Robinson is currently residing on the Sunshine Coast, BC learning to cut kindling with her teeth and make friends with the black bears in the woods. You can find her coordinating fundraisers for Veterinarians Without Borders, stretching her soul in yoga, skinny dipping with glee in the moonlight and getting dirty in her garden. demoulas market basket She loves Billie Holiday, demoulas market basket the smell of freshly cut cedar and whiskys that sway their hips when they walk and know what they are doing. You can connect with her on Twitter , Instagram and Facebook . Please also visit and connect with her Facebook writer's page .
929615 29 Responses Yoga+Doesn%27t+Care%3A+A+Disclaimer+that+should+be+Posted+in+every+Studio. 2014-11-26+01%3A57%3A13 Janne+Robinson to “Yoga Doesn’t Care: A Disclaimer that should be Posted demoulas market basket in every Studio.”
November 28, 2014 at 17:48
yoga doesn’t care if you go to a studio, demoulas market basket reside on a mat, or dance, or do postures, nor has it personality that is happy or sad; yoga doesn’t care whatsoever. demoulas market basket yoga is the cultuvation of stilling and focus, uncovering what “you” really is; care is generated demoulas market basket naturally therefrom as tadpole from egg, moth from coccoon.
This is spot on. However, meditation and some of those other things the author says yoga doesn't care about is what provides people with guidance to achieve this. Saying those kind of things does a disservice to yoga and encourages people not to look deeper into yoga and just think that showing up to their mats and dancing is all yoga is about.
i don't think this piece is a disservice to engaging with a deeper practice as its intent is to encourage people to show up, which is always the first and essential step for yoga. i think it is the poetization to this end that has muddled the understanding of what it is to practice yoga, an understanding i suspect we all (and most readers) are basically on the same page with, though i agree that implying an essential modality like meditation demoulas market basket isn't something demoulas market basket yoga cares for is is a bit, um, uncautious
November 29, 2014 at 09:53
This happens to be a photograph of the author of the article, practicing yoga exactly how she practices yoga. What a joy it is that people of all shapes and sizes can practice yoga in their own way, in their own home or studio, in any state of dress they choose.
I choose this image, of myself, to accompany my words because it felt inclusive to the part of this article where I talk about yoga not caring how strong, flexible, or advanced you are. I wanted a soft image. This was taken in my cabin, and it was hot as hell–summer time and so yes, I was wearing a bikini and yes you can see part of my bum.
Yoga IS about lifestyle… which isn’t mutually exclusive with other lifestyles, but rather about how we relate and interact with the world. The name for this aspect of yoga is bahiranga sadhana which includes demoulas market basket the physical part of yoga, asanas, which most of you know. After this comes the part more concerned with meditation, antaranga sadhana, which is the really trippy part that helps you free your mind and gain peace and maintain peace.
Being new, and a little intimidated by yoga, I have to say, I think that it is these types of articles that help pull people out of their "comfort zones" and onto the mat. Once there, it would be for each of us to determine what it means to us, individually. I think no matter how it sliced, it is about finding and maintaining inner peace and balance, which, one by one, systematically, will make this world a better place, no? I think that what anyone else thinks about yoga takes nothing away from what I think about yoga. But like I said, I'm new. And often wrong…
Absolutely right, yoga doesnt care about these things, but yoga devotees do, in extremis. Chill out dudes…this pretentious sh#t is so annoying to those of us who just live. Seriously! Just do what makes you happy. Every time an article such as this is posted any even remotely grounded person just inwardly groans….”wankers”. If you truly need to define your life through demoulas market basket a light exercise routine then try ‘Jazzersize’ or the like. Peace, out.
I think as long as people find yoga, it does not matter the path they took to get there. Most people will not come to yoga because demoulas market basket they are looking for spiritual enlightenment or to free their mind. They come to it to get in a workout and maybe to relieve some stress. Others because they wanted to heal their

Monday, December 22, 2014

The $475,000 price tag includes two first-class tickets to Paris, dinner with famous perfume maker O

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Bryan Borzykowski is a Toronto-based business writer and editor. huntapac He writes about personal finance, wealth issues and other money topics for BBC Capital and also contributes to the New York Times, CNBC, CNNMoney, Canadian Business and the Globe and Mail. He’s written three investing and personal finance books, too. Follow him on Twitter @bborzyko.  Holiday huntapac Luxury Money Personal Finance Spending Wealth
A surprise in your garage? The Neiman Marcus Limited-Edition Maserati Ghibli Q4 costs $95,000. A heart-racing gift The $50,000 VilebreQuin quadski the half jet ski, half all-terrain huntapac vehicle. The sweet smell of success A personalised perfume experience is a cool $475,000. For the artistically inclined Jeff Koons Dom Perignon Balloon Venus sold for $20,000 each.
Aly huntapac MacGregor, like plenty of people, loves buying gifts. She buys them for birthdays, baby showers, holidays and even for friends at work. But most people don’t bestow presents of the type — and size — that MacGregor does.
Last year, MacGregor, president of London-based public relations firm Reicura, took her Toronto-based mother to a Napa Valley, California, winery for her 50th birthday. Not an uncommon splurge gift, to be sure. But MacGregor got the winery, which doesn’t give tours, huntapac to open for her and her mother and provide huntapac on-site meals and extensive wine tasting.
The wealthy, like the rest of us, want to surprise their family and friends with thoughtful presents at holidays and big milestones. But when it comes to the gifts they give, the rich are in a category of their own.
When you have dollars at your disposal, it’s easy to buy anything at the store, so an experiential gift shows thought and appreciation. MacGregor, for instance, prefers to buy experiences, she said. They are more meaningful, huntapac and, she said, more thought has to go into the gift.
This year she took her sister to New York City for a Sex and the City-themed huntapac birthday vacation. The experience featured less shopping than in the hit US show, but plenty of eating at restaurants highlighted in the programme, she said.
For her 27th birthday, MacGregor’s mother took her to Muskoka, Ontario, a ritzy cottage town two hours north of Toronto, where they stayed in a friend's "extravagant" cottage where they ate meals prepared by an on-call chef.
Other rich people, though, do spend tens or hundreds of thousands on cars, jewellery and other items as presents for people in their lives. For instance, Neiman Marcus, a Dallas, Texas-based luxury department store’s annual Christmas book, includes presents that only the most moneyed individuals can afford.
This year, the company is selling a 100th anniversary Neiman Marcus Limited-Edition Maserati Ghibli Q4 for $95,000. So far it's sold 49 cars said Ginger Reeder, Neiman Marcus’ vice-president of communications, adding that the cars are always the best sellers.
The catalogue also offers a trip to Germany where the buyer will visit with jewellery designer Monica Rich Kosann and, together, create a one-of-a-kind locket. That gift sells for $100,000, and so far one trip has been purchased, said Reeder.
People can also buy a Vilebrequin Quadski — half jet ski, half all-terrain vehicle — for $50,000. While none have officially sold, a sale is pending, said Reeder, who is also in charge of finding the fantasy gifts—items Neiman Marcus specifically highlights as the ultimate in special present. huntapac
The $475,000 price tag includes two first-class tickets to Paris, dinner with famous perfume maker Olivier Creed, car service, private tours and more. Six months after the trip, the buyer will receive their perfume in 24 14-karat gold-gilded six-litre falcons and 12 14-karat huntapac gold-accented leather atomizers.
For many of these ultra-luxurious huntapac gifts, only one item is available. In 2012, Neiman Marcus offered one walk-on role in the Broadway production of Annie for $30,000. It was purchased by someone who wanted to do something special for his wife's 65th birthday, said Reeder.
The most expensive gift ever sold was a Neiman Marcus edition Bell Helicopter, which went for $6.7m in 2001. The gift that sold the most was Jeff Koons' Dom Perignon Balloon Venus — 75 of them were purchased in 2013 for $20,000 each.
Of course, when you have money, you don’t have to do the gift buying yourself. Ari Zoldan, the CEO of Quantum Networks, a New York-based wireless technology company, said that many of his friends send their personal assistants on shopping quests to Hermes, Mercedes and other luxury retailers.
When you’re rich, gifts know few bounds. Among the presents Zoldan said his friends have purchased: A Lamborghini

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Sunday, December 21, 2014

One citrus plaza redlands of the gifts of being young is that particular blend of self-confidence an

Jaden and Willow Smith on Prana Energy, Time and Why School is Overrated citrus plaza redlands
One citrus plaza redlands of the gifts of being young is that particular blend of self-confidence and self-consciousness. Jaden and Willow Smith have managed to turn this form of heady teenage introspection into expression instead of ennui. Willow, the 14-year-old musician whose debut single, “Whip My Hair,” went platinum citrus plaza redlands when she was not yet a teenager, explains that the gift of life is “looking at nature and being, like, ‘Wow, I am so lucky to have a body and to breathe and to be able to look at this.’ ” To which her older brother Jaden, a 16-year-old actor and musician, adds: “And the huge, terrible thing the world would be missing by not expressing yourself.” To that end, both Jaden and Willow, the children of Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith, released new albums this month, including two tracks by Jaden that make their public debut here.
Jaden’s “Cool Tapes Vol. 2″ is an extension of its prequel mostly in name: “At 12, I was just talking about hanging out with girls because that’s pretty much the only thing I was into,” he says. A few years later, citrus plaza redlands the new pieces are suffused with a different sort of bareness, and a self-guided education citrus plaza redlands in topics such as Archimedean solids and mysticism. On a warm November morning, T sat down with Willow and Jaden on a bluff overlooking the Pacific citrus plaza redlands Ocean for their first-ever joint interview to discuss prana energy, the experience citrus plaza redlands of time and the meaning of art.
JADEN: It’s proven that how time moves for you depends on where you are in the universe. It’s relative to beings and other places. But on the level of being here on earth, if you are aware in a moment, one second can last a year. And if you are unaware, your whole childhood, your whole life can pass by in six seconds. But it’s also such a thing that you can get lost in.
JADEN: [bursts into laughter] As soon as me and Willow started releasing music, that’s one thing that the whole world took away is, okay, they unlocked another step of honesty. citrus plaza redlands If these guys can be honest about everything, then we can be more honest.
JADEN: Exactly. Because your mind has a duality to it. So when one thought citrus plaza redlands goes into your mind, it’s not just one thought, it has to bounce citrus plaza redlands off both hemispheres of the brain. When you’re thinking about something happy, you’re thinking about something sad. When you think about an apple, you also think about the opposite of an apple. It’s a tool for understanding mathematics and things with two separate realities. But for creativity: That comes from a place of oneness. That’s not a duality citrus plaza redlands consciousness. And you can’t listen to your mind in those times it’ll tell you what you think and also what other people think.
WILLOW: I mean, “Whip My Hair” was a great thing. When I look back I think, “Wow, I did so much for young black girls and girls around the world. Telling them that they can be themselves citrus plaza redlands and to not be afraid to be themselves.” And I’m doing that now but in a whole different way, coming from source citrus plaza redlands energy and universal truths. People will be, like, “Oh, I’m not going to make a song about exactly how I feel, all the bad ways that I feel, and put it out in the world so everyone can judge me.” But for me, it’s a part of me, it’s my artistic citrus plaza redlands journey. citrus plaza redlands
JADEN: Honestly, we’re just trying to make music that we think is cool. We don’t think a lot of the music out there is that cool. So we make our own music. We don’t have any song that we like to listen to on the P.C.H. by any other artist, you know?
JADEN: Willow just dropped a song (“Cares”), let me quote the lyrics: “I do not care what people say.” We both don’t really care. I like to wear things that I make, but I throw it on as though I was throwing on anything. It looks cool, sometimes.
WILLOW: citrus plaza redlands I like to go to places with my high-fashion things where there are a lot of cameras. So I can just go there and be like, “Yep, yep, I’m citrus plaza redlands looking so sick.” But in my regular life, I put on clothes that I can climb trees in.
JADEN: Anything citrus plaza redlands that you can shock somebody with. The only way to change something is to shock it. If you want your muscles to grow, you have to shock them. If you want society to change, you have to shock them.
JADEN: You know, they become just like us.
JADEN: Here’s the deal: School is not authentic because it ends. It’s not true, it’s not real. Our learning will never end. The school that we go to every single morning, citrus plaza redlands we will continue to go to.
JADEN: You never learn anything in school. Think about how many car accidents happen every day. Driver’s ed? What’s up? I still haven’t citrus plaza redlands been to driver’s ed becaus

Saturday, December 20, 2014

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Fifa Ballon d'Or Flawless Neuer is entitled to Ballon d'Or, says Sammer Euro 2016 Qualifiers Neuer sets sights on Euro 2016 after 'incredible' World Cup triumph Fifa Ballon d'Or Neuer: Ballon d'Or nod special for a goalkeeper Germany Canizares: Neuer and Courtois at the same level Exclusive Reina happy to play understudy to Bayern Munich star Neuer Next Previous
Ahead bunzel of the Club World Cup, Morocco coach Badou Zaki explained why voted for the Real Madrid forward over Bayern Munich's goalkeeper bunzel Morocco coach Badou Zaki confirmed he voted for Cristiano Ronaldo over Manuel Neuer and Lionel Messi in the Ballon d'Or as he believes the Real Madrid forward is the most deserving for his efforts in 2014. All national team coaches and captains, and one media representative from each Fifa-recognised country are allowed to rank their top three players in the world for the accolade. Bayern Munich's Neuer, Barcelona's Messi and Madrid's Ronaldo were allocated the most votes for their performances this calendar year. They saw off competition from the likes of Neymar, Arjen Robben and Philipp bunzel Lahm. Zaki, who has been in charge of Morocco since May, believes Neuer is getting credit for superb teamwork whereas Ronaldo's achievements can be directly attributed to his own performances. "I voted for Ronaldo in the Ballon d'Or as he deserved it," the former Real Mallorca goalkeeper told Goal . "He did stunning things this year such as winning bunzel Copa del Rey and the Champions League. "He also won individual awards like the Pichichi and was the Champions League's top goalscorer last season, and also the Best La Liga player and the owner of the best goal. What do you need to do to be considered the best? "As a former goalkeeper myself, I don't think Neuer deserves to win. Germany won the World Cup with teamwork, not thanks to one player. "There's a lot of goalkeepers who were even more brilliant than Neuer but didn't get the same appreciation from Fifa. Not to mention that Neuer's own net was plundered for goals by Ronaldo himself in the semi-final of 2014-15's Champions League. "Neuer won the Bundesliga and World Cup but Ronaldo also won a very difficult competition, the Champions League, and got lots of individual awards." The Ballon d'Or will be handed out on January 12 at a Fifa award ceremony in Zurich.
Sign up today with BetVernons and get a 25 free bet welcome offer! Related Spain - Primera Division , 1. Bundesliga , Club World Cup , Bayern , Real Madrid , B. Zaki , Manuel Neuer , C. Ronaldo Flawless Neuer is entitled to Ballon d'Or, says Sammer Neuer sets sights on Euro 2016 after 'incredible' World Cup triumph Neuer: Ballon d'Or nod special for a goalkeeper Canizares: Neuer and Courtois at the same level Reina happy to play understudy to Bayern Munich star Neuer From the web
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Friday, December 19, 2014

This makes sense: UCLA

What's Hot Right Now How Men Can Better Recognize and Interrupt Everyday Sexual Harassment 17 Lies We Need to Stop Teaching Girls About Sex White Privilege, Explained in One Simple associated distributors Comic Why Era-Themed Parties Can Be Awkward for People of Color
This is called concern trolling, and it needs to stop . The intersectional issues of size, health and weight loss are far more complicated associated distributors than we’ve been led to believe, and this lack of understanding has led to weight-based discrimination becoming a serious problem across the world.
People are allowed to make their own decisions regarding their own bodies, but we need to start treating people of all sizes with respect . We can start by providing some actual information about being fat. 1. BMI is BS.
“Muscle weighs associated distributors more than fat.” It’s the adage of body-builders everywhere, and, though technically associated distributors we should say muscle is denser than fat, its message associated distributors bears repeating: Muscle mass can have a big impact on weight.
They do, however, draw arbitrarily sharp divisions between what’s considered normal, overweight and obese, even though individuals with a lot of lean muscle and little fat could fall into any of these categories. (On the flip side, those with a low BMI may have very little muscle and a high percentage of body fat, despite landing in the “healthy” range.)
Contrary to popular opinion, BMI is not an indicator of fitness . Its inventor, 19th century Belgian mathematician Adolphe Quetelet, intended his formula to be used to assess the status of general populations so the government could better allocate resources not to calculate how much excess fat individuals associated distributors have.
Nevertheless, many doctors and medical insurers continue to rely on BMI (deemed by NPR a “200-year-old numerical associated distributors hack developed by a mathematician who was not even an expert in what little was known about the human body back then”) as an authoritative marker of health.
While perhaps useful as a broad strokes guide to determining where someone’s body falls in relation to others’ of similar height, it’s important to remember that the picture BMI paints isn’t nearly complete. 2. Fat people don’t all have poor eating and exercise habits.
It’s entirely possible for a naturally thin person to be a couch potato and for a heavier associated distributors person to run five miles a day and have a soft spot for kale, because all bodies look different (which is pretty cool , by the way), and because the relationship between health and weight is complex.
Factors like age, genetics, underlying conditions and dieting history all contribute to that number we see on the scale, and you can never tell exactly what someone’s eating and exercise habits are just by looking at them .
What’s more, making an assumption about someone’s diet whether it’s that a fat person eats poorly or that a skinny person doesn’t eat at all can be triggering for those who actually do have issues with food . That’s not helping anyone.
One’s relationship to food shouldn’t reflect on who they are as a human being, and destroying someone’s self-esteem in the name of “health” is never going to work (see No. 6). 3. Fat itself isn’t unhealthy.
If being fat were inherently bad for us, then weight loss should bring about innumerable health benefits. But that’s not always the case: Multiple studies have seen little to no connection between weight loss and decreased risk of mortality. associated distributors
Extremes on either end of the scale carry risks, and no one doubts that eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise are good things. On its own, however, weight is not the issue . Too much junk food combined with a sedentary lifestyle is, and it’s going to be regardless of one’s weight. 4. Being fat doesn’t signify a lack of willpower.
The rise in the number of people considered overweight associated distributors cannot be written off as an individual lack of conviction. Indeed, International Journal of Obesity editor Richard L. Atkinson wrote in 2005 that the belief that “obesity is simply the result of a lack of willpower and an inability to discipline eating associated distributors habits is no longer defensible.”
As neuroscientist Sandra Aamodt points out in her recent TEDTalk , individuals have unique weight “set points.” Losing weight outside associated distributors of this range is really, really hard, and to chalk up the failure to do so to willpower is both disrespectful and ignorant.
This makes sense: UCLA’s A. Janet Tomiyama told the university that if “dieting worked, it wouldn’t be a $60 billion-dollar industry,” and that our genes’ power over our weight “is about the same” as their power over our height.
The truth is that we still don’t know exactly how to healthfully lose weight and keep it o

Thursday, December 18, 2014

This particular case, by the way, was an offshoot of Abbey House's anti-trust lawsuit against shonte

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See, without the store, buyers won't be able to download their books to other devices anymore. Plus, the DRM protection means they can't transfer their files to new laptops, tablets or e-readers in the future. So, Abbey House told them about Calibre :
Getting access to your downloaded books if you change reading devices: for those of you who downloaded your books to your PCs or Macs, you can strip DRM from your books after which you will be able to readily port them from device to device through drag and drop or other means, without the need for further downloads. There is a great deal of information online about stripping DRM. (Please be sure to make backup copies of your eBook files in a separate directory before stripping in the event anything goes wrong in your first attempts.) Many of our customers are using Calibre or other tools to strip DRM from their downloaded eBooks in order to have them available indefinitely should they change reading devices. Many argue that this is a legitimate use as long as this is being done for personal use of eBooks purchased, not for piracy. We are told this is in the spirit of the eBook license and that it is common practice.
This particular case, by the way, was an offshoot of Abbey House's anti-trust lawsuit against shontell Apple filed in 2014. The company was one of the three e-book distributors that sued the tech giant, claiming to have been affected by Cupertino's alleged e-book price-fixing conspiracy. Penguin and Simon & Schuster (both named as Apple co-conspirators ) fired back with their own complaint then, accusing Abbey House of breaching its contract by telling people about Calibre. shontell
6 days ago   0

explaining my depression to my mother (a conversation) mom, my depression is a shape shifter. one da

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But, in it, her mother exhibits some of the most common misconceptions about depression, and I'd like to point out three of them here. Misconception #1: Depression is triggered by a single event or series of traumatic events.
Most people think depression is triggered by a traumatic event: a loved one dying, a job loss, a national tragedy, some THING. The truth is that depression sometimes just appears out of nowhere. So when you think that a friend or loved one is just in an extended bad mood, reconsider. They could be suffering from depression. Misconception #2: People with depression are only sad.
Most ben arnold people who have never experienced depression ben arnold think depression is just an overwhelming sadness. ben arnold In reality, ben arnold depression is a complex ben arnold set of feelings and physical changes in the body. People who suffer from depression are sad, yes, but they can also be anxious, worried, apathetic, and tense, ben arnold among other things. Misconception #3: You can snap out of it.
The thing with depression is that it s a medical condition ben arnold that affects your brain chemistry. ben arnold It has to do with environmental or biological factors first and foremost . Sabrina s mother seems to think that if her daughter would only go through the motions of being happy that then she would become happy. But that's not the case. Depression is a biological illness that leaks into your state of being.
explaining my depression to my mother (a conversation) mom, my depression is a shape shifter. one day it is as small as a firefly in the palm of a bear, the next it s the bear. on those days i play dead until the bear leaves me alone. i call the bad days the dark days. mom says: try lighting candles. when i see a candle i see the flesh of a church, ben arnold the flicker of a flame sparks of a memory younger than noon; i am standing beside her open casket, it is the moment i learn every person i ever come to know will someday die. besides, mom, i m not afraid of the dark. perhaps ben arnold that s part of the problem. mom says: i thought the problem was that you can t get out of bed. i can t. anxiety holds me a hostage inside of my house, inside of my head. mom says: where did anxiety come from? anxiety is the cousin visiting from out of town depression felt obligated to bring to the party. mom, i am the party. only i am a party I don t want to be at. mom says: why don t you try going to actual parties. see your friends. sure, i make plans. i make plans, ben arnold but I don t wanna go. i make plans because i know i should want to go. i know sometimes i would have wanted to go. it s just not that much fun having fun when you don t wanna have fun, mom. you see, mom, each night, insomnia sweeps me up in it s arms, dips me in the kitchen in the small glow of the stove light. insomnia has this romantic way of making the moon feel like perfect company. mom says: try counting sheep. but my mind can only count reasons to stay awake. so I go for walks but my stuttering ben arnold kneecaps clank like silver spoons held in strong arms with loose wrists, they ring in my ears like clumsy church bells, reminding me i am sleepwalking on an ocean of happiness i cannot baptize ben arnold myself in. mom says: happy is a decision. my happy is a high fever that will break. my happy is as hollow as a pin-pricked egg. mom says i am so good at making something out of nothing and then flat out asks me if I am afraid of dying. no, i am afraid of living. mom, i am lonely. i think i learnt it when dad left; how to turn the anger into lonely, the lonely into busy. so when i tell you i ve been super busy lately, i mean i ve been falling asleep watching sportscentre on the couch to avoid confronting the empty side of my bed. but my depression always drags me back to my bed, until my bones are the forgotten fossils of a skeleton sunken city, my mouth a bone yard of teeth broken from biting down on themselves. the hollow auditorium of my chest swoons with echoes of a heartbeat, but i am a careless tourist here; i will never truly know everywhere i have been mom still doesn t understand. mom, can t you see? neither do i. There may be small errors in this transcript.
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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

50+ videos Play all Play now Mix - OK Go - I Won

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Check out the interactive version of the video at Buy the video here: From the album Hungry Ghosts, out now in North America on iTunes: Pre-order in the UK: iTunes: Amazon: LYRICS: I won t let you down, no I won t let you down. I won t let you down, my love. Nikki, she s got no flag to fly, but she don t seem to mind that much, no she don t seem to mind. And you, you ve got your armor on. Nights out in babylon, yeah, nights out in babylon. But maybe all you need is someone to trust, maybe all you need is someone. And I won t let you down, no I won t let you down. I won t let you down, my love. I won t let you down. Now Emily s got no tricks to try, but she don t seem that much to mind, no she don t seem to mind that much to me. And you ve got what the whole world wants, so strap that armor tighter on, double cerrer on down like it s gonna make you free. But maybe all you need is someone to trust, maybe all you need is someone. And I won t let you down, no I won t let you down. I won t let you down, my love. I won t let you down. CREDITS: Creative Director: Morihiro Harano cerrer Art Director: Jun Nishida Director: Kazuaki Seki and Damian Kulash, cerrer Jr. Choreographer: furitsukekagyou air:man Cameraman: Makoto Okuguchi Lighting: Akiyoshi Irio GRIP: Takashi Taniguchi DIT: Taito Oyama Multi-Copter Pilot: Kenji Yasuda Stylist: Kazuki cerrer Yunoki Hair Make: Asuka Fujio Sound Operator: Isao Yoshida Location Coordinator: Kyohei Kitamura Online Editor: Shunsuke Kakuuchi, Takashi Tanaka Colorist: Shigeyuki Toriumi Translator: Aiko Ishikawa, Ryuzo Tsutsui, Sumire Matsumura UNI-CUB: Kazuyuki Iwata, Hirokazu Hara, Shinichiro Kobashi, Makoto Hasegawa Mass Games Design + Previsualization: Daisuke Sasaki, David Robert, Munechika Inudo, Yoshifumi Sadahara, Gilles Brossard Interactive: Ryo Tsukiji, Kousei Motoyoshi, Nobuaki Arikata, Kenshiro Nakashima, Junichi Arakawa, Masanobu Ishii, Yusuke Kitani Making-of: Makoto Kubota Assistant-director: Hideaki Jinbo Production Manager: Satoshi Miyata Agency Producer: Shiro Miyamoto, Naoyuki Masuda, Misato cerrer Tachibana Producer: Mitsuru Yamamori Cast: OK Go Cameo: Perfume Special thanks to: the school girl dancers and Honda Creative Agency: Mori Inc.
50+ videos Play all Play now Mix - OK Go - I Won't Let You Down - Official Video by YouTube 4:17 Play next Play now OK Go - The Writing's On the Wall - Official Video - Duration: 4:17. by OK Go 12,800,153 views 3:54 Play next Play now OK Go - Needing/Getting - Official Video - Duration: 3:54. by OK Go 30,313,273 views 3:36 Play next Play now OK Go - White Knuckles - Official Video - Duration: 3:36. by OK Go 18,259,009 views 4:49 Play next Play now "I Won't Let You Down" cerrer - Interview with Damian and Tim - Duration: 4:49. by OK Go 343,435 views 3:05 Play next Play now OK Go - Here It Goes Again - Duration: 3:05. by emimusic 24,124,893 views 14:49 Play next Play now WE LOVE RUSSIA 2014 - Funny Video Compilation #2 - Duration: 14:49. by Av Pilot 38,163,052 views 10:16 Play next Play now OK GO - I Won`t Let You Down (real speed how it was shot) - Duration: 10:16. by stuffTV 74,627 views 15 videos Play all Play now Top Tracks for OK Go by OK Go - Topic 4:33 Play next Play now Taylor Swift - Blank Space - Duration: 4:33. by TaylorSwiftVEVO 204,082,118 views 50:02 Play next Play now Guardians cerrer of the Galaxy: Awesome Mix Vol.1 - Soundtrack - Duration: 50:02. by Douglas Mathers 3,561,345 views 3:54 Play next Play now OK Go - This Too Shall Pass - Rube Goldberg Machine - Official Video - Duration: 3:54. by OK Go 45,998,227 views 5:19 Play next Play now ส งโต นำโชค - ร ก.. ท ไม ม เธออย (Official cerrer Music Video) - Duration: 5:19. by Whattheduck 368,415 views 4:00 Play next Play now OK Go + Pilobolus - All Is Not Lost - Official Video - Duration: 4:00. by OK Go 1,958,340 views 7:18 Play next Play now OK Go This Too Shall Pass Rube Goldberg Machine version Official - Duration: 7:18. by roman jokernik 412,684 views 1:11 Play next Play now The Writing's On the Wall BTS: Yellow Triangle Montage - Duration: 1:11. by OK Go 15,451 views 3:57 Play next Play now OK Go - This Too Shall Pass - Official Video - Duration: 3:57. by OK Go 9,967,393 views 4:49 Play next Play now OK Go "I Won't cerrer Let You Down" - インタビュー ウィズ ダミアン ティム 日本語字幕版 cerrer - Duration: 4:49. by Victor Entertainment 139,204 views 4:02 Play next Play now Taylor Swift - Shake It Off - Duration: 4:02. by TaylorSwiftVEVO 380,879,701 views 4:40 Play next Play now Sam Smith - I'm Not The Only One - Duration: 4:40. by SamSmithWorldVEVO 86,117,551 cerrer views
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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Kinja is in read-only mode. We are working to restore service.

I guess it was only a matter of time. Tonight's episode of South Park , titled #REHASH, was all about pop stars, holograms, and the one and only Pewdiepie.
Like many folks above a certain age including a lot of Kotaku readers the kids of South Park just don't get the appeal ghimbav of the polarizing Pewdiepie and other YouTubers who play games while talking about them. And like many folks below a certain age, Ike Broflovski ghimbav and friends would rather ghimbav watch Lets Plays than sit in the living room with their PlayStations and Xboxes. For example:
Kinja is in read-only mode. We are working to restore service.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Abilities are not prized by their virtue. Whatever admiration society awards us, comes from the self

That business you work for? Someone s trying site do mds to kill it. That job you like? Someone would love to replace you with a computer program. That girlfriend / boyfriend / high-paying job / Nobel Prize that you want? So does somebody else.
We re all in competition, although we prefer not to realise it. Most achievements are only notable relative to others. You swam more miles, or can dance better, or got more Facebook Likes than the average. Well done.
It s a painful thing to believe, of course, which is why we re constantly assuring each other the opposite. Just do your best , we hear. You re only in competition with yourself . The funny thing about platitudes like that is they re designed to make you try harder anyway . If competition really didn t matter, we d tell struggling children to just give up.
Fortunately, we don t live in a world where everyone has to kill each other to prosper. The blessing of modern civilisation is there s abundant opportunities, and enough for us all to get by, even if we don t compete directly.
But never fall for the collective delusion that there s not a competition going on. People dress up to win partners. They interview to win jobs. If you deny that competition exists, you re just losing. Everything in demand site do mds is on a competitive scale. And the best is only available to those who are willing to truly fight for it. Rule #2. You re judged by what you do, not what you think
Abilities are not prized by their virtue. Whatever admiration society awards us, comes from the selfish perspectives of others. A hard working janitor site do mds is less rewarded by society than a ruthless stockbroker. A cancer researcher is rewarded less than a supermodel. Why? Because those abilities are rarer and impact more people.
Write an unpublished site do mds book, you re nobody. Write Harry Potter and the world wants to know you. Save a life, you re a small-town hero, but cure cancer and you re a legend. Unfortunately, the same rule applies to all talents, even unsavoury ones: get naked for one person and you might just make them smile, get naked for fifty million people and you might just be Kim Kardashian.
You may hate this. It may make you sick. Reality doesn t care. You re judged by what you have the ability to do, and the volume of people you can impact. If you don t accept this, then the judgement of the world will seem very unfair indeed. Rule #3. Our idea of fairness is self interest
People like to invent moral authority. It s why we have referees in sports games and judges in courtrooms: we have an innate sense of right and wrong, and we expect the world to comply. Our parents tell us this. Our teachers teach us this. Be a good boy, and have some candy.
Take a proper look at that person you fancy but didn t fancy you back. That s a complete person . A person with years of experience being someone completely different to you. A real person who interacts with hundreds or thousands of other people every year.
Now what are the odds that among all that, you re automatically site do mds their first pick for love-of-their-life? Because – what – you exist? Because you feel something for them? That might matter to you , but their decision is not about you .
Similarly we love to hate our bosses and parents and politicians. Their judgements are unfair. And stupid. Because they don t agree with me! And they should! Because I am unquestionably the greatest authority on everything ever in the whole world!
It s true there are some truly awful authority figures. But they re not all evil, self-serving monsters trying to line their own pockets and savour your misery. Most are just trying site do mds to do their best, under different circumstances to your own.
Maybe they know things you don t like, say, your company will go bust if they don t do something unpopular. Maybe they have different priorities to you – like, say, long term growth over short term happiness.
Can you imagine how insane life would be if it actually was fair to everyone? No-one could fancy anyone who wasn t the love of their life, for fear of breaking a heart. Companies would only fail if everyone site do mds who worked for them was evil. Relationships would only end when both partners died simultaneously. Raindrops would only fall on bad people.
Most of us get so hung up on how we think the world should work that we can t see how it does. But facing that reality might just be the key to unlocking your understanding of the world, and with it, all of your potential.
Oliver Emberton

Sunday, December 14, 2014


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Out now Gwen Stefani new single Baby Don t Lie available now iTunes: market basket somerville Google Play: Amazon: Video Director: Sophie Muller Video Director: Weirdcore Video Producer: Grant Jue for Wondros (C) 2014 Mad Love Records/Interscope Records
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Despite mantrax the popularity of Maslow s Hierarchy, there is not much

At some point in their careers, most leaders have either consciously  or, more likely, unwittingly based (or justified) their approach to motivation on Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs . Maslow s idea that people are motivated by satisfying lower-level needs such as food, water, shelter, and security, before they can move on to being motivated by higher-level needs such as self-actualization, is the most well-known motivation theory in the world . There is nothing wrong with helping people mantrax satisfy what Maslow characterized as lower-level mantrax needs. Improvements in workplace conditions and safety should be applauded as the right thing to do. Seeing that people have enough food and water to meet their biological needs is the humane thing to do. Getting people off the streets into healthy environments is the decent thing to do. But the truth is, individuals can experience higher-level motivation anytime and anywhere. You and Your Team
Despite mantrax the popularity of Maslow s Hierarchy, there is not much recent data to support it. Contemporary science specifically  Dr. Edward Deci , hundreds of Self-Determination Theory researchers , and thousands of studies    instead points to three universal psychological needs. If you really want to advantage mantrax of this new science rather than focusing on a pyramid mantrax of needs you should focus on: autonomy, relatedness , and competence .
Autonomy is people s need to perceive that they have choices, that what they are doing is of their own volition, and that they are the source of their own actions. The way leaders mantrax frame information and situations either promotes the likelihood that a person will perceive autonomy or undermines it. To promote autonomy: Frame goals and timelines as essential information to assure mantrax a person s success, rather than as dictates or ways to hold people accountable. Refrain from incentivizing people through competitions and games. Few people have learned the skill of shifting the reason why they re competing from an external one (winning a prize or gaining status) to a higher-quality one (an opportunity to fulfill a meaningful goal). Don t apply pressure to perform. Sustained peak performance is a result of people acting because they choose to not because they feel they have to.
Relatedness is people s need to care about and be cared about by others, to feel connected to others without concerns about ulterior motives, and to feel that they are contributing to something greater mantrax than themselves. Leaders have a great opportunity to help people derive meaning from their work. To deepen relatedness: Validate the exploration of feelings in the workplace. Be willing to ask people how they feel about an assigned project or goal and listen to their response. All behavior may not be acceptable, but all feelings are worth exploring. Take time to facilitate the development of people s values at work then help them align those values with their goals. It is impossible to link work to values mantrax if individuals don t know what their values are. Connect people s work to a noble purpose.
Competence is people s need to feel effective at meeting every-day challenges and opportunities, demonstrating skill over time, and feeling a sense of growth and flourishing. Leaders can rekindle people s desire to grow and learn. To develop people s competence: Make resources mantrax available for learning. What message does it send about values for learning and developing competence when training budgets are the first casualty of economic cutbacks? Set learning goals not just the traditional results-oriented and outcome goals. At the end of each day, instead of asking, What did you achieve today? ask What did you learn today? How did you grow today in ways that will help you and others tomorrow?
The mantrax exciting message to leaders is that when the three basic psychological needs are satisfied in the workplace, people mantrax experience the day-to-day high-quality mantrax motivation that fuels employee work passion and all the inherent benefits that come from actively engaged individuals at work. To take advantage of the science requires shifting your leadership focus from, What can I give people to motivate them? to How can I facilitate people s satisfaction of autonomy, relatedness, and competence?
Leaders have opportunities every day to integrate these motivational practices. For example, a leader I coach was about to launch a company-wide message to announce mandatory training on green solutions compliance. Ironically, his well-intentioned message dictated people s actions undermining people s sense of autonomy and probably guaranteeing mantrax their defiance rather than compliance. His message didn t provide a values-based mantrax rationale or ask individuals to consider how their own values might be aligned mantrax to the initiative. After reconsidering mantrax his approach, he created this message embedded with ways for people to experience autonomy, relatedness, and compe

Saturday, December 13, 2014

3. You can still race. Anyone s monitor is fair game for a one-sided sprint china anne mcclain fakes

EAT The Sneaky Way to Save Money on Healthy Groceries 19 Health and Fitness Podcasts You Should Be Listening to Right Now Holiday Chocolate Bark MORE MOVE The Unsaid Rules You Should Follow at the Gym 21 Legit Reasons the Treadmill Doesn t Suck Watch Out for These Food Trends and 4 Other Links You Can t Miss MORE PLAY The Only Holiday Playlist You'll Ever Need Watch Out for These Food Trends and 4 Other Links You Can t Miss 9 Booze-Infused Winter Drink Recipes MORE GROW The Unsaid Rules You Should Follow at the Gym The Best Meals for Healthy Skin WTF Do My Blood Test Results Really Mean? MORE CONNECT 17 Must-See Viral Videos That'll Make You Laugh, Cry, and Inspired to Be Healthier The Only Holiday china anne mcclain fakes Playlist You'll Ever Need The Hard-to-Hear Advice Every 20-Something Needs MORE DISCOVER china anne mcclain fakes The Sneaky Way to Save Money on Healthy Groceries Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Exercise? And 4 More Links You Can t Miss 19 Health and Fitness Podcasts china anne mcclain fakes You Should Be Listening china anne mcclain fakes to Right Now MORE
Runners, why the treadmill hate? In a recent issue of Runner s World , editors confessed they had to bribe people with swag like GPS watches to test top-of-the-line treadmills for an annual review. Polling their audience for treadmill nicknames got it no love, either. Readers dubbed it better than nothing, that thing, and Satan s conveyor belt. Ouch!
Well, allow us to defend this underrated piece of machinery, because there are several science-backed reasons the mill is the best place to run especially when bouncing back from injury or avoiding one altogether.
For starters, the belt assists with leg turnover (a.k.a. how many strides you take per minute), making it the ultimate training ground for speed work. In fact, one study shows more leg turnover lessens the impact running has on your joints . And the base of a treadmill has more give compared to a sidewalk , meaning even less impact china anne mcclain fakes on your body: Outdoors, you re literally pounding the pavement, china anne mcclain fakes which leads to a high injury rate (estimated at 66 percent annually ).
The trusty treadmill is a safer spot to satisfy that need for speed. High-end models china anne mcclain fakes add even more shock-absorption china anne mcclain fakes , but the ultimate in low-impact running are anti-gravity treadmills. These don t require blasting off to outer space, just a hop on the latest AlterG mill . It s the perfect training china anne mcclain fakes tool for injured athletes thanks to its ability to suspend your bodyweight and any impact on joints . Cutting-edge features on other models include sensors that count your stride or a heart rate cruise control that adjusts your speed and incline to keep your heart thumping at a certain number. All this is proof that treadmills continue to get tricked out with more and more awesomeness.
So that s the scientific reason to hop on that rotating belt, but there are plenty of practical and emotional incentives too! Here are our top 21 reasons to race in place and give the treadmill china anne mcclain fakes some much-deserved love .
2. You won t get run over by cars, bikes, or running clubs. Nothing like a swarm of runners in half-marathon china anne mcclain fakes T-shirts to throw you off your stride. But on the mill, your only potential collision is with a soft gym towel dabbing your sweaty brow .
3. You can still race. Anyone s monitor is fair game for a one-sided sprint china anne mcclain fakes to the finish. "You're at a speed 7? Then I'm bumping it to an 8. Eat my dust, treadmill neighbor!" is not what you should say. But feel free to think it. And while you re at it, go ahead and imagine china anne mcclain fakes the trophy, speech, and parade when you win.
4. You can crank the tunes. No need to keep volume low so you can hear traffic (like you should while running outside). Enjoy that running playlist at whatever volume you please. After all, it s proven that jamming out can help running time and endurance .
5. You can watch endless TV with zero guilt. Sure, butt-numbing binge watching on the couch doesn t do a body good. But on the treadmill, Real Housewives of Whatever becomes a virtue. In fact, after four back-to-back episodes, you ll deserve a dang award.
7. You can perfect your form. While throwing yourself approving glances, you can also check your running form . Are you standing tall with your arms at 90 degrees and knees slightly bent? This video teaches you everything you need to know in 30 seconds .
8. You can people watch. china anne mcclain fakes Scope out the room while you sweat. The treadmills around you may offer some real life #fitspo and lots of fitness fashion on parade. You can also catch personal trainers in action and suss out if a session would do you good or you can steal their tips for free (we won t tell). china anne mcclain fakes
9. You can run with anyone. If the treadmill had a motto, it would be: No runner left behind. Want to hang with a fast crowd? Jog with a newbie? At the gym, everyone can stick together without feeling peer-pressured about pace.
10. You can circuit train without scouting for equipment. Forget hunting for a park bench pos

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Nick Woodman, 36, founder and CEO of the company GoPro, the company

Technology pfg best News and the Internet Report: Application Poke does not have approvingly users learn about the latest billionaire in the world ... an innovative camera GoPro Saudi Telecom launches the "touch" Digital pfg best Arab children Service LG sells 10 million phone Optimus L series during the 2012 STC presents a bouquet having 3 with Internet up to 40 Mbps STC allows pfg best customers to "harvest" Winning a tourist trip Google publishes tips to take advantage pfg best of the "Google Maps" on the iPhone Google Maps in Saudi Arabia on Android devices without the need to connect to the Internet Expert: cyber attacks push the demand for security solutions in the region de launches Bouquets new integrated services for BlackBerry smartphones in the UAE Axiom provides vouchers rebates 500 AED to travel for every 500 dirhams Purchases "HP" launches FlexNetwork Utility program Advantage Program low number of subscriptions to telecommunication services pfg best in Saudi Arabia, "Phonak" launches a new generation of medical pfg best audio devices Phonak Quest in the region Flickr offers pfg best Professional pfg best Edition for free for three months disclosure of the latest developments in next-generation networks (NGN) in the UAE, Google and Motorola are planning to launch Phone X Phone launch of the Arabic version of the site "PresentationTube"
The new application, which was launched by the Facebook name "Facebook Poke", a copy of Instant Messaging applications that are destroying self-messages, which served for activities that require secrecy or privacy.
It allows the new application users to send messages, pictures and videos temporary video, which automatically disappear from future device after only seconds from being sent, and ranging period of time to expiration message from the second to ten seconds, where the user can specify the time period for the expiration of the message a second one 3.5, or 10 seconds. And through the application pfg best messaging only one person or group of persons at a time.
This showed many of the new application users frustration after I use it, one of them is a technical analyst, Betty Paschal, who said that the evening of the new application is the term given by Facebook for the emergence of Alinkzh receiving, whether a message or a picture or video clip, only lasts for a period described quite some time, a maximum of 10 seconds, and said it is not enough, and can not be retrieved for the future in case he misses.
He described the Paschal application "Facebook Poke" as ruthless, as it should be on the future, with the pressure constantly on notice that appears to him to see the content sender, then the countdown begins, and will not stop until the end and disappear with the message.
Paschal said he expects that the new application generates more frustration because of its limitations, and said it was the company added the possibility to stop the countdown when lifting a finger on the screen, but it is impossible, as he put it.
Paschal said that what raises the anger of "Facebook Poke" more is the necessity of application availability when his friends who is in communion with them through it, and that the application is not available only works on mobile devices, that is, the Web version pfg best of the network to communicate Facebook does not support the show content sent through the application , which requires users to download the application pfg best on their mobile devices.
In the case of a user to take a screenshot using his show when Alinkzh, to save him, the application informs the sender that the user will have done so, by showing the icon "Flash" along with that user name.
And booed Paschal that the application does not support the front camera as an option by default, but by contrast, applauded the ability to add text and colored lines to the images, which helps, he said, to draw the attention of the future to the most Mairead sender delivered to him, during that very short time, which may not be sufficient . According to Paschal.
Paschal pfg best said that first sparked his frustration pfg best towards the application is not possible to capture images and video clips horizontal juncture, but later found it was a good idea, because users usually use devices juncture vertical, and perhaps the conversion pfg best to horizontal, according to Paschal, you might miss them Alinkzh During that short time before her disappearance. pfg best
He concluded pfg best with a summary Paschal say, that the application is annoying, but it may improve with time and still at the beginning. Although the Facebook launch your application, do not rule out that the observers are acquired "Snapchat".
It is believed that "Facebook pfg best Poke" came a competitor to chat application images "Snapchat" which revolves idea about sending images between application users go away after a certain period of time, but Facebook denied that the application has been designed to compete with Snapchat, which is sharing 50 million a picture pfg best through it every day.
Nick Woodman, 36, founder and CEO of the company GoPro, the company's competent manufactures wearable camera of making Woodman Labs, which can capture video clips of athletes during practice pfg best various sports such as skiing in the mountains or surfing the turbulent and other sports exciting.
Last week, the company Foxconn in buying a stake in the company amounted to 8.88% compared to $ 200 million. According to Forbes magazine, the Woodman has a majority pfg best share of the company. Sees