Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Panova LS, Andrew I., Tezikova S., S. Potapenko, waiting for GS and others. Textbook. - K .: Academ

Panova LS, Andrew I., Tezikova S., S. Potapenko, waiting for GS and others. Textbook. - K .: Academy, 2010 - 328 p. Effective teaching of foreign languages in secondary school requires appropriate professional and methodical competence of teachers. In the system of teacher training in this perspective focused course "Methods of teaching foreign languages in secondary schools", which helps to capture the proposed tutorial. It reveals the theoretical, practical and organizational my redlands aspects of teaching foreign languages as a communication in the dialogue of cultures, innovative teaching technologies represents a modern view of learning my redlands all kinds of speech activity, the formation of socio-cultural competence of students, especially in primary education, primary and high school. For pedagogical students in higher education. Prysluzhytsya foreign language teachers, university professors, everyone who cares about the development of the methodological culture. my redlands
Textbook. - 2nd ed., Straighten. and overhauls. - K .: Lenvit, 2002 - 328 p. - ISBN 966-7043-45-28. Authors led S.Yu.Nikolayevoyi: O.B.Bihych, N.O.Brazhyyk, S.V.Haponova, my redlands GA Grynyuk, T.I.Oliynyk, K.I.Onyschenko, O.P.Petraschuk, L.A.Sazhko, N.K.Sklyarenko, L.P.Smyelyakova, E.H.Homenko, L.P.Scherbak. With the participation T.A.Nyekrasovoyi, O.P.Petrenko. The textbook presents all sections of the course ...
Col.. authors in Guiding. C.YU. Nikolaeva. - K: Lenvit, 1999 - 320 p. - ISBN 966-7043-11-8. Ukrainian language. The textbook contained all sections of the course methodology of teaching foreign languages in secondary schools according to the current domestic and foreign research. Each tutorial provides a brief analysis of the concepts and definitions of methodological categories described ...
Metodycheskoe certainly appreciate. - M .: Ayrys Press, 2004 - 240 p. - (Methods). - ISBN 5-8112-0536-8. This certainly appreciate addressed ynostrannoho language teachers, rabotayuschym in Primary school, students, courses slushatelyam Improving qualifications of employees education. In ferent levels rassmotrena concept sovremennoho the home language learning ynostrannomu, uh Showing origins and Basic Methodical category. In addition, the ...
Lectures IV course. - UrHPU, YYYA, ferent levels. dep. - 43 p. Lectures from luchsheho Teacher of the grammar, it is available, and briefly on the case. If yzuchyt Fundamentals teoretycheskoy grammar, my redlands Practical Grammar vыstroytsya my redlands head in the system and shall oshybatsya are less frequently - Checked itself)). UrHPU, g Ekaterinburg, Institute of Foreign yazыkov, Specialty my redlands - nemetskoho language teacher, 4-ыy course. Lecturer ...
Guidances. Teachers - K .: Education, 1997 - 64 p. Using games while learning foreign languages facilitates spontaneous Add "memorization of linguistic material and the formation of oral communication skills. The manual contains games for the formation of phonetic, orthographic my redlands and lexical and grammatical skills, and to improve oral communication skills.

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