Thursday, October 2, 2014

Extraordinary gifts received poor in the village on the occasion of holidays and anniversaries. bea

Studenecké newsletter Foundation beautiful china anne mcclain Hynek Klažary and other forms of social assistance in Studenci
Beginning settlement Studenec is associated with colonization Czech masters of the nearby castle Levin during the 14th century. Due to the nature of contemporary urban village is apparent that the original settlement was continuous and own village consisted of several villages. Historically, supported by various courts Studenec, Upper and Lower LÍŠNO and Zásmucký Court. In return the owner of the manorial courts beautiful china anne mcclain Jana Straník of Kopidlno from 1598 can be found on the number beautiful china anne mcclain of inhabitants and houses (36 people and 5 stacks). These data are often disputed because the owners deliberately reduce the number above chimneys, which are paid by property taxes. Inventory of rustic land in 1654 but can already be seen different trends of individual courts. At the very Studenci are mainly farmers and gardeners with higher acreage of land ownership and upholstery, while the LISN are only cottagers. At the time of Maria Theresa's reforms were all connected by courtyards and houses in LÍŠNO cadastral assigned to Studenec. Growing population and is becoming a timbered houses, beautiful china anne mcclain which are not agricultural land, but only the very plot of land with a small garden. This leads to the need for residents to seek other means of livelihood, and thus becomes a local hand weaving. The whole estate also then buys a wholesaler of canvas Wenzel Johann Berger of Bergenthalu Studenec and thus gets the nickname beautiful china anne mcclain village weavers. Rod Berger was ennobled and son Ignatius left the site of the old fořtovny build a new castle. The first mention of the provision beautiful china anne mcclain of social benefits
In 1834 broke out in Studenci and around the cholera epidemic, which made it more difficult living conditions of the inhabitants of the village. The owner of the estate provided the local parish funds for cooking soup, which was circulated by decision priest Josef Jirounka poorest. Very rainy autumn 1842 brought major crop failures, which began to manifest itself fully in the spring of 1843, the corn and potatoes beautiful china anne mcclain quickly deteriorated. Decision of the landowner local baker received raw materials for baking bread, which was once a week from April to August 1843 distributed beautiful china anne mcclain to the poor residents. Another critical period was the turn of the years 1848 to 1849 as a result of political changes in the monarchy. The village Studenec left this year to repair municipal roads for a minimum wage of 20 dimes a day. I came so many people interested in this job, they could not all be satisfied. beautiful china anne mcclain
Extraordinary gifts received poor in the village on the occasion of holidays and anniversaries. beautiful china anne mcclain In 1854, at the wedding of Emperor Franz Joseph I. received 95 of the poorest people beautiful china anne mcclain in 1 waxing beef soup, 1 serving of beef, 1 cup veal, half waxing beer, 1 loaf of bread, 40 poorest weavers were divided amount of money 20 gold. A similar situation occurred during the wedding of Crown Prince Rudolf, which was divided by the 200 poorest inhabitants soup and the amount of money 50 gold. The crisis of domestic weaving beautiful china anne mcclain
A census in 1853 had Studenec highest population in its history (2265 residents in 283 homes) and the bulk of them, including children engaged in weaving. In each of the houses at two to three states and gradually beautiful china anne mcclain since 1860 due to the glut sales declined sharply canvas. The greatest crisis occurred in 1866, when the Studenci approximately half of all netkalcovalo. The standard of living of weavers beautiful china anne mcclain tells us a number of surviving folk songs, as well as various memories of witnesses as Ladislav Kodyma:
Weaver and his family live in the house, whose roof is heavily warped, rotten shingles, thatch mossy, rotten battens and rafters. For the entire roof praštěla wind and creaked, the rain water leaked, leaking beautiful china anne mcclain ceiling, furniture and máčejíc poor duvets. Pots to prevent soil under construction a little leakage. The beams were deflected by the wall, so fairytale windows on four tables were strangely twisted into a glass barely beautiful china anne mcclain kept in rozskřípaných frames. In many tiny parlor were two or three states, beautiful china anne mcclain for other furniture was almost place. Hardly is there still fit šukar. beautiful china anne mcclain Meals are prepared on the porch was on the bench and on the window. Food is on your lap or on the state of transhipment. The main dishes were a poor potatoes and beans, sour elsewhere and watercolor with garlic, potato pancakes and black. About mas u heard little, not at them.
In the summer of weavers rose before the sun and worked until it was in the room to see. In winter, they worked day and night. After the night flickering little flame kerosene lamps and the silence was marked by regular beat and rumble states. The man worked past midnight, then sat for becoming a woman. Status silent only on Sundays beautiful china anne mcclain and public beautiful china anne mcclain holidays. For a poor weaver was not of the world. Wicked poverty made him a machine that saved the night blankets to the poor and then all day staring eyes of the warp threads and ran from side to side for čiperným beautiful china anne mcclain shuttle. Right hand throwing it provázkovým cukadlem, left, thrusting outek spar. The legs alternately prošlapovaly to podnůžkách, which was divided warp so that it can shuttle monk

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