Saturday, February 15, 2014

Part I: Ten of China

What separates the "old gnawing family" needed to save the United States - a blizzard moderate valentine's own brand building,
The establishment of modern enterprise management system,
Part I: Ten of China's most channels control agents wearing eagle race: Graduate swissaid Trader Related Links: Reporter Connection tingmei now want to use their brand to integrate salons resources for tingmei services. On the one hand tingmei to beauty salons to provide new equipment and service swissaid models Body guidance to help those who rely on slimming beauty salons to stay in business, project services to its slimming beauty from simple to eat, wear, body up, improve service grade, correspondingly also increased their prices charged. In addition tingmei can also put your own other brands of lingerie products, nutritional supplements sales in this channel, to obtain information about consumers from this channel. Tingmei not going to snatch the traditional beauty salons weight loss business, is icing on the cake rather than the looting, the idea did not become more salons tingmei HyperTerminal.
Chinese health care agents, innovation is the eternal theme
After 1998, with the approval of the national health care products strictly up operations swissaid have begun to regulate advertising, but the vast majority of consumers are becoming more rational. Thus, dealers began a big differentiation in the process most of the distribution swissaid are beginning to focus on OTC drugs, and the rest were started SOP, and some prescription drugs or medical devices do, while others towards other marketing areas.
The rest is that some continue to emerge and continue to be phased out small dealers. They circle fared a long time, but also learn to become fathers, "dominate" the dealer.
Now, medicine and health products marketing is increasingly dependent on professional consulting and planning company, but on the current situation of China, the majority of companies are planning no service positioning himself as a "universal" company. The results of the "universal" result is "everything pass, everything loose," unable to provide specialized services. To provide professional case planning swissaid for dealers only a few lizards and other teams, and like heroes, such as the pharmaceutical industry stronger planning services companies put focus on the large state-owned pharmaceutical companies.
Four way: word of mouth attention Xi'an supplier Federation, Taian agents federation, Hainan supplier Association, Association of Fuzhou supplier, Shantou City supermarket supplier association, Handan swissaid City Federation of agents, Federation of Shiyan City, Hubei agents, Federation Bengbu agents, Shijiazhuang Chamber of Commerce, Federation of Zhoukou City agencies, private business associations, Jilin Province, Lianyungang Agents Federation of Professional Committee of Nanchang swissaid Jaycees supply, Kunming Municipal Association of supply firms, Guizhou supplier Federation, Guangdong suppliers Union Preparatory Committee, Shenzhen supplier associations, Heilongjiang supplier associations, Harbin supplier industry associations, federations Panzhihua agents, Tianjin small for Cargo Association, Qingdao Agents Association of Preparatory Committee, Shenyang Institute of suppliers, Liaoning supplier selection activist associations initial evaluation: about 1,500 agents selected according to the selection criteria, and surveys;
Organizing committee invited.
industry influence and level of activity;
Food and Beverage Co., Ltd., Zhejiang, general manager of commercial sources. To buy the brand a way that Iraqi special swissaid forces to become the first in Zhejiang market selling liquor brands. "Brand marketing company" swissaid became Zhu Yueming first takeoff basis points. And now "commercial source model" has attracted wide attention, not only because of its control of regional markets and product operational capacity, but also because of its own brand building. He has positioned himself as investors and resource integration, investment companies, investors, investment brand, integration of industry and external resources, industry partners resources, especially lower-level agents of resources, in addition to Hangzhou set up their own base camp, but has passed Capital consolidation and other means will be extended to the successful model of Ningbo, Jinhua Zhejiang and Jiangsu province's more than a dozen cities.
Henan billion Star Industrial Group Co., Ltd.. Star billion Henan even surrounding region's largest liquor swissaid distributor. Supermarket chains, distribution systems, food and beverage companies, is a three-star bracket million profit carriage. With their own "Maotai", "Wuliangye", "alcoholic liquor", "Jian Nan Chun", "Luzhou", "GSK", "ancient" and a series of wines Henan Zhoukou area or the dealer's advantage, the establishment of a supermarket chains, with more than hypermarkets Tai, Cheng items, Handan City, Huaiyang, Xihua, Zhoukou other regions, and establish swissaid its own distribution center and shopping plaza. There are special hotel catering company to operate the system, not only to supply to other hotels, and he opened a hotel chain, this hotel is in complete control of the closed channel.
Guangdong Strong Wine Company Limited. The company is the largest in southern China Wuliangye partner in the business of liquor 16 years, the company's work with Wuliangye, grow together, has become swissaid a long-term strategic partnership Wuliangye Group. The company now has more than 300 dealers, mainly in Guangdong Province and Guangxi, Hainan, Shanghai, Beijing and other places. In 2002 the company became the national sales Wuliangye Group first series of wine and commissioned Wuliangye Wuliangye pandas wine production, the future will introduce more own brand of low-end wine. In 2003 the company received authorization Wuliangye Group, set up in Guangdong Wuliangye even eliminated 100 wholesalers, 100 +15000 marketing network project implementation plan to achieve the logistics network in three years, fully integrated information swissaid flow, capital flow. Currently Guangdong Strong Liquor swissaid and Wine Co., Ltd. has formed a group of chemical-based model.
Shanghai Spring-Enterprise Development Company Limited. Shanghai Chun-yu mainly engaged drinks, snack foods, the company's sales network covers the East China Wal-Mart, Tesco, Trust-Mart, Auchan, swissaid RT-Mart, Century Lianhua, nearly 200 international stores. As a dealer, Chun-yu did not simply product sales, swissaid but the use of advanced marketing concepts, along with manufacturers, active participation in the increasingly fierce market competition and product marketing system. As a fast moving consumer goods industry trade companies, Chun-yu company swissaid has a rich experience in the industry swissaid and combat effectiveness of the marketing team, representing swissaid more than 90% of its staff college education.
Core competence is the master source supplier factories, personnel, and other resources to be able to cross-system business, so "common good" is also a fundamental concept of our development. We provide funding, experience, training, swissaid help for the partners, to develop into a tree. More on the trees into a forest, and the forest more than the entire environment is like, when we pose in a forest with a terminal, with the cooperation of the manufacturers will be able to get the best conditions. Of course, this tree will grow commercial sources highest swissaid maximum, because the other trees are drawing nutrients from the mother swissaid tree tree we grow, they in turn will provide us with nutrients. Or rather, we are kind of like the forest people, the future queen after each tree species of the forest can make people benefit. After all, people can get kind of forest resources can not get every tree. This is a virtuous cycle!
From 1997, the wine class agents survive market environment is very harsh, and even can be described as tragic.
Insiders wine since the 1997 class agents swissaid conducted the survey found: in 1997 and has started to prosper after the agents, currently 95% had no direct contact. 95% of the consolidated results to find out about this through a variety of relationships that currently 60% of the wine is no longer doing the class distribution; 30%, although sales are still doing wine class, they are living swissaid a dismal day; the remaining 10% , of which 7% based on years of experience swissaid in the fight to break out, fairly stable financially; while only 3% of the agents are still in a state of sustainable development. In the investigation of the liquor agents after 2000 shows that 60% will be aborted in its infancy, is already talking about "wine" swissaid pale; 30% of agents believe that the difficult market environment, has no previous 1997 Agents have outbreaks and relaxed.
With the arrival of decisive force a buyer's market, highlighting the terminal, the terminal high marketing costs, have led many agents "daunting" dare "involved in the terminal"; channels to ease the pressure on the manufacturers have drastically cut level, a , the center of gravity sink agents, agents swissaid to encourage large distribution services directly to the terminal; the other hand, a large number of second installment sales minus, to more effective management. Agents drinks being "squeezed", regional sales and business getting smaller. In front of the regional giant oligarchy, small distributors, resellers weak capital capacity and marketing network, is bound to become a rolling tide of advancing broken swissaid splashing water.
While others began to break through the traditional wine dealer significance dealer category, brand operations into the role. They bought out by the regional distribution rights, or by way of cooperation with manufacturers to develop new brands, brand management marketing toward swissaid the road. They terminal-based swissaid food and beverage market, our products are also in high-end wine. These adhere to the "holding high-dozen" agents marketing strategy, not only to ensure that a single swissaid high-margin products, but also the wine into another level of brand marketing operations. In Hangzhou source, for example, by the success of Iraqi forces Principal brands operate within the regional market, has now firmly in control of the region's mid-range wine food terminal, and formed its own brand culture and brand operation mode.
Trend five: Transforming China's modernization of retail dealer has just started learning, competition is over, the sounds sad. In fact, even more sad is that this phenomenon seems to be in almost all of China's competitive industries are present. The crux of the problem lie? I think, excessive swissaid competition is superficial, the problem is that our businesses swissaid are small, low-tech. For dealers engaged in the distribution business, the similar problem also exists. The wine distributors in the past is almost synonymous with the porters. In recent years, despite the improvement, the fundamental position has not changed. Especially in the distribution of preferences manufacturers intensified case-scale retailers expanding, swissaid restructuring and upgrading its inevitable swissaid way.
Modern enterprises are moving to "brand" as a link in the "enterprise systems" direction. The "enterprise system" proposed, that is, in theory, require dealers will serve as a link in the development of enterprises is an important component. Dealer product no longer just earn "spread" of intermediate links, and manufacturers are no longer just the relationship between the so-called partners, and enterprise development should be an integral part of the session, swissaid deeper integration into the development of enterprises Among strategies. Suntime wine this year to carry out professional marketing staff training, is one from the enterprise's swissaid management to employees at all levels has been to the dealer, swissaid as well as in-store promotions throughout every aspect of the training swissaid system. We provide training to dealers and to the internal exactly the same.
First, in the management system, currently many large dealers are beginning to introduce swissaid "professional managers", with scientific management to replace the previous "human" of the system; In philosophy, dealers pay more attention to corporate reputation, consciously shaping corporate image , take the "brand" development path; while more emphasis on "joint and innovation", which includes the joint integration of upstream and downstream resources, integrating swissaid all aspects of talents, swissaid as well as the transformation model innovation and exploration and so on. Again, these super wine distributors swissaid will also introduce the concept of joint development, to seek scientific and advanced management software support. Drinks such as Carrefour suppliers need to adapt the software to support the management of Carrefour, Coca-Cola distributor must adapt as the butt "101" management system software. When turnover reached hundreds of millions, even billions or even billions of times, these management software has become the development of upstream and downstream synergies necessary conditions. Finally, dealers will focus on culture and the "soft environment" of the enterprise. Business development and growth, require dealers on the quality of personnel and internal management level must have a qualitative improvement, and the corporate culture will become the cornerstone of a strong distributor of brand building.
"Brand" image project is not only agents, swissaid sensibilities, and more agents should be included in the development of strategic planning, swissaid causing agents have enough attention. At present, some wine distributors only spending a year in personnel training will reach about 5 million, but the brand is planning a clunker. On the one hand is too little to learn from the model; hand, the entire wine industry in this area concerns the power of professional services rarely, agents can not get a more professional force supporting the "brand" and other "soft aspects" of the building .
Chinese vice-president of the Institute of Business Economics expert re-evaluation: The group of experts and industry opinion survey carried out 100 large list of agents determined;
Bowens wholesale center swissaid star brands: Ningxia Red wolfberry wine sales regions: Zhejiang province, Jinhua main sales regions: sales area in Shaanxi Province: Henan Beijing:
Sales Area: Beijing, Chengdu, Sichuan Jincheng Grand rum Chengdu Century Wine Company swissaid Wine Star Brand: puree liquor Maotai Town proxy areas: alcoholic star brands: Sanlu annual turnover: more than 100 million sales region: Maryland region star brand: Blue Ribbon beer, wine food Co., Ltd., Shijiazhuang Semba annual turnover: 50 million years turnover: more than 100 million sales region: Liaoning Annual turnover: 50 million reviews swissaid IMPORTANT: wary of false winning information |
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