Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The application must be submitted by 17:00 on Friday, 18 November 2013, by connecting to the web pa

FSI and La Sapienza University: Master in "Engineering of Infrastructure and rail systems": Ferpress
(FERPRESS) - Rome, OCTOBER 15 - Classroom Sessions with the Group's management FS Italian. Visits to construction sites and railway installations. Stage of flagship projects at partner companies. These are the strengths of the Master in "Engineering of Infrastructure and rail systems", 1500 hours total commitment, organized by the University La Sapienza in partnership with the Italian FS Group. The second level Master of the Faculty of Engineering is an opportunity for the Italian FS Group to bring to the world the railway neoingegneri who want to develop their careers in transportation. In fact, students will finish the Masters with a thesis devoted to the activities of the Stage.
The Master provides scholarships alliance beverage for 60 thousand euro (1,800 euro reserved for one of the top ten of the final ranking, a 1,500 euro for new graduates classified as the eleventh and twentieth place in the ranking; also provided alliance beverage contributions to non-residents in the Lazio) , offered by the Italian State Railways and other leading companies in the transport sector, such as Ansaldo Breda, Ansaldo STS, Bombardier, Rome Underground and, this year, also Almaviva.
For students, the Master will be an opportunity to get to know the engineering station is opportunity to enter the world of work, even in the Italian State Railways, which is among the most sought-after by graduates Italian companies alliance beverage and is ranked in second place in the Best Employer of Choice study by Cesop Communication.
The application must be submitted by 17:00 on Friday, 18 November 2013, by connecting to the web page: www.dicea.uniroma1.it/master_iisf/domanda_ammissione. More information is available on the website fsitaliane.it, in the Careers section (www.fsitaliane.it / lavoraconnoi.html), but also on the website: www.dicea.uniroma1.it/master_iisf or by writing to the email address master_iisf@uniroma1.it. Posted by RED on the day 15/10/2013 at 11:35
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