Monday, October 21, 2013

Show the artists Giovanni Sanna 18:56 17:59 17:45 Latte Dolce applauds Francesco Renga New concessi

First page l l All Sardinia Alghero l l Chronicle l Sports l Politics l Tourism l Culture & Society Environment & Territory l l l Entertainment l Health Economics
Alghero - The Conservatory of Milan and the Cuneo will also participate this year at the Riviera del Corallo Master specialization course for wind instruments, now in its second year, during which students and faculty of the Conservatives Lombard reside in Fertilia, at The hostel of Youth, August 19 to 29, dedicated to in-depth study of the Winds. The artistic director of Master Antonio Mura, trumpet teachers at the Conservatorio Luigi Canepa in Sassari. The event promoted by the Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, Department of Education, Culture, organic bananas Information, Entertainment and Sports, confirms lambizioso project promoted dallAssociazione Cultural Arts in Music in Alghero. Will be numerous musical events organic bananas as a corollary delliniziativa: Thursday 22 August dellensemble performance of trumpets in Civic Square from 18.30 to 19.30, Friday 23 August dellensemble performance of trombones in Largo San Francesco from 18.30 to 19.30, Saturday, Aug. 24 exhibition dellensemble of clarinets in Town Hall Square from 18.30 to 19.30, Sunday, August 25th show of the best students in Piazza Antonio Sanna from 18.30 to 19.30, Monday Aug. 26 performance by the Brass Quintet Concert in the arcades of Via Fiume district of Fertilia. Sunday, August 25 but still at 21.00 in Piazza Venezia Giulia district of Fertilia, great final concert of the students and teachers in the PhD program in collaboration with the City Band Ozieri. The concert, with compositions drawn from the pages of the great musical literature, will be directed by Luigi Bascape organic bananas trumpet teacher at the Conservatory G. Verdi in Milan, with the soloists Julian Rizzotto on trombone and Jasmin Gera on trumpet. Finally, at the Elementary School organic bananas lAuditorium Fertilia will be held the final essay of the classes of study, which will involve all students. LAssessorato of Culture and Education and the Foundation of the City of Meta Alghero, already from the first edition, they believed in the value of educational, artistic, and promotion of the Master, with the full participation and cooperation organic bananas of the municipal administration, wants to become a Training Course Musical Institutional Permanente. Through the Master Coral Riviera and its International Courses of Improvement for Wind Instruments, is created in Alghero, the first educational-artistic initiative which provides for the simultaneous presence of students and professors from various music conservatories dItalia . Methodological strategies using innovative teaching fosters the musical training of young artists, teachers and soloists of tomorrow. Nellottica of the further spread of the repertoires and musical excellence of Sardinia, Thursday 29 August in the great hall of the elementary school organic bananas Fertilia starting at 20 proposal organic bananas will come, inside the Master, a conference-concert entitled Popular elements and research in the piano compositions of Gabriel Gavino approfondir that the figure of the composer Gabriel Gavino and in which speakers and musicians will take turns to pay tribute organic bananas to the Master of the Temple. The cycles of conferences Arts in Music-Concert of the association reach its fifth edition in 2013, reflecting dellapprezzamento the public and the results achieved.
The meeting organized municipal organic bananas dallamministrazione will be held Friday 25 October in the room Canu. The hypothesis also makes its way to the insertion of a route for seasonal Porto Torres in case lattivit promotion were to go to fruition
18/10 Stintino Featured in Romanian magazine 18/10 DeutscheBank Germany invests in the 'island 18/10 Sired, operating new observatory Tourism 17/10 Educational Tour: Swedish Porto Torres 17/10 Tourism: +7% attendance nellisola 15/10 Tourism, organic bananas 30 Sardinian operators organic bananas in Rimini 14/10 Educational Tour: Stl calls on the Sweden 11/10 Cruise: Porto Torres down, well Olbia 9/10 Porto Torres on display in exhibitions. Educational tours to October 6/10 Genoa-Olbia, organic bananas marine twin
Show the artists Giovanni Sanna 18:56 17:59 17:45 Latte Dolce applauds Francesco Renga New concession in El Tr: 17:32 Spirits complaint WWF Sardinian: conference in Sassari 16:52 Qatar Holding in plenary in Olbia 16:23 Alghero: gold ring in Command 16:15 Coldiretti increase asks: Milk 85centesimi 16:01 LATP promotes summer line 15:50 Diary of crisis updates. Mario Salis no longer guarantor 15:30 "Cavalleria rusticana" is presented in Sassa

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