Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Recent shamrock foods Comments Michael to record

Meeting ADRA workers EAD | Church of Seventh-day Adventist in Russia and CIS | Euro-Asia Division
For the event arrived in Tbilisi, the newly elected director of ADRA EAD Vladimir Tkachuk, his predecessor Heribert Muller and Ana Emrich shamrock foods from ADRA Germany, which was invited to the workshop. Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Russia and the three South Caucasus countries was attended by representatives shamrock foods of the organization.
- I studied in England, the international economy and the organization of production. ADRA Germany in charge of the project "Children helping shamrock foods children", collecting Christmas parcels and distributing them in other countries. This work includes meetings with students, we are encouraged to share with those who are at a lower social level. In parallel, we are working with many organizations shamrock foods and individuals engaged in raising funds for the project.
- This training is intended to help local office ADRA not financially, shamrock foods that we can not afford, but to improve the effectiveness of their actions in the public sphere. We want to ADRA as an organization has achieved fame, and since in this work we act together with the Church, this leads to the fact that the latter can express themselves.
- Participants of the seminar shamrock foods showed great interest, asking many questions and showing a healthy interest. We also discussed shamrock foods about how to carry out their terms goals. Talked about the challenges faced, looking for their solutions. We talked about the strengths and weaknesses of the work in different countries, their specifics. We have seen that the present there are many ideas that can be implemented with a small number of funds.
ADRA workers also said goodbye to Heribert Muller, who concluded by saying: "I am very happy to be back in this region of our division. In my heart there is always a place for the South Caucasus countries. Very nice to see that the ADRA in this area is a tool for achieving the people who are in need of both physical and spiritual. I wish the Lord to bless the work that is done here and everyone's efforts in carrying out its mission of Christ. God bless you. "
Who says, 'I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? And we have from him this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother. - 1-e John 4: 20-21
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