Monday, January 12, 2015

Adventist News Network US Supreme Court to hear oral argument on religious signage, content discrim

ADRA provides assistance to victims of the earthquake in Guatemala | Church of Seventh-day Adventist in Russia and CIS | Euro-Asia Division
Abilio Cima, treasurer of the Adventist Church autoliv brasov in Guatemala, together with the people who lost their families during the earthquake. Survivors were provided with financial assistance to attend the funeral of close. (Photo: Archives Unión Guatemala)
Seventh-day Adventist Church in Guatemala mourns the loss of five members of the church, including the elders of the church during the earthquake 7.2 points, which happened autoliv brasov last week in the west. The number of victims at the moment is 52 people, was destroyed more than 2,600 homes.
"We deeply mourn together with the families autoliv brasov who lost their loved ones, including some of our church leaders" - expressed his condolences Genter Garcia, head of the church in Guatemala.
Witnesses said that Juan Perez Lopez senior presbyter of the Adventist Church in Tupokse in Concepcion Chikurichapa, along with his father Guillermo recruited sand in his truck in the province of Quetzaltenango from one mountain, November 7 when an earthquake.
As a result, a landslide buried alive Juan and his father. Perez brother Augusto, two church members and others tried to dig them out, when suddenly followed by a second push of the earthquake, autoliv brasov causing another landslide autoliv brasov killed everyone, including lifeguards.
Abilio Cima, treasurer autoliv brasov of the church in Guatemala, visited the affected families and later took part in the funeral of members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Tupokse. He says that despite the sorrow befell the members of the church have not lost hope.
Kevin Peris, 18, who lost his father and grandfather, will now take care of his four younger brothers. "We are not alone, we have a large Adventist family, and it is as if God himself was among us, and supported and comforted us," - said Kevin.
Representatives of the National Guard and volunteers help ADRA packaging beans and other foods in packages that will be distributed to the most affected areas in San Marcos and Quetzaltenango province in Guatemala. (Photo: Gustavo Menendez)
The National Commission for Disaster Reduction (CONRED) reports that during this earthquake affected more than 1.2 million. People over 12 000 houses were destroyed in whole or in part, about 18 700 people were evacuated and more than 6,200 are located in 64 homes of refuge. Adventist autoliv brasov rescue teams assisted in the initial assessment of the damage.
The Adventist Development and Relief Service (ADRA) in Guatemala has already provided basic needs of 560 families with funds provided by the International Organization ADRA and ADRA Inter-American territory, autoliv brasov said Gustavo Menendez, director of ADRA in Guatemala.
The National Guard of Guatemala joined forces to deliver two trucks with food in ADRA, which are many Adventist church members volunteers have already started to distribute to victims, said Menendez.
For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus; all of you who were baptized into Christ, have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile; there is neither bond nor free; there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. - Galatians 3: 26-28
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