Saturday, September 20, 2014

If left untreated, diabetes can lead to serious three tier system complications. Mainly affects the

Important questions about diabetes
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To date, registered 1.3 million. Ukrainians diabetics. Dangerous than the disease? How does it manifest itself? And what to do to diagnose it in time and avoid the development of dangerous complications? These and many other questions you can find the answers three tier system in this article.
Diabetes - a disease in which increased levels of sugar in the blood. Major role in the transformation of dietary sugar plays the hormone insulin. He is responsible for the absorption of sugar by body tissues and its transformation into energy. In diabetes type 1 due to hereditary or any external factors break down the so-called beta cells in the pancreas that regulate three tier system the production of insulin. Due to the absence or lack of insulin cells can not get glucose from the blood - energy metabolism is disturbed.
In diabetes type 2 pancreas produces enough insulin, but the body's tissues lose their sensitivity to it. So, again refuse to absorb glucose. Thus, the glucose remains in the blood, and its level gradually increases ...
Among the main factors causing the development of diabetes, - genetic predisposition, obesity, hypertension and other cardiovascular disease, age over 40 years, three tier system sedentary lifestyle and smoking. If you are at risk, every 6-12 months, check your blood sugar levels. This will identify the disease in its early stages of development.
If left untreated, diabetes can lead to serious three tier system complications. Mainly affects the blood vessels of various organs and nerve fibers. Increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, neurological abnormalities, three tier system visual impairment, gangrene.
The only way to detect diabetes in time - to regularly check your blood sugar levels (in the lab or at home using a glucometer). Elevated levels of sugar, consult a doctor for further examination. If, however, will be revealed three tier system diabetes, do not despair. With proper treatment, it can be mild decades of stage, requiring a patient to adherence. Regardless of the stage of diabetes need to maintain normal blood sugar levels. To do this, limit fat and sweet and correct way of life. It is important to take hypoglycemic agents or insulin injections. Diabetes - not a sentence, it is quite possible to live a full life.
Helpful Hints: Measure the waist circumference. As you already know, one of the major factors causing the development of diabetes (and heart disease!) - Is overweight. By simple calculation, we know you walk you are at risk or not. Wrap around your waist measuring tape so that it is positioned at the level of the navel. Do not get too tight to pull centimeter. The risk increases with the volume of the waist in women greater than 80 cm, and men - more than 94 cm. It's not candy. In fact, the main cause of diabetes - this is not love for sweets and weight. It does not matter, as a result, he appeared three tier system - from cakes or chops. However, a large number of "fast" carbohydrates inevitably leads to weight gain. Therefore, they should be restricted.
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