Thursday, September 18, 2014

Contact Information Affiliate Program Blog

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Working as a team of marketers often have to respond to these 5 critical issues with respect to reviews prophet 21 and recommendations. However, these questions are not always easy and it requires a fairly detailed answers. Let's look at these questions and voiced their answers.
Yes. This question can be answered in the affirmative with confidence. According to statistics, with the number of reviews of the product from one to 15 and the number of stars rating from 3.5 to 4.5, the growth of sales increased by 9-56%. We must also note that the percentage of growth of purchases also depends on the product category. For example, sales of cosmetics are more dependent on the amount of positive reviews than sales of bed linen and toiletries. However, in any case, the more positive reviews left on this product, the greater the number of sales you can count. The higher the rating the restaurant, the more likely to attract more visitors.
Unfortunately, the answer unequivocally, 10, 20 or 50 reviews impossible. Such figures are not. The truth is that orders will continue prophet 21 to grow with the number of reviews. What is the necessary number prophet 21 of recommendations to get into the "zone of influence" on the consumer? This figure also varies from 5 to 25 reviews depending on the product category.
The million dollar question! However, as in the previous question, to give a specific figure is unrealistic. It all depends on what products you are selling. Hence, the call price depends on the price of goods? Yes. Let's think about it. Could it be tantamount to a review of the TV, the price of 300 dollars, and shapmune, cost $ 5? Proschityvaya price reviews so you will need to calculate the income that you can get from the consumer for each item of a particular category, and divide that number by the number prophet 21 of reviews of the same category. Easier said than done. However, it is precisely this formula leads us to the true answer to the question about the price reviews. Price reviews - this is your income derived from viewing abandoned recommendations.
The most effective way is the message interactions via email. This message is sent immediately after the user makes a purchase on the site and are asked to leave your own review on this product. In practice, 54% of comments prophet 21 received in this way.
Yes. Another popular way is to syndication. Not all reviews must be submitted to your site. Sometimes the reviews written on the company's prophet 21 website or online retailer, prophet 21 where they can be combined into syndicates and thus affect the number of reviews on your site.
Another way to get newer reviews - send your customers email-newsletter with a short presentation about the new product and ask them to leave your review. So you not only increase the number of recommendations on the site, but also be able to put these products prophet 21 on your website with ready reviews.
Reviews and advertising: What is more beneficial?
Contact Information Affiliate Program Blog

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