Friday, November 8, 2013

Ufu.6 Rev. 8,9

1. John's own disciple whom Jesus loved, prophet (Rev. 22:9 And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book. Worship God.) Leader of the churches of Asia Minor (Rev. 2-3) one of the original t&t supermarket toronto disciples of the Lord Jesus. t&t supermarket toronto Read Revelation. 1:4, John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne; 1:9 I John, your brother and who share with you in the suffering and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and the testimony of Jesus. t&t supermarket toronto Revelation. John 22:8 I am the one who heard and saw these things. t&t supermarket toronto And when I heard and kuayona I fell at the feet of the angel who showed me these things.
Folklore t&t supermarket toronto says that John lived at Ephesus in charge of 7 churches of Asia Minor and then was exiled to the island t&t supermarket toronto of Patmos, t&t supermarket toronto working in the quarry mines there.
2. For 30 years since the first king of Rome church begin to bore you spread Christianity. Finally King Nero saw the difference between the Jewish religion and Christianity. So Kiyahadi religion, it was up to government, state Christianity undisclosed until the time of King Constantine (306-337 AD).
3. John was sent to Patmos during the reign of Domitian (94-95 AD). After the death of Domitian t&t supermarket toronto (AD 96) was allowed by the king Trajan is said to be coming back to Ephesus and there he wrote the book of Revelation. Many professional literature have yet to be convinced this book was written on the island of Patmos.
These notes began in theological school of Alexandria, and explains that this book is deep mysteries of spirituality. t&t supermarket toronto No unusual event occurred or will occur, t&t supermarket toronto but Revelation is symbolic and mfambo difficult things spiritual. It is a picture of the spiritual battle between good and evil in the spiritual world.
These aspects t&t supermarket toronto of Revelation is a record t&t supermarket toronto of what yalishatokea in Church history, especially the doors of 5-11 z is said to be the true church victory against the Jewish religion (Judaism). Suffering main nadhiki t&t supermarket toronto say is what Nero and Domitian and the book were completed during Constantine, AD 312.
This revelation is considered to be the total number of church history and its fulfillment is Jesus coming again. Joakim, Katoriki church scholar, who began this theory and it revolves around the Holy Father as the beast of Revelation Chapter 13.
In this theory all events from Revelation door 4, are considered to be happening later, however completely normal, real, just as Revelation says. Trust also that there will be a rapture before the tribulation. This theory is accepted by many.
Some examples t&t supermarket toronto and symbols in Revelation should be considered as belonging to the other except as they are zifasiliwe accordance with its meaning elsewhere in the literature. Number subservient often times 7 = 54 (Perfection)
- A false prophet.
1. Take every word as meaning suggests, until the event that the word lines compared with the original words and the inafuaa, does not mean inayeeleweka. In the search of biblical interpretation inspired by the writings of the Bible.
c. It's in the past, present, future, Rev. 1:19, write these things which thou hast seen, and the present, and what will be after that.
Ufu.6 Rev. 8,9

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